I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 144 Raising The Flames

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?"Elysia, just burn the place down." Shaman gave up on trying to continue things as discreetly as possible.

"Really?" Elysia was shocked to hear Shaman as it was rather rare for them to let loose.

"Go ahead." Shaman sighed as she contemplated this being a more effective way of dealing with the nobles.

"Mother?" Wolfy's voice suddenly rang out from above as he appeared from the hole.

"Wolfy?" Shaman looked up and saw him poking his head through the hole in the roof.

Wolfy, seeing that it was Shaman, jumped down the hole. After landing he went up to Shaman, getting on his back legs and licking Shaman's face.

Shaman was surprised as it was a first for Wolfy to do this. Wolfy, realising what he was doing, quickly backed away and turned his head.

"I-i don't know what came over me." Wolfy lowered his head embarrassed.

"Awwwww, Wolfy, that was so cute!" Shaman found Wolfy adorable, knowing it was rare for Wolfy to show this level of affection.

Shaman went up to Wolfy and started to give him pats just for how adorable he was. Wolfy's tail wagged as Shaman was patting him. Meanwhile, Clara was holding back the urge to pat Wolfy as well.

"Can I burn the place down while you play with Wolfy?" Elysia was more eager to cause destruction and kill their target.

"Yes, go on ahead." Shaman waved Elysia off, who immediately dashed off up the stairs.

Elysia covered her spear in fire and dragged it along the wall leaving a trail of fire.

Shaman had stopped patting Wolfy and turned to Clara who was patiently waiting.

"Seeing as Elysia will be taking care of the target, did you want to get out of here and watch the building burn to the ground?" Shaman thought they may as well just watch from a distance while they waited for Elysia to finish.

"Sounds good to me." Clara liked the sound of it, but also was worried about how Elysia would react to them going off on their own.

'Hope Elysia doesn't murder me.' Clara felt uneasy, but it seemed that over time Elysia had opened up to Clara making her safer from Elysia's wrath.

Deciding to take the hole as their way of escape, Shaman made a ladder out of ice. Wolfy, being unable to climb, went into a shadow on Shaman's body.

Climbing out of the hole, Shaman was met with a garden that was slowly burning away. Wolfy got out of Shaman's shadow and Clara climbed out of the hole.

"I thought it would be more violent, but I guess the best of it is yet to come." Clara thought the mini jungle around the mansion would be up in a blaze.

"I will kickstart the flames a bit more then." Shaman clicked her fingers and fire appeared in her hands. Throwing small balls of fire around the garden started to create bigger fires.

"That should do it, now let's leave before we are surrounded by flames." Shaman knowing this mission was too far gone decided to add more fire to the mix.

The small fire that was slowly burning the garden had turned into a proper bushfire.

Shaman, Clara and Wolfy ran out of the garden, this time not passing out from the plants. By the time they reached the front of the mansion, the fire behind them was getting larger and more violent.

Jumping over the fence, Shaman landed and pulled Clara into [Shadow walk]. Going up the wall of the building they re-emerged from the shadow just before they started the infiltration.

"Now let us sit back and watch the show." Shaman came out of [Shadow walk] and sat on the edge of the building. Clara, taking the risk, sat next to Shaman, but not too close for safety measures.

Wolfy came out of his own [Shadow walk] and sat on the other side of Shaman.

"Hopefully she doesn't attract any more attention." Clara thought how a massive fire at a noble's mansion was going to cause a lot of eyes to be drawn to it.

"Well if Freja said we can go this route, I'm sure it would be fine." Shaman was not confident, but she believed in Freja's words.

"Hopefully." Clara looked through one of the windows of the mansion just as a burst of flames came through them. 𝒇r𝙚𝙚𝓌𝙚𝑏𝗻𝑜𝘷𝗲𝘭.c૦𝑚

"Looks like it started." Shaman knew it was Elysia and that the inevitable destruction had begun.


Elysia emerged from under the staircase into a hall that was filled with more plants and overgrowth. The hall also looked identical to that of the lions but the decor represented that of the snake.

'Now let's find this snake.' Elysia made it to a large hall only to find a bunch of guards waiting there for her.

One guard attempted to slash Elysia from behind with a sword, but was blocked by a fire wall. Elysia spun with her spear, sending it through the fire wall and slashed across the guard's chest.

Because her spear was covered in fire, it had also burned the half snake guard alive.

The guards around all flinched and were rather terrified of Elysia.

Elysia turned to face the 8 guards that all had their weapons drawn.

"Pffthahaha, this is going to be fun." Elysia spun the spear in her hands while stepping back. Her smile sent shivers down the guard's spine as they thought she was insane.

Some of the guards were shaking, but one managed to build up the courage to move, charging at Elysia with an axe. The fear could be seen in his eyes, but desperation took over him.

Some of the other guards sent spells towards Elysia. A water wave, fireball and a wind slash were sent in her direction, trapping her from moving.

Elysia, being able to fully let loose, allowed her flames to go wild. Flames started flying around her and the tip of her ears and tail were burning like candles.

Elysia, not caring for the spells that were fast approaching, dashed forward towards the axe wielding guard. Once in front of the guard, Elysia stabbed directly into his face, killing him and setting his head ablaze.

The elemental spells were fast approaching and Elysia had no time to move out of the way.

Elysia stood up straight and stomped her foot on the ground, creating a pillar of fire around her. The spells hit the fire pillar, but were ineffective. The flames were simply absorbed by her pillar, while the water evaporated.

Elysia overloaded her fire pillar with mana, creating a small explosion, breaking windows and setting fire to the mansion.

Elysia emerged from the flames, already partly transformed as she did in the dungeon. However, this time Elysia was in control and was not in a mindless craze.

Her transformation also enhanced the flames that were on her ears and tail making them more violent.

'It seems like I can use it, ever since fighting the skeleton knight I have been meaning to try it again.' After fighting the skeleton knight, Elysia had seen a new skill pop up in her system about her transformation.

The guards fell down in fear at the sight of Elysia. Their legs gave out making it impossible for them to even run, making it easier for Elysia to kill them.

"Well I don't have much time to waste so let's get this done quickly." Elysia disappeared on the spot and reappeared back in front of the groups of guards.

Elysia covered her fist in fire, condensing the flames to make it an explosive punch.

The guards had no time to react and before they knew it, Elysia punched the floor.

An explosion erupted from Elysia's fist, engulfing all the guards in the flames and turning them to ash in an instant. More of the mansion was set on fire and parts of the mansion started falling apart.

"Now where is that damned snake, let's hope he hasn't run away." Elysia turned to the stairs and started to run up, looking for the snake noble.


Most of the mansion was falling apart because of the fire, but since Elysia had control over the flames, they did not affect her and were easily shoved out of the way.

Elysia kicked away some fallen wood that was blocking a door and then opened it. The snake noble that was inside fell back realising that what came to "save" him was one of the girls he caught. The room was a study that had no windows and was filled with books from top to bottom. A single desk was in the middle with books sprawled across them.

"S-stay away." The snake noble was crawling backwards till he hit the bookshelf behind him.

Due to the flames, Elysia had caused, by the time the noble noticed something was wrong, the door had already jammed, making it impossible for him to leave.

"My, look at who we have here, why don't we play with some fire." Elysia smiled while covering her hands in fire.