I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 124 Death

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?Shaman watched Elysia slowly break free from her egg anticipating some physical changes to have taken place.

Elysia sat up stretching out her body and upon seeing Shaman in front of her reached out to hug her. Elysia wrapped her arms around Shaman's waist giving her a tight hug. Shaman returned the awkward hug and put her arms around Elysia's head.

Elysia however felt this wave of hunger flow through her, so she turned her head biting down on Shaman's arm.

"Ow, you bitch." Shaman out of pure reaction stepped back and slapped Elysia in the face.

Elysia fell back and was now completely awake, Clara who was watching could not help but giggle at what she saw. Shaman grabbed her arm and used [heal] as a bite from a tier 5 fox girl did some damage.

Elysia held her face where she was hit and looked at Shaman healing the bite that she caused.

"Wait, I did that?" Elysia was still confused about what happened and why she was slapped in the face.

Wolfy let out a sigh as it was the stupid shenanigans that would occasionally happen between Shaman and Elysia.

"Yes you did and it bloody hurt." Shaman had finished healing the small bite mark on her arm and stared at Elysia with a bit of annoyance.

"Aha, sorryyy." Elysia scratched the back of her head.

"Now go eat something before you try having another taste." Shaman squinted her eyes at Elysia waiting for her to get some food.

"I mean I can eat yo-"

"No!" Shaman knew exactly what Elysia was going to say so she was cut off before she could finish speaking.

"Hmph." Elysia turned her head and opened her inventory to pull out some food to eat.

Elysia pulled out one of Shaman's instant noodles because she did not have the energy to cook her own food. It went against Elysia's pride in her cooking, but she had no other choice but go for the easy option.

Shaman let out a sigh and although she did not need to be as aggressive, with everything that was going with their relationship, her patience was becoming thin.

'I need time to think, I don't usually get annoyed but there is so much to think about that I feel like I could explode.' Shaman could feel things were bottling up within her and she needed to release some tension.

'I would love to have some time with Elysia, but she is one of the main reasons why I'm like this.' Shaman considered some alone time but she did not know if she could forget about the arising issues with Elysia.

Elysia devoured the noodles and her egg only to grab another cup of noodles, making quick work of that one as well. After eating, Elysia finally stood up and finally noticed something about Shaman.

"You're so short now Shaman!" Elysia, unable to control her urges, ran up to Shaman and hugged her. Shaman, who was still stuck deep in thought, was suddenly attacked by Elysia's chest. f𝑟𝑒ewe𝚋𝚗૦𝐯e𝘭.c𝗼𝓂

As if Elysia stole Shaman's height, Elysia was now 6'1" putting Shaman at eye level with Elysia's chest.

"OI! You stole my height, you vixen!" Shaman noticing that Elysia had reached Shaman's previous height could not help but complain.

"Awww, look at you, you are so damn cute." Elysia then started to pat Shaman's head which had distracted her for a moment before realising this was not the time for head pats.

"Enough!" Shaman then pushed away Elysia's chest causing her to yelp a little and fall to the ground.

Shaman's face was red from being smothered by Elysia and although Shaman wasn't complaining, she was not in the mood.

"Oops, I got a little carried away." Elysia lowered her head as she could tell Shaman was getting a little annoyed at her.

*Sight* "It's okay, maybe later because right now we need to get out of this place." Shaman did not want to be too harsh on Elysia, but they've spent too much time in the dungeon and needed to get a move on.

Elysia nodded and stood up again, suppressing the urge to hug the now small Shaman in front of her.

'Why does it annoy me to see them like this. AHHHH! I feel like bashing my head against the wall. There is nothing between me and Shaman.' Clara was internally fighting her feelings as she realised that it would be selfish and stupid of her to try anything.

'Only time will tell what will happen between them so I just need to wait and assist only if asked.' Clara came to terms with the current state of affairs, which had helped subside the feelings she had.

While Clara was busy with her internal struggles, the slow pats she was giving Wolfy became more vigorous and intense. Wolfy, taking advantage of this new pace, turned on his back and got satisfying belly rubs from Clara.

'This is bliss.' Wolfy was enjoying every moment till Clara finally stopped. A little sad that Clara had stopped her pats, he turned his head to find that the others had started to move towards a nearby doorway.

'Oops.' Wolfy got up and quickly caught up.


The group went through the doorway near which they had been resting, as it was the only visible exit besides the roof they could take.

Shaman slowly opened the door and upon peeking in she saw a stairway lit up with torches.

"YES! Looks like we have a way up." Shaman was happy to see that they did not have to use their mana to get to the hole in the roof. The group began to ascend the stairs constantly going up in a spiral.

"Let's hope there aren't any traps." Elysia was examining the wall testing for any secret button that might activate a trap.

"Don't go feeling around, do you want us to potentially die." Clara had slapped Elysia's hand off the wall as she rather not find out.

"Aha don't be so paranoid." Elysia had reached out again feeling the wall but this time the brick pushed in. Elysia's heart sank as she realised she may have just fucked up badly.

"You got to be fucking kidding me." Clara could not help but facepalm as the one thing that Elysia thought was not going to happen, happened.

"Shit." Shaman instantly looked around trying to see what Elysia had done and expecting something to fly at them, instead the wall began to open up.

"A secret passage?" This was the first thing that came to Shaman's mind as she saw another set of stairs that lead straight up.

"Well, I guess we can't say no to some extra loot and speaking of loot did we get anything from the boss?" Elysia's feeling of dread had turned into excitement now that she may have found a secret passageway.

"Sadly nothing except for his core. We did not get any items, but hey at least we have some funds for when we reach the Fox realm." Shaman was a little disappointed that there were no rewards, but there wasn't much they could do about it.

"Damn, well let's hope the next dungeon we try, the boss will drop an item." Elysia was optimistic and did not dwell on it for too long.

"Anyway, let's see where it leads." Shaman walked in first with everyone following and they began to make their way up the stairs.

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Without even realising it, the secret passage had taken them straight to the dungeon entrance and the group found themselves approaching the exit.

"Huh? Isn't that where we came from?" Clara was the first to point it out as she recognized the dungeon doors ahead of them.

"Ehhhh? Wait, you are right, how the hell did we end up here?" Shaman was confused at how seamless it was and wondered if it had to do with the weird magical property dungeons have surrounding them.

'Seeing as dungeons can have different instances like a video game, a shortcut to the start after the boss does not seem too far-fetched.' Shaman decided not to think too much about it and just appreciate the convenience it gave.

"Anyway, let's get the hell out of here." Elysia didn't care and just wanted out of the dungeon already so she quickly opened up the door.

However, when Elysia opened the door a wave of pressure washed over the group, enveloping them with fear and causing goosebumps all over their bodies.

Shaman quickly realising that they were all in danger quickly grabbed Elysia by the collar and Clara by her hand, pulling them all into [Shadow walk]. Wolfy had also copied Shaman and entered [Shadow walk] on his own.

A short moment later the entrance of the dungeon was completely blown away by a pure black javelin. The feeling of fear had turned to a feeling of certain death as a man in full black appeared in front of them.

Thanks to [Shadow walk] they became undetectable by any normal means and were able to observe without being found.

"Tch I thought I felt the demon girl here." The man spoke in a cold tone and his red eyes glowed slightly staring directly at Shaman as if he could see her.