Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer-Chapter 246 A Powerful Being

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[True mountain tiger] (Familiar name: Taika)

Strength: 201

Dexterity: 218

Stamina: 222

Magic Power: 159

Intelligence: 102

[Skills: Elemental order, Wise gaze, Ruler's presence, Wind walk, Nature restriction elevation, Calmness of wild, Ultra instincts, Miniaturization, Camouflage, Hunter's senses, Red release, Blue release, Green releases, Territory marking, Evolution.]

---> She's an undeniably strong being, and if you so much as think of going against her, we won't be alive to see the next light.

---> A true being born to rule, and that same noble being has chosen someone to serve. That person would be truly a being of incredible personality.

---> It is rare for a ruler to serve under someone, but every one of them knows one thing: the one they chose would undoubtedly become an important figure.

,m ---> She as a companion knows just how strong her master is, and even after having the strength to kill him, she can't be certain.

---> They share the same elements, but, even then, the tiger that Mana obeys is a strong magical being.

---> But, there is always more to a creature following another creature aside from strength.

---> There might actually be another unique reason she followed her master.

---> But still, she is happy with the things she has now, genuinely happy.

---> And she has quite the way with words, nice lady. Unlike a certain someone.


'Yes, that master is my dad. And what have I done for you to say such words? Am I not a good master, my beloved baby?

Do you know just how much I'm grateful to have you?

You are amazing, always amazing. Someone I'm proud of. An amazing ability. My amazing ability.'

I felt a weird sensation in my mind as I said those words and almost like some little child was embarrassed, this sensation felt tangling.

This skill was mine, as the master had said in the past. And I was the one who controlled it.

Even if it becomes something far stronger in the future, it will always be my ability.

And we both knew this much.

That aside, after I finished reading the status window, and when even a beast like Taika didn't notice this, I knew my skill was truly far stronger than my [Appraisal].

And Taika was strong.

Like, really strong.

These numbers were some of the highest ones I had ever seen. The skills were something so unique I was seeing them for the first time even while knowing what they did and how they worked.

The skills were strong; the stats were high; she was familiar, and she was still some years away from achieving her full strength.

She was an adult, no doubt, but she was a beast that could be far stronger than she was now.

But that was ok... from what I can tell, she was only some decades old, nothing for a tiger.

They lived for millennia, becoming godly beings that single-handedly ruled whole mountain ranges.

Their power sometimes even rivaled weaker divine beasts but, divine beasts were different creatures altogether.

Though she was some of the few purple-ranked creatures I have seen in my life, I have seen worse, and I mean really, really, ferocious worse creatures of just (Purple) rank through Celes's eyes and voice.

I had even seen two passing through with my third eye but, at that time, I was practicing just at the ends of the barrier so I could say I was just lucky.

And, the creatures of (Purple) rank in the dark forest were even more ferocious beings one cannot even think of.

'Well, not everyone has seen a hydra or drake. Or one of the most gorgeous beings in the world, the [Lion of moonlight].

I was fortunate enough to see one, but it was just for a moment.

In total, I had seen around twelve purple rank or potential to be purple rank beasts, including Taika.

And most of them were dark creatures or undead creatures in the area of a dark forest.

And though dangerous, I now wanted to visit all four of the gates of the great forest of Kamut.

And if this faithful life allows it, I will have some great adventures like that in the future.

But for now, I was here, with them, and I wanted to stay just like this, for as long as I can and become an adult, and then the engagement...

'Her hands are soft despite being a scythe wielder. Gentle and smooth. Maybe her lips would be the same.'

Well, I was just thinking of some useless stuff while looking at her calm face and I knew from those sly eyes, she was thinking of some more dangerous things than these.

Well, we weren't restricted from having fantasies of our own, like... why not?

Some day, it was going to happen, not soon but someday, right?

And this was a quiet evening, in her guardian's backyard, we had our families, Tuuli was here too.

And she was quite a different bird than the most normal ones out there.

Sitting before Zoe, this eagle-like bird was looking at her with great reverence, as if looking at the being of the highest standing, and Zoe quite actually was one.

Phoenix is the ruler of all birds, creatures with the highest standing within any kind of bird, and even though Tuuli was a 'royal', she was still just a low-ranking creature before a divine being like her.

And Zoe being Zoe, just caressed her and started talking with the crow and this little eagle.

The three of them looked cute, and mom was playing with Taika with Anna sitting on her back.

Anna had an amazing expression while riding this giant tiger, and she looked quite cute.

Everyone's familiar, those who had it naturally, were here.

Alf and Rein's dad didn't have one, but Rein's grandmother sure had one, and it was also some of the most magnificent creatures one could ever hope to see.

And if all the familiar were here, requesting to meet him would be a perfect time, no?

'Where's Leonardo?' I asked while looking at her, and even though we didn't say a word this time too, she miraculously understood the complex name I had used.

'Hmm... that big turtle stays in the back forest near the lake. He can directly feel how grandma is doing. He's also big, so he avoids coming here if not asked. Why?'

Even I didn't know how I was understanding these long lines... magic?

'Well, everyone's familiar is here. I just wanted to see the famous guardian turtle of Atraxia, too.'

I smiled with an admiring expression, and she could feel just how genuine I was at this moment.

And it was reasonable.

We were talking about a creature that has been part of this house from even before he found his master.

The stories of the guardian turtle were known throughout the empire and I had naturally read them from the time I was with mom and dad at that border town house.

A guardian beast saved by the previous duchess from a distant forest and protected and raised by her with great care.

She wasn't her master though, but they treated each other as family.

And even after she passed away and become one with mother nature, he continued guarding this family as their guardian beast.

And maybe that was also the reason the previous duchess added a turtle mark at the corner of their family's insignia that had stayed unchanged from the time of the first patriarch.

Now, there was a purple base with a golden pattern of a peculiar shield and three swords. As well as a turtle at the very right corner of this insignia.

And though this had caused a large commotion at that time, enough to be recorded in history, they had no say against this matter.

The previous duchess was someone like my mom, an excellent merchant, mom, as well as someone who possessed the power of [Authority], stronger than even my mom's.

Her words were enough just to make even someone of (tier-7) strength kneel before her with just a word.

She was strong, and I would have loved to meet her, but... well, not even my mom was born at that time.

The beast stayed as a part of the Atraxia household and continued as it grew with time, actually; it was a rare (Indigo) ranked beast almost thought to be extinct.

Maybe the one here, as well as some in the great forest and areas like the great forest, meaning the forbidden zones, were the only ones left.

Well, they were enormous creatures, and Celes had seen one such beast, though, the distance was too great and I couldn't see it myself, Celes was good with describing details.

And I knew that creature was something I could never want to harm.

The one she saw had become part of nature itself, almost becoming a mountain.

And I hadn't seen this one, but I knew the guardian of Atraxia was at least bigger than this giant castle-like estate.

It wasn't that big when he met Rein's grandma from the stories, though.

After a certain stage of time, these creatures, the [Great earth turtles], gain a fitting elemental affinity and start growing as adult beings.

They gain strength, Power over Mana-like tigers, and the ability to control the entire terrain.

These creatures of the earth, are wise beings that live for thousands of years, becoming one with nature after a certain period of a lifetime. 𝐟𝙧ee𝔀e𝐛𝓃𝐨𝚟𝑒𝗹.c𝗼𝚖

Well... this one was the greatest and maybe the most powerful familiar in our family for now.

This turtle was the strongest, maybe some of the oldest here, and a creature who reached its full potential a long time ago.

He was the strongest he can be, unlike the old crow who had some space for growth as Rein was far from reaching her full strength, or even Celes who was the youngest familiar in this family.

And if every familiar was already here, why not a giant turtle too?

And Rein can see this anticipation-filled look in my eyes, so she smiled happily and looked at her grandma, who merrily chatted with my grandma over the great tea and shouted.

"Grandma~! Eon wants to meet Leo~! Can you please call him~? Anna would like it too~!"