Is this really a Game?!-Chapter 54 Back In The Black Forest

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Reign and the others move through the forest quickly, with their current strength they didn't need to fear any enemies that the newbie forest had, it was only when they arrived at the deep forest that they slowed down and moved more carefully, the deep forest didn't have a lot of dangers for them but wasting time and fighting smaller groups here wouldn't be beneficial to them, the faster they arrive at the black forest the better.

(I have 10 unused attribute points, maybe it's time to finally put them to use, my agility is 38 so I'm definitely leveling it up to 40, after all every 10 levels the attributes go through a change and the difference between having 39 points and 40 is much bigger than 1, with 8 points left I could increase either my strength or spirit to 40, hmm, what should I choose?)

[ Invest 2 free attribute points in agility?]

[ Yes / No ]

Reign increased his agility to 40 and immediately felt the effects, his steps were lighter and now he would unconsciously plant his feet at a right angle every time he would touch the ground, uneven footing obstructed his movement less and the stamina consumption while running was lower. The increase to 40 was an even bigger difference than he thought.

(So, 40 points in strength would probably allow me to waste less energy while attacking and using my muscles, increasing my attacking power while lowering my consumption, spirit, on the other hand, would allow me to wield mana more efficiently, increasing the power and efficiency of my lightning, perhaps even allowing me to break the crossing point of 30.)

Thinking of the crossing point he was stuck on Reign no longer hesitated and spent all of the remaining points into spirit, increasing it to 40 points. Suddenly the surroundings changed subtly for him, the flow of mana was more evident and he felt as if every breath he took was sucking the mana from the surroundings, benefiting himself.

The journey from the deep forest to the black forest took them a couple of minutes, the time was just right for Reign to adapt to his new stats, enabling him to be at his peak for fighting. Seeing the forest in front of them everyone subconsciously thought back at what happened a couple of days ago, the feeling of weakness they had and the inability to fight against their enemies made them angry, now they were back for revenge.

"Alright, don't forget about the enemies we will face, the trees could attack us so be aware of your surroundings at all times, pay attention to above as well, we don't want the shadows to ambush us again, lastly if we come across any Wood Folk we need to take care of them as quickly as possible, even though we won't have to run away immediately if a big group attacks we should still try our best and not get into a situation like last time, got it?"

Wolf immediately starts giving orders to everyone, pointing out the things they needed to pay attention to and the battle plan for different situations, everyone nods in agreement and they enter the forest.

"Shhh, in front of us, Wood Folk."

It has been over an hour since they entered the forest now, with the help of the new wolf Beast had they were able to locate enemies more easily, not falling for any ambushes on the way. After fighting against some corrupted trees and a small-sized group of dark wolves, they finally encountered the first group of Wood Folks.

[ Lvl 14 Wood Folk ]

[ Lvl 14 Wood Folk ]

[ Lvl 15 Wood Folk ]

[ Lvl 13 Wood Folk ]

[ Lvl 15 Wood Folk ]

[ Lvl 14 Wood Folk ]

A group of 6 wood folk were in front of them, some of them were tending to surrounding trees and plants while others were sitting down and resting, the group still didn't find out about their existence, looking carefree and relaxed.

"Alright, this is a good chance for us, if we do this right we might be able to kill at least half of them instantaneously, before making quick work of the others." Wolf flashes a ferocious smile that made Beast's hair stand straight.

"Alright, let's go then." Reign firmly holds his sword as they slowly go near their enemies, everyone gets into position and they attack.

Everything happened incredibly fast, from the moment the wood folk were simply relaxing and having a nice time to them getting attacked and squashed only took a couple of seconds.

Reign was the first to attack, clad in lightning he immediately showed up next to an unsuspecting wood folk, cutting off his head, that however wasn't the end as the wood folk were made of wood and could recover and reattach their heads. Shadow's daggers came right after, using the shadow blades he manages to hit the now headless enemy 10 times. Reign attacked again, just to be a hundred percent sure that the enemy is dead.

Nearby Tank fell from the sky, squashing two enemies before moving and jumping to the side, allowing Wolf to land his flame slash on them.

Greenie and the dark battlewolf, now named Blackie attacked another enemy, Blackie arrived first and used his dark claws to rip apart the chest, Greenie used his shattering slash at the wounded opponent, shattering half of his torso with it.


Beast fired his arrow at another enemy, enemy unfortunately moves and manages to only get a cut from the arrow that passed next to his head, clicking his tongue Beast takes another arrow and notches it on his bow, ready to fire again.

Seeing that 4 of their friends were already dead the remaining two wood folk fall into panic and try to run away, that of course turns out to be impossible as Reign immediately shows up in front of them, blocking their way.


Beast launches another arrow that passes through a wood folks chest, leaving a gaping hole in the middle of it, if the enemy was a human such a wound would be fatal but the wood folk simply stumbles a bit forward before standing straight again. Reign wastes no more time and attacks, leaving a trail of lightning behind him. His opponent tries to move back and dodge but falls down as his legs get caught by a pair of hands made out of his shadow.

Jumping up Reign locks on his target and uses lightning stab, the lance of lightning that got formed now looked more compressed and powerful compared to the first time he used it. The lance hits the enemy and the lightning wrecks havoc inside of its body, destroying it.

The other wood folk doesn't live for long either, Tank and Wolf were on their way to it before Blackie suddenly shows up, by using shadow flicker he could use the power of darkness to turn his body into a shadow for a moment, allowing him to gain incredible speed, similar to Shadow's form, only inferior in terms of bonuses and further use.

Using his dark fang, Blackie bit down on the opponents head, crushing it in its entirety, immediately after he pushes it down and repeatedly swings his claws at it, sometimes using the dark claw skill, with that almost the whole body of the wood folk gets destroyed, leaving pieces of wood on the ground.

[Battle has been concluded, distributing experience...]

- Lvl 14 Wood Folk killed, 350 exp gained

- Lvl 15 Wood Folk killed, 400 exp gained

- Lvl 14 Wood Folk killed, 350 exp gained

- Lvl 15 Wood Folk killed, 400 exp gained

[The players have earner 1500exp and 40S coins, distributing …]

[The player has earned 300exp and 8S coins.]

[Battle has been concluded, distributing subordinates experience...]

- Lvl 14 Wood Folk killed, 350 exp points gained

[Your subordinate has killed 1 monster, 350 exp points earned.]

[Battle has been concluded, distributing pets experience...]

- Lvl 13 Wood Folk killed, 300 exp points gained-

[Your pet has killed 1 monster, 300 exp points earned.]


[Player has enough mana to level up, leveling up!]

Level up!

[Current player level is 16, additional stats gained]

[ Strength + 2, 2 free attribute points gained.]

Name: Reign

Level: 16 ( 280 / 9000 )

Class: Swordsman (more info in the class menu)

Race: Human? (more info in the race menu)

Attribute points: 2

Strength : 24 (34) (+4 from ability, +1 from item)

Agility : 33 (40) (+5 from ability, +2 from item)

Endurance : 14 (15) (+1 from item)

Vitality: 16 (18) (+ 2 from ability)

Willpower: 16 (17) (+ 1 from ability)

Spirit: 30 (40) (+4 from ability, +6 from item)


Knife Proficiency D

Hand to hand combat A

Sword Proficiency B +


[Inspect ] – Rank B

[Lightning charge] Rank A

[ Lighting movement ] – Rank C

[ Lightning Stab ] – Rank B

[ Compact Punch ] – Rank C

[ Lightning Bullet ] – Rank C

[ Swordsman] – no rank

[ Downward slash ] – no rank

[ Swordsman Heart ] – no rank 𝗳𝓇ℯe𝓌𝚎𝚋𝓃𝚘𝚟𝘦𝑙.𝑐𝚘𝙢


Lightning manipulation S ( lvl 29 exp: 99%)

Unknown rank ??? ( lvl ? exp ???)

After killing their enemies Reign and the others quickly flee the scene, waiting nearby to check if any more wood folk will come to investigate, if they do, they plan to follow them and find a bigger group to fight, after all, they can only grow stronger if they steel their hearts and go through dangerous situations.