It's Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead-extra 1

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Translated by Eve

Edited by Kara

Happy Lunar New Year~ To those that get to go home and celebrate it with your family, I envy you~ Eat lots and be merry!!

Since they'd finished their mission of killing Mo Ziyou—although the ending was rather mystifying—and Zhao Xihe had regained his memory, Sui Yuan had finished everything that he had to do.

Since not a lot of time had passed either, Sui Yuan, who was dedicated to his work, still wished to go back to the world he had "abandoned midway." He planned to go back and "finish up" the plot, even if he didn't know what exactly he had to "finish up'" in the plot. After all, Hui was indeed supposed to die this winter.

Finding out that Sui Yuan wanted to leave, how on earth could Zhao Xihe be at ease?! He had a vague understanding of Sui Yuan's "womanizing" in his last world, courtesy of 5237. Thus, he naturally wanted to go with him.

Unfortunately, Zhao Xihe's identity in this world was not like Sui Yuan, although there actually wouldn't be too many people who would inquire about his sudden disappearance. Nonetheless, Sui Yuan had no choice but to prolong his stay in this world as he waited for Zhao Xihe to put everything in order on his end.

Although Zhao Xihe was a very competent ruler on the surface, and his people and subordinates all held a blind faith in him, he actually had no sense of responsibility. He had only developed his power for the sake of completing his mission.

Now that the mission was over, who cared about them? Fortunately, Zhao Xihe wasn't rotten to the bone. He knew that he wouldn't get married, so he had fostered a son he had adopted as his successor. He taught him rather seriously.

There were certain steps that had to be taken to justify his "leave from office." Although he had an adopted son, Zhao Xihe's subordinates still hoped that he would leave behind offspring. And to have offspring, he needed to wed a wife. Therefore, when the news that Zhao Xihe was exclusively favouring a young man broke out, his subordinates all exploded. My Lord, to be without a wife for so long is one thing. To exclusively love a man is another! The former they could just think that their Lord was picky and still retain their hope. With the latter, their hope was thoroughly extinguished, ah!

His greatest foe had already died; he'd unified the entire country; his ascendance as Emperor was imminent, and his people and military troops were impassioned. Under the instigation of "a person with ulterior motives," the subordinates who were worried about their future little master began to act: The more sly ones tried to hint at it in a roundabout manner. They didn't ask their Lord to change his orientation, but they asked him to take a wife and give birth to a successor. Those who were a bit more obstinate directly admonished him, quoting the classics to criticize Zhao Xihe's straying from Confucian ethics, that Heaven's law would not allow this. The more gentle ones sent beautiful women and men, hoping to divert the Lord's affection from the youth. The more vicious ones wanted directly get rid of the youth who had caused their Lord to "go astray," resorting to drastic measures.

Of course, this all had nothing to do with Sui Yuan. Zhao Xihe properly arranged things for him, and he just watched everything go on in a leisurely and carefree manner. That is, until Zhao Xihe was "angered" by his subordinates' little tricks.

Zhao Xihe actually didn't behead these restless ministers in a fit of anger, . Instead, he straightforwardly gave up his throne and efficiently had his adopted son take over his position. He then left with his beloved.

When this happened, everyone was dumbfounded. They had imagined all sorts of reactions from their Lord and had meticulously thought up of all sorts of ways to deal with each reaction. However, no one ever expected that Zhao Xihe would do this!

He had been so close to ascending the throne. However, he had unexpectedly chosen to leave without a word! A regular person couldn't do this, ba?! Why had he suffered through all those blood-soaked battles for? Don't say empty nonsense like "It was for the common people." Wouldn't most people only do this to win success and recognition or to reach instant success?! However, their Lord had unexpectedly thrown away this readily available position that towered over tens of thousands of people and left just like that!

——Wait! My Lord! Let's talk about this! Actually, everything is negotiable, ah! QAQ [Er Kang hand]

The pitiful adopted son who was pushed to do something beyond his ability strenuously dealt with everything with the bag of tricks left to him by his adopted father. The officials, who were scared into peeing themselves, also hastily went looking for their headstrong Lord, who had eloped, all over the country. Unfortunately, their Lord was very resolute about eloping. Until his adopted son had stabilized his position, unified the country officially, and successfully became Emperor, he didn't reveal even the smallest trace. This made the ministers who had used all sorts of methods to force their Lord to marry and have a child feel extremely regretful. They suffered for their entire lifetimes, considering themselves as people who should be condemned in history.

——To actually be able to force their Lord to give up the throne that was in his grasp and elope in ancient times, they really were worthy of being recorded in the annals of history…._(:з)∠)_

From then on, Zhao Xihe became an example of someone who would "rather have a beauty than power and authority." Meanwhile, the "beauty" who had never showed his face became the object of many literati's imaginations, leaving behind quite a number of songs that would be passed down for all eternity as well as magnificent poems. Meanwhile, said "beauty" was opening his eyes in a beast's body.

The familiar cave that he had seen the first time he entered this world made Sui Yuan shocked. He stood up in an unpractised manner and turned his head to the side. He met with a beautiful snow-white bird that was looking at him with a tilted head. Its light brown eyes held a very familiar smile.

Sui Yuan had a blank expression for a moment and couldn't help but blurt out "Ao wuwuwu~?"

At the same time, the big bird parted its beak and let out an ear-piercing call, "Chirp chirp chirp?"

Sui Yuan:"………………………………"

The Big Bird:"………………………………"

——It wasn't a big deal to be of different species. What was frightening was the they couldn't communicate because of the difference in species. We are facing each other, but there is no way to tell what the other is saying!

Sui Yuan and Zhao Xihe both fell apart for a moment. The former began to browse the plot to look for Zhao Xihe's identity. Meanwhile, the latter decisively exchanged for a pill and then swallowed it.

In the next second, the white-feathered, big bird transformed into a silver-haired man. He pushed his messy hair behind him in disdain and then covered his body with clothes that he casually pulled out, even though he didn't mind being naked in front of Sui Yuan. Soon after, he finally spoke, "Is it fine like this?"

At this time, Sui Yuan found Zhao Xihe's role and looked at him questioningly.

"It's no big deal. Although my role isn't a variant type in the plot, aside from you and me, who knows that, ne?" Zhao Xihe understood Sui Yuan's meaning and shrugged indifferently. He then knelt down and placed the pill in Sui Yuan's mouth in a coaxing manner, "You also eat it. You can't keep communicating with your eyes, ba?"

Sui Yuan hesitated for a moment. In the end, he turned his head away and dodged him. Zhao Xihe's character could casually turn into a variant type. However, he was a natural type through and through in the protagonist gong and shou's eyes. As such, how could he explain how he had turned from a natural type to a variant type after sustaining this "severe injury?"

Seeing Sui Yuan's refusal, Zhao Xihe did not insist. He just ruffled the hair at the top of Sui Yuan's head, "That's fine. It's not like I've never had to be with you when you were an animal. If you think this is better, than I don't mind."

Sui Yuan:"………………………………"

——No! I don't think man and beast is better! Quickly cease!

Like how Sui Yuan had thrown himself into Zhao Xihe's world midway and could only choose the identity of a servant to possess, when Zhao Xihe entered Sui Yuan's world, he could only find a not-important cannon fodder. Fortunately, this cannon fodder's identity wasn't bad. He was the chief of a flock of birds. Furthermore, this flock would clash with the protagonist gong and shou after they had gotten together. The reason for this was because the young of both groups had treated the baby birds as play things and then ate them.

Of course, this wasn't a matter of who was right and who was wrong. This world was a dog-eat-dog world. It was just that the bird flock, who had lost their young, was not resigned. They ambushed the protagonist gong and shou's group and caused trouble. Unfortunately, they could not win against the "high-tech" protagonist halos of the main characters and ended up fleeing in defeat after getting beaten up. They cut sorry figures as they migrated to a new territory.

Now, since Zhao Xihe had replaced the original Chief Bird, that plot line had gone up to smokes. Only, in any case, it wasn't really important, so Sui Yuan also didn't plan on paying any attention to it. After all, the plot of this world was already in shambles because of him. For it to crumble a little bit more wasn't a big deal.

Although he could not communicate directly with Zhao Xihe using words, Sui Yuan could still type using 5237 and 0007. He sized up his uninjured body. His foreleg that had been broken had already healed. Thus, he asked rather worriedly, "Should I injure myself? It hasn't been that long since I disappeared. Winter hasn't even passed. I can't have 'healed' in so little time."

Zhao Xihe naturally could not bear to let Sui Yuan hurt himself. He very quickly released the Crystal Beast, "Its illusion is enough to trick the beasts' senses."

The Crystal Beast's red eyes looked at Sui Yuan, and then, it turned into an exact copy of him, although it was quite a bit smaller. It came close to him in a familiar way. With one look, they unexpectedly looked like a father-and-son pair.

Sui Yuan lowered his head to glance at the Crystal Beast but did not comment on its new appearance. The Crystal Beast didn't let its master down. It very quickly covered Sui Yuan's body with a layer of illusory magic so that anyone that came into contact with him would think that he had been severely injured without a doubt.

——Next, there was the issue of how he would return to the pack.

Although Zhao Xihe wanted Sui Yuan to stay so that they could have some more couple time, Sui Yuan was worried about what was happening with the protagonist gong and shou. He was afraid that the two of them would meet with danger while looking for him after he disappeared without a word.

Since persuasion hadn't worked, Zhao Xihe could only hold back a bellyful of jealousy and bent down, picking him up. Soon after, a pair of snow-white wings unfolded from his back.

As a bird, even if he turned into a human, he should still be able to fly. Zhao Xihe softly held onto Sui Yuan as he flew into the grey clouds. His wings caused many snowflakes to swirl in the air, causing the surrounding air to form a white curtain around them. His snow-white wings, gray hair, androgynous appearance, and also his light clothes, which were completely different from the fur clothes of this world, made Zhao Xihe look like an angel descending to the earth as he abruptly dropped from the sky. At the very least, this is what Bai thought the very first moment he saw him.

Only, the dumbstruck Bai very quickly had no mind to think about that. This was because his gaze had been attracted by the furry grey figure in the "angel's" arms. Although Bai wasn't religious before transmigrating, at this moment, he really thought that God had heard his prayer and had dispatched an angel to bring Hui back to him.

"Ecstasy" was not enough to describe what Bai felt at that moment. Heaven only knew how much pain he had been in after he had found out that Hui had disappeared. Even if his rationality told him that the odds were very low for Hui's survival, considering how grave an injury he had suffered and how bitter the external circumstances were, Bai was still unwilling to believe that Hui would suddenly disappear from his life without even leaving a corpse behind.

It was just a pity that reality would not allow Bai to sink into his pain. Without Hui, he had to take charge of the pack and ensure that the pack would survive the rest of this harsh winter.

Bai and Lei took turns to go out and find food for the pack. They had very little time to look for Hui. Of course, each search only left them with more disappointment. It was just that when it seemed that Bai was about to give up all hope, a miracle had occurred.

He had no mind to pay attention to the man who suddenly appeared. Bai quickly stepped forward, his arms reaching out with the intention of taking Hui into his own embrace. He wanted to touch him, kiss him—confirm his existence. Unfortunately, before he could touch that grey fur, the "angel" dodged him. He then sent him a hostile glare.

Bai was startled. He then suddenly came to himself, his expression sinking, "Did you save Hui? Many thanks to you for taking the trouble to bring him back."

Bai's words were very brilliant. It was not impolite, but he was silently drawing a line between himself and Hui, and the "birdman" in front of him.

It was just a pity that animals could not understand such complicated words. Their thoughts were very simple and frank. At the very least, Zhao Xihe didn't plan on beating around the bush with Bai. He tightened his hold of Sui Yuan and adopted a very possessive stance. He then coldly declared his ownership, "He's mine! You can't touch him!"

Sui Yuan showed the protagonist shou a rather helpless expression but also did not show any resistance, appearing very lovable. This made Bai's heart race as he felt that something had already changed.

Bai had always been self-confident. Even if Lei had expressed that he was determined to win Sui Yuan, he would only get jealous and would not worry. This was because he knew that Sui Yuan would have no pretenses when dealing with Lei. He also believed that with Sui Yuan's strength, Lei would not be able to easily success. However, things were not the same now.

Sui Yuan obviously saw this unfamiliar man, who had suddenly appeared, as his benefactor. Because of this, Sui Yuan had a very deep goodwill towards the other. You had to know that until recently, Sui Yuan didn't even let him get near easily. He would always be on guard towards his and Lei's tricks. However, he indulged in all of this man's actions. Although his expression looked helpless, it would be better to describe it as indulgent. He was indulging in the other's overbearing and willful behaviour.

——This felt like his Sui Yuan was about to be taken by someone who came later, ah! Bai knew that humans had a saying in which "The hero saves the beauty, and the beauty will repay with their body." It couldn't be that this was also true in the animal world?!

Bai, who suddenly felt like he was being NTR'ed, simply didn't know what expression to make!

While Bai's mind was in a complete mess, Lei had also led a group of strong male beasts out of the cave upon hearing movement. He was met with the sight of these two people facing off—or should it be two beasts?

Compared to how emotional Bai was, Lei was more rational as he was an animal from head to toe. Or rather, his feelings for Sui Yuan were not as deep as Bai's. Sui Yuan was just the potential mate that he had taken a fancy to. The fate of his entire group was more important.

When Bai was about to collapse, it was Lei who had stopped him from going to look for Sui Yuan in a suicidal manner. Instead, he had him take up the responsibility for managing the pack. At this time, it was him that pressed on Bai's shoulder and stopped him from trying to snatch Sui Yuan back, "Don't fight during winter. Wait until spring."

Lei's succinct words instantly cooled Bai down. Right. Winter was bitter, and food was scarce. He could not waste any energy to "rival for affection" right now. If he was injured because of this, that would be an even greater loss.

Regardless, Sui Yuan had chosen to immediately come back to the pack as soon as his condition had improved a bit. That meant that his chances of winning were still relatively high. He could wait until the danger of winter was over before he fought with the man before him over who Sui Yuan belonged to.

…Of course, Lei would also probably step in.

Bai sucked in a deep breath and finally eased up. He turned his body to open up the cave, "Come in, ba. It's cold out. Hui needs to recuperate properly."

Zhao Xihe also would not be polite with him. Relaxed and natural, he carried Sui Yuan into the cave. He was completely without any vigilance or nervousness that would usually come with entering the enemy's den.

Bai and Lei quietly observed him. They then looked each other in the eyes. Both parties could read the same thought in the other's eyes: This is a powerful adversary.

Towards this, Bai felt a huge headache. However, Lei's eyes sparkled, eager to fight.

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