Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer-Chapter 312 End Of Night...

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[[ "Well, I should first apologize to both of you.

In the heat of the moment, I didn't even realize that we could have just done this discussion in the physical world instead of like this.

You are hurting yourself like this because of me, and Eon, the reason I was able to actually talk with the two of them is in pain because of me now.

And the two of you aren't even complaining about this which is making me feel more sad now.

Eon... thanks. It was a surprise encounter but, meeting the two of you was amazing~!

Havi. Griz. You two are lucky to have such amazing children.

And these two... you would be surprised by their 'bright' thoughts~. Hehe.

Well, both of them are pure and just like the two of you... perfect~.

Anyways, this was a good time.

It's late at night and the two of you young ones look exhausted from a long cheerful day.

I saw Eon was worried about some things and Elle took care of those concerns, and really... you two look lovely together~!

It was a nice talk but, it's late at night so I think you two couples should get going now.

We will see each other soon anyway, so go for now and rest~!" ]]

Her words were simple but contained warmth like my dear grandparents. And I like this quite a bit.

It was strange how we started talking in this astral form and just stayed like this even when knowing full well that we could have done the same with our physical bodies and not this.

Well, it started like that, and this was alright at the end.

And as she said, she will be around here if she's in the capital. So, I could talk with her about the fairy dust some other time.

It wasn't that late at night and we can just stay up all night talking if we wanted anyway.

There was that person in black cloth I was worried about for a while as well as those black mage bastards but, well, I don't have to worry about that stuff now.

With great powers comes great responsibilities, or something was a famous saying back in my previous world but, what is this responsibility we are talking about?

To save people? To defeat bad people like some friendly neighborhood hero? Stopping secret invasions?

There definitely are people like that dark-clothed dude in this world so, I can leave the small things like these black mages to them.

Maybe, in the end, he could be the hero of this world doing what he has to do.

So... I can just focus on what I want to do, right?

I can do the stuff I wanted when I get back to my family. Play with my siblings, read about the events of the recent past, hear their stories, and just happily stay like this.

There will definitely be times when I will be needed, and times when the so-called heroes would miss some of the very important people that could cause trouble, as well as the times Rein and I will have to do things that the headmaster ask of us.

There will be times like those when they will need someone who can fire many arrows, cast some special spells, understand many unknown languages and runes, and times when 'they' will need people like 'us'.

There will be plenty of action during our adventures too, like the future dungeon raid Rein and I were preparing for.

But that was after my birthday and I won't be doing much interesting stuff for the week.

Just the normal personal training, setting up my room, preparing some small things, and sorting out things in my white crack that I will give mom for auction in the future.

We will visit mom's auction house on my birthday or maybe after the dungeon raid but that has to wait becomes of the new renovations going on there.

I will be going to Rein's house for a few days and exploring that place with Zoe, Anna, and her so, I know it will be fun~.

I wanted to see those large coffee fields too, and I knew that would be fun~.

So, aside from that, I know there will be nothing much to these two weeks.

And I know my dear family will do everything in their power to keep me there until my birthday.

I still remember those 'surprise' birthday parties from when I was young and I had no doubt my smart parents already knew that if I was here, I would know of the secret party they would be planning.

And that secret won't be secret if I was anywhere near the house.

Not that I can't know. I had Celes's clones here even if we were in the southern territory.

Well, I don't have to worry about that anyways.

We will do something about that but before that… I have to return to my body first.

This talk has strangely gone on for hours in this place even though only some time had passed over there.

I only thought I would show her this place and see if there were actually spirits and Fay like Anna said over here but, I neither thought that I would see a spirit cluster around this fountain that was still strange nor did I think I would get to meet a fairy.

And a fairy that was a long-time friend of my grandparents no less.

It was a fun time, this little fairy was cute, Rein was hotter in this form, my dear grandparents looked spectacular in this form too, and my grandpa knew about Ronna now.

Well, I have never used her but I knew just how special and powerful she actually is.

It's instinctual and I knew everything there is to know about her, and she knows everything about me.

Well, unlike Asta, she couldn't speak right now but I know when I will be able to use her and materialize her, she will speak more than even Celes.

For now, only I, Lucy, Celes, and Zoe fully knew about her.

And though radiant, she was like a childish adult, unlike the other children I had with me.

Anyway, right now, Ast's goodbye was done and everyone also said goodbye and goodnight.

Grandpa and grandma... both of them were really lovely and they only said good luck to both of us before going back in with a warm and mischievous voice.

That was just like the two of them... looking forward to seeing the two of us going forward, in and out.

Anyways... after saying my dearest goodbye to Ast, we returned to the garden, to the very place where I was laying on this special bench in her lap.


Cool winds of midnight, this blue moonlight, this twinkle of stars, her pink eyes filled with warmth, and our two calmly beating hearts in perfect sync.

"Thanks, Eon... I know you will say I would have seen this place, this realm, on my own but, I saw it for the first time with you. While holding your hand. fre𝙚𝓌𝒆𝚋noѵel.c𝚘m

It was you who showed me that place and because of you, we were able to talk with that cute little fairy.

You are amazing as you are so, don't think about those vigilante shit people do, those anti-hero factions that cause chaos, or those shitty things that cause crimson maroon bloodshed.

We will inevitably have to deal with that stuff one day or another.

But, living a normal life with this awesome family and a hot girl like me isn't such a bad idea, no?

In the end, your 'goal' is to protect your family, and my goal... can I make 'us' my goal?"