Is this really a Game?!-Chapter 65 Shadow’s Happiness

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Reign and the others flee the scene of the battle, the battle took a longer time to finish than they expected, the sounds of fighting and the blood of the deceased will definitely attract enemies that are nearby. Just as they got some 20 meters away from the field they could hear the howling of wolves behind them.

"Wolves, again, really?" Shadow grumbles as they continue running away. "It's like whoever created this game has no originality and just decided wolves are great for low-level, medium level, and probably high-level monsters!"

"Yeah, not gonna be surprised when I see Fenrir or other giant wolves in the future." Reign shrugs his shoulders with a smile on his face as they all slow down before coming to a stop underneath a giant tree.

"Let's check the loot." Tank says with a wide smile on his face, hearing him Shadow gets excited and shouts. "Hey, the dagger is mine, don't even try taking it, you guys!" Before anyone could do anything he takes the dagger in his hands and rubs his cheek against it.

"So nice, finally a B rank, I'll take good care of you my precious." Everyone smiles helplessly as they watch Shadow make a complete fool out of himself while repeating the words constantly, similar to a small being in the best freaking trilogy ever. ( Yeah I just love LOTR… )

They go ahead and check the description of the other items while they wait for Shadow to calm down and share the dagger's.

[ Rank C Cultists Ring ]

(I honestly remember having a nice effect for this thing, but I fcking forgot what it was, it should be similar to this one though )

Spirit + 1

Description: A ring commonly used by the higher-ranked cultists, it has a small sharp point with which the user can stab himself, allowing the drink to consume his/her blood and increase his stats for a period of time. The more blood the ring is allowed to consume the better stat boosts it will give.

[ Rank C Dark Robe ]

Def : 10

Spirit + 1

Willpower + 1

Fire resistance +10%

Description: A dark robe commonly worn by cultists, its defensive capabilities leave much to be desired and its bonuses are small, an item at the very bottom of Rank C.

[ Rank D Leather Gloves ]

Def: 10

Endurance + 1

Description: Gloves made from unknown leather give an average defense to the hands without limiting them of mobility.

The items they gained were quite honestly trash, the only item worth anything was the ring as it had a skill imbued in it, the bad thing was that they had no idea how much blood would be needed for a good increase in stats, and nobody was about to test it while they were in such a dangerous place.

Shadow finally calms himself down and joins the others, showing the description of his dagger with a wide smile on his face. 𝘧𝔯e𝗲𝙬ℯ𝙗𝓷o𝘷e𝗹.𝐜𝑜𝒎

[ Rank B Blood Dagger ]

Atk : 50

Strength + 2

Agility + 2

Description: A dagger that was made with a special ritual that imbued blood in it, by allowing the dagger to drink blood, any blood, it will grow stronger and strengthen the user's stats. By expending a big amount of mana the user can activate a skill imbued in it, igniting the blood on it and coating it in a blood flame. The blood flame is a powerful flame that will absorb the blood of any foe that gets into contact with it, increasing its own power and the users, there exists a small possibility of stats permanently increasing by a small amount after the skill is over.

The daggers effects were good, its attack power and stat boosts were lower compared to other items at the same rank, but the passive ability coupled with a skill that not only allowed for stronger attacks but even had the possibility of a permanent increase in stats made it top-notch compared to others, it was only slightly inferior to Reign's sword.

"Well, you finally got a new weapon, glad it's a useful one." Reign pats Shadow's shoulder as they all get ready to continue forward, only a couple of hours had passed since they left the castle and they still had a long way to pass before arriving at the town.

"Hahaha, it's already man, no need to be jealous!" Shadow laughs and teases Reign, his mood was lifted by a lot ever since getting a good weapon.

"Why would I be jealous, I have the highest ranking weapon among us." Reign gives him a puzzled look while he explains calmly. Shadow, remembering his sword quiets down and pouts a bit. "Not fair."

Everyone continues on their merry way before Beast gestures for them to stop.

"I think we are being followed, I've been having the feeling for a while and by using my skill I managed to hear extremely faint walking noises behind us."

Beast explains to the others as they all get ready for a fight, they all knew the effectiveness of Beasts ability and skill, if he was so certain of them being followed then they definitely were, and since his ability warned him it meant to enemies are not humanoids as only beasts can be felt by him.

"You think it's the wolves we heard a while back?" Reign asks Wolf as they climb the nearby trees, whoever was going after them was going to get a nasty surprise.

"Probably, their sense of smell is incredible, they might have sensed us while we were leaving and decided that live prey is tastier than a dead one," Wolf says as he flexes his muscles and gets ready to fight.

"Maybe, or maybe this damn forest has something to do with it, the feeling I get while fighting here is different compared to outside." Reign quickly adds worriedly, the forest unnerved him, its existence was just too unnatural, and the lingering smell of blood didn't allow for any of them to relax.

"It's the smell, having to constantly smell blood changes a person, and I personally think that this smell is more than that, I wouldn't be surprised if it had properties that made everything here a lot more aggressive." Wolf nods his head in response to Reign's thoughts, after being here for a couple of hours he also had the same train of thoughts as him.

Suddenly they go silent, below they could see a group of wolves approaching their position.

The wolves were dark red in color, their bodies were full of wounds which made them look more menacing. Their eyes were red and black and their mouth was full of razor-sharp teeth. Something was off though. Wolves are usually patient predators, they would slowly follow their prey before coming closer, these wolves, on the other hand, didn't bother with that, they were trying to quickly come to them and fight, the crazed expression on their faces was a big difference when comparing them to normal wolves.

"The blood has already affected them it seems," Wolf tells Reign as they both get ready to use their ability to strengthen their weapons, as soon as the wolves come in range they were going to be attacked with the full combined force of the party.

As they near closer it finally happens, an arrow hit the ground in the middle of the wolf pack, exploding immediately and blasting some wolves away.

The others attacked immediately after, everyone first used the AoE skills they had to injure the beasts further before they focused on killing them one by one. Reign looked like he was dancing around the wolves while he was fighting them, his moves smooth and fast, never stopping as he didn't want to be surrounded by the wolves.

Tank did his usual thing of simply smashing apart anything in front of him, similar to Wolf who was swinging his greatsword in delight.

Shadow was the only one that constantly switched between long-range and close-range fighting, every time he would see a wolf trying to circle him he would throw his two C rank daggers at it.

The wolves were not at a high level, neither were their numbers big so the party managed to finish all of them off quite quickly.

A bit disappointed that they didn't get any loot they take the valuable parts of the corpses before moving on.