I've Become a Genius Actor-Chapter 53:

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Chapter 53:

Yooil filled his mouth with fluffy rice as Jin Hayoung, sitting across from him, smiled warmly.

Yooil, if you want more, just say so~

Yooil shook his head.

Auntie, this is already my third bowl.

Eat more! You've been too thin lately.

The steaming, savory doenjang jjigae (soybean paste stew) was also refilled.

Its been a long time since I had a meal with auntie.

Especially with his recent tight schedule, Yooil hadnt had a chance to eat with Jin Hayoung, so he eagerly devoured his meal.

* * *


Yooil lay exhausted in his bed, feeling the effects of overeating and an extended workout.

He stared blankly at the ceiling. To his right floated a semi-transparent window.

3rd Stage Goal Achievement Rate: 2.2%

As the achievement rate became crucial, Brion had started displaying the rate in a semi-transparent window.

It was 1.9% a week ago, I think.

The rate had risen slightly.

A simple calculation showed that an increase of 0.3% per day was needed to reach 100% in a year.

Over the past week, with no schedules other than school, exercise, and practice, Yooil hadnt expected much increase in the rate.

But does the rate increase even with script practice outside the filming set?

Yes. The achievement rate can increase depending on the quality and quantity of acting.

Brion had mentioned that the theme for the 3rd stage was Reinterpretation.

If that means reinterpreting works or remakes of acting

Just then, Yooils phone rang.

Manager Min Woojin: Lets meet at the company tomorrow!

Tomorrow was the day Yooil was to review the scripts that had been offered to him.

Can I find it?

He closed his eyes slowly, mixing worry with anticipation.

* * *

Mr. Yooil.

Already present in the office, Han Yooil stood up.

I was going to ask if you had a good break

Scanning Yooil from top to bottom, Jang Jaehyun tilted his head slightly.

You seem to have lost more weight.

Though he thought he had been eating well recently.

Yooil looked down at his body, not noticing any significant change himself.

Han Yooils current weight is 72.8kg. A reduction of 2.5kg compared to a month ago.

Are you managing your weight for a new role?

Yooil fumbled his response. It seemed like the stress of potentially dying in 3 years was taking its toll, but

It was a good excuse.

Here are the project proposals currently being discussed for casting.

Jang Jaehyun handed Yooil a selection of scripts he had personally chosen.

Among the incoming scripts, there are mostly romance, primarily for secondary male lead roles. There are some bigger-scale dramas and movies as well, but mostly significant supporting roles.

Thank you.

Yooil earnestly reviewed the proposals. As Jang Jaehyun had said, most were of the romance genre.

Watching Yooil flip through the files, Jang Jaehyun added softly,

I thought Mr. Yooil would be interested in good projects, even if they are not leading roles.

Yooil couldnt help but smile at that.

You're quite right.

As Yooil reviewed each project proposal, one caught his attention and he picked it up.


Seeing the project Yooil held, Jang Jaehyun looked at him with surprise.

I didnt expect him to choose that one.

The work of Kim Soobong, a director who passed away decades ago but still considered one of the greatest in Korea.

Whenever you make that face, I feel like I am being bleached out.

The classic film, known for Ha Sunwooks iconic performance.

It was a remake of <Jinhee>.

That's unexpected.

Jang Jaehyun looked at Yooil with an amused expression.

The protagonist of <Jinhee> is Jinhee herself. Its not an overstatement to say the film is 80% carried by the protagonist.

The role Yooil could play was Kiwoon, the man who courts Jinhee. A character mainly appearing in the second act.

But its an attractive character.

Despite his limited screen time, Kiwoon' is a character with significant influence. As the story progresses, he essentially becomes Jinhees world. A character that demands attention in terms of direction and character development.

I knew he was smart.

But he also thinks ahead.

Jang Jaehyun revised his opinion of Han Yooil once more.

However, he was unaware.

Yooil had clenched his jaw to hide his trembling when he found <Jinhee> among the proposals.

I found it.

<Jinhee> was a film Yooil had watched multiple times and one of his favorites.



Yooil needed to confirm if this remake met the theme of reinterpretation.'

An excellent choice.

Hearing Brion's calm words, Yooil gripped the proposal tightly.

I want to participate.

* * *

The production company that purchased the rights for <Jinhee> and planned the remake was O Film.

Founded by Director Ogu, who had long since retired from directing and now only participated in production, he was still widely respected for his sharp vision.

The director assigned to this movie was Won Heesu.

She was one of the directors who spearheaded the melodrama boom from the early 2000s to the 2010s and had been serving as an adjunct professor at Myunghee University's Film Department until recently.

She took on the direction of <Jinhee> after persistent persuasion by O Film.

I heard several actors are being considered for the role of Kiwoon.

Jang Jaehyun said, lifting the corners of his mouth.

He added with a confident smile,

Ill arrange a meeting for you soon. Directly with Director Won Heesu.

The meeting was scheduled for just a few days later.

Of course, Yooil couldnt dwell on that for long.

Actor, please close your eyes for a moment~

Yooil was on the set of <The Missing Case of Saetbyeol High>.

The filming location was similar to <Sing in High School>, but the building's age gave it a more eerie atmosphere.

Its been a shooting location since it was closed down two years ago.

Eesh. That corner over there looks really scary at night. What if we see ghosts?

If we do, its a jackpot! They say horror movie sets where ghosts are seen are bound to be hits.

Yooil listened to the makeup team's conversation while getting his makeup done.

The character Min Hojun was uninterested in eating or sleeping.

Naturally, the key points of Min Hojun's appearance were his thin body and pale complexion.

Hmm, thats it.

Yooil opened his eyes.

He blinked for a while, facing the unfamiliar face reflected in the mirror.


How is it?

After a brief contemplation, Yooil spoke.

Like a starving vagabond who hasnt eaten for about three days.

He was sincere.

With his hair looking dry and his skin pale, and dark circles under his eyes, he looked like he could stand his ground against a ghost.

The makeup team leader seemed pleased with Yooil's remark.

Right? Ah, it's a success!

Really amazing.

Ah, come on~ No big deal. Good luck with the shoot today~!

While Yooil was accustomed to being dolled up for photoshoots and ads, making his skin look lifeless and crafting dark circles was a whole different level of makeup artistry.

As Yooil entered the busy filming set, other actors were also emerging one by one, freshly made-up.

Wow, theres Hojun!

Director Yoo Jaeho laughed heartily as he pointed at Han Yooil.

At Director Yoo's words, Park Younghyun inadvertently turned his head and directly faced Yooil's gaunt appearance.


Gosh, thats startling.

Does it resemble Min Hojun well?

Yes. Like a zombie.

When Kim Suna, paler than usual, arrived on set, the director exclaimed loudly.

Alright, let's roll~

[S#14. Saetbyeol High Corridor, Daytime]

The script supervisor nodded after checking the storyboard.

Camera rolling!

Scene 14, take 1!

Following the cinematographer's shout and the clapperboard of the assistant director, Director Yoo Jaehos resonant voice filled the set.





While students are in class, Min Hojun sneaks out.

Hojun starts walking down the corridor.

Suddenly, a breeze from beyond the window caresses him.

The warmth of the wind is peculiar, making Hojun turn his head involuntarily.

Then, he sees a figure swiftly passing by.

Startled, Hojun shifts his gaze

In front of him, a student in an unshortened school skirt wanders the corridor.

Long hair fluttering in the wind.

And the skirt twirling like a dance.

Her fingers gracefully slice through the air,

And her toes irregularly tap the ground.

The girl hops and skips down the corridor.

She is dancing.

Hojun, watching the girl in a daze, finds himself thinking.


If any other kids had danced in the corridor, it would have been laughable.

But not this girl.

The warm breeze.

The girl's dance seemed to embody the very wind that was brushing through Hojun's hair.

Min Hojun was reminded of a ballet performance he had seen with his parents long ago. Yet, the shock he felt now was even greater than what he had felt at that performance.

Unexpectedly, Hojun spoke.

May I draw you? freew(e)bnove(l)

At Hojun's words, the girl, Yein, turns around. Her clear brown eyes, initially widened in surprise, gradually curve into a smile.

Oh, its you.

The same endearing and mysterious smile that she had shown when they first met reappears on her face.

Go ahead.

Yein approaches closer.

With footsteps so quiet they dont make a sound.

Hojun watches her, unable to even blink.

Suddenly, Yein's face is right before his eyes.

Her pink lips part.

But you have to keep a secret.

What secret?

Not to tell anyone who the model is.

Hojun nods as if entranced.

The mere thought of capturing this scene makes his heart start racing.

I'll keep it. A secret.





Director Yoo Jaeho calls out in an excited voice.

Just as Director Yoo is about to happily shout okay,


The first to speak is Kim Suna.

Sorry. Can we do it one more time?


Director Yoo Jaeho looks at Kim Suna, puzzled.

Why? Whats wrong?

The dancing scene it feels too awkward.


It seemed fine?

But if the actor feels its not right, theres no reason not to shoot it again.

Alright. Lets go for it one more time.

So they shoot the scene again.

Yet, theres no significant difference from before.

Kim Suna unconsciously starts biting her lower lip.

This isnt it.

Despite following the practice perfectly, she couldnt figure out why it didnt feel right. fre(e)webno(v)el

Its then that Yooil speaks.

Excuse me, senior.

Sunas head snaps up, seemingly surprised that Yooil is addressing her.

Did you practice the dance barefoot by any chance?

Sunas gaze lingers briefly on Yooils face.



Nodding, Yooil whispers softly,

Then how about trying to dance barefoot here as well?

At those words, Kim Sunas eyes widen.

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