I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 122 Clara’s System

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?Shaman looked at Clara blushing and thought she was seeing things.

'What kind of stuff has she gone through to be into becoming someone's slave.' Shaman's imagination ran a little wild causing her to slap herself as she should not be thinking about Clara in such a state.

The slap had also made Clara realise that she was blushing and Shaman clearly saw it.

'Shit, what the hell is wrong with me, I have been enslaved since I was like 13, don't tell me something has awakened in me.' Clara felt rather ashamed but tried to ignore it as much as she could and continued to read.


[By agreeing to have the system, you must pledge loyalty to Shaman and must uphold loyalty at all times. If you are seen as an enemy or no longer trustworthy the system will be stripped away and all the power obtained from the system will be taken away, reverting the user to their state before they got the system. The user must also stay in contact with Shaman, otherwise it will be seen as an act of betrayal unless the user is gone for a sufficient reason]

[By getting a system you will be able to manually evolve, have a personal inventory and assign your stats. The system will also assist the user in creating new skills as well improve the person's overall power]

'This really is a lifelong commitment and if I choose to accept, I would really have no other choice but to follow Shaman for the rest of my life.' Clara started to slightly blush at the thought but quickly dismissed those thoughts.

'Why do I keep thinking about that, I'm starting to be like Elysia….' Clara took a moment to think about what she just said as a realization just occurred.

'AHHHHHH, I'm becoming just as bad as Elysia, these feelings are just gratitude and appreciation for Shaman nothing more.' Clara scolded herself a little as she was becoming part of the very problem she was trying to fix.

'Okay enough about Shaman, I realise now that these feelings are not what they seem.' After thinking about how Elysia turned out, Clara was not fond of the thought of pursuing Shaman with her current feelings.

'Anyway I think I will accept this system as although it sounds rather dreadful, I don't ever see myself ever betraying Shaman and it seems like she has some control over the contract, so maybe changing the contact details might later be possible.' Clara considered asking for one small change as having to always be in contact sounded unreasonable and did not want to accidentally lose the system just because she was away.

"Hey ShaSha, are you able to change having to always be in contact to not be so strict, because of potential reasons I may be gone for a long extended period of time." Although it mentioned it would not be taken away if there was a sufficient reason, Clara did not trust it.

Shaman, who was still in a little daze because of her imagination, was brought back to her senses by Clara.

"Oh, yeah sure, not an issue." Shaman was still a little flustered and quickly asked Rea to make a change hoping that it was possible.

[Alright all done, I made the changes to accommodate Clara's requests since they were reasonable.] Rea gave the confirmation, surprising Shaman, who didn't expect she could change it so easily but was nonetheless thankful.

Clara saw the changes appear on the small floating screen and was more than happy to accept.

[If Shaman is aware that the user is going to be gone for an extended period of time all system rights will not be taken away unless Shaman deems the user untrustworthy]

Clara clicked the yes button underneath the small contract. Expecting to feel something, she braced herself, but surprisingly nothing happened. There was no pain and nothing seemed to have changed, leaving Clara confused.

"Uhhh, Shaman, is there meant to be something I should be feeling?"

"No, nothing should have changed physically, if you want to test the system try saying status." Shaman was finally calm and was glad to see that Clara accepted the system despite its rather unfair conditions.

"Status." Upon speaking the words a black screen with purple outlines and text appeared.

[Clara ????]

[Race: Human/demon]

[Age: 23]

[Level: 108]

[Tier 5]

Clara was able to see details about herself and was intrigued by her last name and level.

'It seems even though I know my last name the system doesn't recognize it.' Clara was unsure if there was a reason or it was protecting her privacy.

[Hey there Clara, it's me Rea the system helper, to answer your question it's because you are yet to discover it so until then it shall remain hidden.]

Clara looked around frantically as she was trying to figure out where the voice was coming from.

[I'm in your head dummy.]

"Wait what?" Clara was still confused and Shaman who was watching could not help but giggle at Clara's confusion.

[Hello, from inside your head, it's Rea your assistant] Rea was seemingly having fun toying with Clara but it came to an end.

'Wait you're in my head and you can hear my thoughts?'


'So the thing about my name means that what I know is not actually my real last name?'


'Can you tell me?'


'Damn it, well I have a few guesses as to why but there is no use in thinking about it till I return to the demon lands.' Clara wanted to see if she could get information but in the end, attempting to coerce this mysterious entity seemed futile.

"Done talking to Rea?" Shaman figured it was time they began to discuss whatever Clara had to say but Shaman already guessed it was going to be about Elysia.

"Oh yes, she was rather weird, didn't know you had someone always talking in your head." Clara rubbed her head as it was weird for her to hear voices other than her own.

"Well you get used to it, plus she doesn't really talk a whole lot." Shaman realised that even though Rea had a voice, she never really participated in conversation when it would have been fine to do so.

"I guess so, anyway I needed to talk to you about something concerning Elysia." Clara got straight to the point and even though Shaman was expecting it she could not help but feel a bit annoyed.

"I'm going to be blunt, Elysia is crazy and it's not looking good for her. While you were asleep I challenged your relationship by telling her how I saw it and she snapped." Clara did not want to hide the fact that she and Elysia fought.

"Wait, she attacked you?" Shaman was surprised as she did not expect Elysia to already be so far down the yandere path.

"Yes, I knocked her out but I'm afraid she will only get worse if things continue." Clara was feeling nervous as she was unsure how Shaman was going to act but she at least believed she won't be attacked.

"Fuck." Shaman could already feel the stress build up as it was something she feared if they ever got another female member. Since Elysia had not really shown her possessiveness lately, Shaman hadn't been giving it much thought.

Shaman let out a sigh as it seemed she's been neglecting the subject for too long, which was now sowing conflict in their group for no reason.

"You don't need to say anything more Clara, I'm well aware of Elysia's temperament. I should be able to handle it but it's going to take time." Shaman did not want Clara to get involved as she believed it will only make Elysia worse.

"But I want to help, are you sure you can handle it on your own?" Clara was happy to hear Shaman was understanding but she was also worried Shaman might not be able to handle it on her own.

"Yes I'm sure I can handle it, but I don't want you getting involved and seeing you get hurt." Shaman knew that if Clara was going to help she would most likely get attacked again.

"That's not the right thing to do, you can't bear it all by yourself and you don't need to worry about me, I can defend myself." Clara was starting to get annoyed with Shaman.

"You're the root of the problem, if you don't get any outside assistance Elysia may never get out of the hole she is in!" Clara did not want Shaman to go through it by herself since the situation was so complex that treading alone would be a death wish.

"I KNOW! But that's the exact reason why I don't want you to get involved, if you get involved it could ruin our friendship and I do not want that." Shaman was getting emotional and started to tear up.

"I.... fine, but if I see that you need any help, you can't stop me from helping." Clara noticed that Shaman was tearing up and decided to give up the conversation as continuing would only make it worse.

"Fine." Shaman turned her head to hide her teary face. She understood where Clara was coming from, but still wanted to keep Clara out of the mess which was Elysia.f𝑟𝑒ewe𝚋𝚗૦𝐯e𝘭.c𝗼𝓂