I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 116 Last Stand

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?The fight was finally over, although not very climatic they were not going to take the chance of letting the boss do as it pleased.

Elysia put Shaman on her back and regrouped with Clara so they could decide on what they should do.

"Alright, are we all ready to go?" Clara was eager to leave the dungeon as soon as possible. Clara's objectives seem to have greatly shifted ever since the transformation.

"I think we should wait till Shaman wakes up, I know you want to leave right away but this place might be the safest place for now." Elysia figured since the boss had been killed that no monster would come after them, allowing them to get some rest before heading out.

Clara thought about it for a moment as Elysia had brought up a reasonable point.

However an ear piercing screech that sounded like the boss echoed throughout the room. Although not as loud and more bearable, everyone was on high alert looking for what caused the screech.

"You think I am dead? How naive of you to think I would let you kill me so easily!" The boss's voice rang out but it was a little more higher pitched than normal.

Everyone looked around for the boss but were unable to see any trace of the purple aura, let alone a body.

Shaman, who was peacefully passed out, was rudely awakened by the screeching. She slowly opened her eyes to see the same concrete floor as the room where the boss fight started.

While looking at the floor she noticed a tiny version of the boss and became very confused, muttering out a few words.

"Why is there a tiny boss on the floor, am I still dreaming?" Shaman's words caused everyone else to look at the ground where Shaman was looking. Shaman then fell asleep again as she was still quite drained.

What they witnessed was something they did not expect to see, a tiny version of the boss that was no higher than their ankles jumping up and down putting on a scary voice.

"Pfft" Elysia could not help but laugh as it was hilarious to see the boss in such a state and found him a little adorable.

"Can we keep him?" Elysia thought it would be a good idea to keep it as a tiny pet, for its "ferocious" nature.

"Mother number two I don't think that would be a good idea." Wolfy could see the mini boss being an issue as it could regain its power and fighting it again was not on his list of things to do.

"Ehhh? Mother two? Where did that come from?" Elysia was thrown off by what Wolfy just called her and didn't know if she should feel touched or offended.

"Hmph, since you are the partner of my mother, I figured it was about time that I also started calling you mother as well." Wolfy turned his head out of embarrassment as he had already planned to start calling Elysia mother earlier but did not have the courage to speak up.

Elysia saw this embarrassment and a smug look appeared on her face. Taking advantage of Wolfy's embarrassment Elysia went up to Wolfy and squatted in front of him.

"Awww, how cute, you know I don't mind, but you can always just call me and Shaman, mama Elysia and mama Shaman." Elysia patted Wolfy and although he did not say it, his tail betrayed him once again, wagging showing his excitement.

"F-fine, m-mama Elysia." Wolfy agreed and felt even more embarrassed from the sudden intimate moment.

"Hehe~ good." Elysia felt really happy and continued to pat Wolfy while also trying not to drop Shaman.

While Elysia teased Wolfy, Clara had squatted down next to the boss that had already been forgotten and began to poke it.

"Ow! You witch, this is my last stand!" The boss protested from Clara's pokes but his reaction was too amusing, so Clara kept on poking it.

Clara eventually added small electric shocks to her pokes which caused the tiny boss to go through even more pain. It had tried to run away but Clara would send mini lighting strikes in his way at every turn.

"Fufu~ you have nowhere to run." Clara was entertained by the little boss, almost wanting to keep it for herself.

"GAHHHH, stop it, why the hell does someone like you killing us, when you have the blood of the Demon Qu-" The boss retorted back but before it could finish what it said Clara sent down a much stronger lightning strike killing off the tiny boss. This caused Elysia and Wolfy to look over to see what happened.

Clara's eyes became cold as if remembering something that she has been trying to repress.

Wolfy and Elysia moved closer to Clara to see if she was okay, since Clara did not move a single inch after killing the tiny boss.

"Uhh Clara?" Elysia did not want to get too close as the fear of Clara emotionally exploding was still very high and she did not want to get caught up in it.

"Oh sorry, the little boss just got on my nerves, that's all." Clara shook her head and smiled at Elysia to reassure her things were okay.

Elysia let out a sigh of relief as it seemed like everything's fine for now.

"Anyway let's find a spot to rest for a bit, I think we are all in need of some relaxation." Elysia could already feel her body getting sore and just wanted to sit down.

"Well here should be fine, right?" Wolfy figured it would be better to stay as there were most likely still some Terikin being pests on the outside.

"Hmm, I guess staying down here would be easier, plus we shouldn't have any more little terrors annoying us anymore." Elysia looked over to the end of the massive hall they were in and figured they could stay by a possible exit before they headed out.

"Well let's head over and get a little bit of rest." Clara looked like something was weighing on her mind but Elysia did not dare to ask.

They all made their way over to the end of the hall to set up camp and regain their energy. Elysia pulled out a pillow and blanket from her inventory and laid Shaman down.

'Urg hopefully we get to the fox realm quickly, I already got used to sleeping in a comfortable bed' Elysia was thinking about the trip ahead and was not excited for the nights out in the wild.

Clara had sat up against the wall and seemingly got lost in thought. Elysia wanted to go up and talk to her but ever since she transformed Elysia has been a little scared to approach her.

To keep her mind off things, Elysia brought out the small portable kitchen she bought and prepared some food. Wolfy decided to take refuge right next to Shaman and snuggle next to her for a short nap.

<Clara POV>

'What should I do, do I tell them, they seem to be the reason why I reclaimed my memories.'

'Argghh but Shaman is royalty from what I heard from H-hime- red haired bitch and Elysia is from an old family that wants to murder all beastmen.' Clara was internally spiraling as she was conflicted on what to tell the group.

'I could just leave but they have been so kind even now after transforming, although Elysia has been a little distant. Still, I have not been the most approachable either.' Clara knew that she had been acting differently and that Elysia picked up on it so she understood why Elysia had been distant.

'I don't need to tell them everything yet, I don't want to lose them.'

'I need to talk with Shaman, at least then I can determine what I want to do.' Clara made up her mind and was going to wait for Shaman to wake up so she can decide whether to stay, or leave before getting too attached.


<Shaman POV>

After falling back to sleep Shaman found herself once again experiencing a dream of the past, observing it through young princess Shaman's eyes. This time 'Shaman' was in her mid teens and was currently lazing around in her bedroom.

Before the dream had started though, Rea had spoken to her.

[Hey, Shaman this dream is going to be a little different so be prepared]

'Huh why are you telling me this?' Shaman was confused by Rea's words as it was unusual for Rea to warn her.

[I'm not meant to be talking about this with you but because you haven't been looking at your memories, I have been forced to make you look at them.]

'Ehhh? That's not fair, let me talk to whatever higher up you report too, I have a girlfriend to see that is probably worried sick right now.' Shaman protested but also took this opportunity to try to bait an answer. ƒ𝘳𝗲𝑒𝒘𝐞𝚋𝚗𝐨v𝘦l.𝒄o𝐦

[You're not gonna get me that easily but know that time here flows differently than the outside and this dream is rather short so do not worry.] Rea reassured Shaman, giving Shaman some peace of mind.

'Tch, good but this better be worth it.' Shaman knew it was pointless to complain and only wanted to get this dream over with.

[Well good luck Shaman, see you in a bit] Rea seemingly vanished and the dream began to play.