I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 112 Unused Skill

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?Yollorn stood in front of its throne with a deathly glare, which slowly gave the group a sinking feeling of death. Cold sweat ran down their faces as the aura of the boss had started to slightly strangle them. The pressure was building and the group questioned if they could really beat something of this calibre.

"Deep breaths everyone, there are four of us and only one of them, we just need to work together and abuse our numbers." Shaman was the first to speak up as she figured out a way to counter the feeling.

Shaman guessed that the boss was using its aura to try gaining some form of control over them as the trend throughout the dungeon has been puppets of some kind.

As long as she was aware the aura was affecting her mind, her [Blessing of the fox] would protect her from it. As she focused on that knowledge, the feeling of death washed away and the hands she felt around her neck let go.

"This feeling is just the boss trying to control us, don't worry." Shaman put her hand on Elysia, Clara and then Wolfy, activating her blessing, freeing them from the control that the boss was trying to impose.

Everyone had a look of relief as the same gripping feeling they felt had left, allowing them to breathe and concentrate.

'Now lets hope I don't have to keep touching them, and hopefully it doesn't accidently awaken Clara's memories while fighting.' Shaman's main concern was Clara as it was still unclear what exactly would happen if a bunch of repressed memories suddenly came to her in an instant.

'Better safe than sorry.' Shaman was willing to take the risk due to the fact Clara had to be aware that she is being controlled, so without mentioning Himeko it is unlikely that Himeko's influence will be affected.

The boss noticed that it was unable to take control of the group and felt something was blocking its connection. This aggravated the boss causing it to lean back with an ear piercing scream. The size of the room did not help causing it to echo even louder.

"What the hell is with these enemies always goddamn screaming." Elysia was getting sick of the screaming, what with her sensitive fox ears amplifying the scream, making it even more unbearable. Shaman and Wolfy suffered the same while Clara being a human was able to bear with the screaming a lot better.

The boss finished its scream, leaned forward and went back to glaring at the group. After a short staring contest the boss finally began to move. The boss ran towards them with its sword dragging behind it, The blade encased in a thin layer of black fire. Wherever he passed, a thin trail of fire remained, though barely noticeable as many portions of the room were not well lit.

With each step it took, the room slightly shook, and even though the boss was quite far from the group, due to its size it closed the distance quickly.

The group were still recovering from the scream as it had disoriented them, confusing their senses and slowing their reactions.

The boss now had entered striking distance, so it pivoted its foot and used its own weight to swing the sword over head and slash towards the group.

Clara was the first to recover fully and saw the blade beginning its arc towards them.

Clara with her quick thinking infused her feet with lightning to jump into the air with explosive speed. Clara was now in the air with lightning raging around her while the gems embroided in her dress began glowing violently.

The boss had ignored her actions as it could tell that Clara's threat was only that of a mere tier 4, so it classified her as a small insect.

Clara while in the air got her two whip blades out and combined them together. The blades were fully retracted, forming two swords, which when put together made a normal long sword. The handles themselves did not have any way to merge into one weapon, but once attached, a magic circle activated on the handles combining the two whip blades.

The blades merged and the entire blade was suddenly engulfed in lighting creating a massive lighting blade.

The boss's sword was at the point of no return as it headed straight for Clara and her blade. The boss had seemingly increased the intensity of the black flames making them more violent. Clara was concerned about what the black flames actually did but she was too focused on redirecting the blade away from everyone.

Everyone else had recovered and they all looked up to see Clara in the air with the massive lighting blade, as well as the boss's fast approaching blade.

Clara was only able to stay in the air because of her lightning constantly striking the ground at fast speeds from her feet allowing herself to stay in the air but it took a considerable amount of mana to do so. The boss's blade was close and Clara finally swung her lighting sword clashing with the black flames.

An explosive reaction occurred as fire spewed everywhere and lighting struck out towards the wall. While Clara was blocking the blade, Shaman had begun to sprint towards the boss to get behind it, Elysia retreated to the side and put more distance between her and the boss as she was going to use her bow for this fight. Wolfy had gone into the shadows as the room was relatively dark making moving around the room very easy and allowing him to launch attacks with ease.

The black fire also seemed to have no special effect other than being hard to put out but everyone still avoided touching it making sure to not get caught by the fire from the attack as they moved. Clara fortunately was protected by her lightning so she was left untouched by the fire.

Clara was struggling to hold back the blade, up until she saw that everyone had safely moved out of range. Clara got rid of the lightning that was keeping her afloat and tried pushing off the boss's blade. The amount of force Clara was holding back all came crashing down on her as she was pushed off of the blade, making her crash into the wall at a high speed.

Clara coughed out blood and was almost knocked out by how hard she hit the wall. But due to Clara's disappearance the Boss had stumbled forward because of the amount of strength he had put in the strike.

Clara struggled to stay conscious , but was in no shape to fight. Her whip blades had also turned back to normal showing that the longsword form is only temporary. Blood fell down Clara's face till finally she passed out.

Shaman however was focused on taking advantage of this new opening as the boss stumbled and although she was worried for Clara she could not let her emotions get the best of her.

Shaman used her ice to make a staircase behind the boss so she could do a lunge attack. Once Shaman was at the right height she created a slide in order to gain speed and once she was close enough she jumped off the ice platform.

Switching her Kotetsu's affinity to fire, Shaman finally decided to use a skill that she has not been able to use so far.

"Blade of Flamescion!" In typical fashion Shaman called out the name of the skill as she felt like it was the right thing to do in the moment.

Shaman's blade burst alight with red and blue flames, and her hair took on a red tint. Fire surrounded her, leaving behind fiery streaks as she dived towards the boss.

Shaman held her Kotetsu high and swung towards the boss hoping to do significant damage. The boss knew she was coming, and so it tried to turn and block with his sword, but his movements were being disrupted by Wolfy, who was sending a constant barrage of large shadow swords at him.

Wolfy used what was left of the roof to his advantage, abusing gravity to add more force to the massive blades he was creating. Wolfy had no way to hold onto the blades so he let them fall shortly after their creation, dropping with the blades, then jumping back into the shadows. This however took a lot of effort and Wolfy could feel his mana getting sucked up quickly.

However despite Wolfy's distraction it was not enough to let Shaman get a clean hit.

Shaman slashed down heavily, but the boss was able to push itself out to the side. Still, due to his size Shaman was able to just hit the edge of the boss's body. Flames bursted out, burning through armour and flesh, leaving a sizeable hole in its side. Purple mist could be seen oozing out of the wound but due to the fire's lingering effects it was unable to regenerate itself.

Shaman managed to still do significant damage but she would not be able to keep throwing the same skill over and over again since her mana capacity did not agree with her.

'Seems like I need to save it for when I know for sure I can finish it off. Too bad I can't see its health because it's a higher tier than me.' Shaman landed on the ground in frustration but she had gained information on the boss's weakness which made this fight more reasonable.

However before she could think of the next course of action, an immense pressure could be felt from the side, and it wasn't coming from the boss.


Elysia had quickly gone over to where Clara landed to get her out of the wall. Elysia's heart sank a little when she saw the condition Clara was in and was worried for Shaman who was currently attacking the boss.

Elysia pulled Clara out of the wall and laid her on the floor. She looked for any major injuries, but since she did not have the heal skill like Shaman, she was unable to be of any help for now.

'Shit, okay I need to make sure she won't die on me while we fight.' Elysia began to look through her inventory to see if there were any items that may be able to help Clara. 𝘧𝚛𝗲𝘦𝚠𝙚𝙗𝙣o𝙫𝗲𝚕.𝐜o𝓂

After finding bits of cloth in their unorganized inventory she was able to clean up the blood and bandage Clara's wounds, making sure she does not bleed to death. But while Elysia was in the middle of cleaning the blood something began to grow on Clara's head.

A pair of horns started growing out of her head and the purple highlights in her hair started turning into a pinkish red colour.

Elysia started to freak out as she had no idea what's going on and had never seen a race with horns such as these before. During Elysia's panic Clara opened her eyes wide and just like her highlights her eyes turned into a pinkish red colour.

Clara locked eyes with Elysia and said nothing but smiled which threw Elysia off guard. Clara then suddenly got up and began rushing towards the boss. Suddenly Elysia felt immense pressure coming from Clara and was left confused on what the hell is happening.

'Shit I need to go, I think Shaman may have accidentally awakened something because of her blessing.' Elysia's first thought was to blame the blessing Shaman had used. Recalling that ominous smile, she couldn't help but worry about what was to come.