I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 148 Walk Back Home

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?Shaman stared down the target waiting for him to move, anticipating a similar attack. f𝐫ee𝘄ℯ𝚋no𝐯𝐞l.c𝘰m

The remaining guard with the claws went for another charge, probably aiming to distract her.

'I wonder if I can see anything in my spatial rift.' Shaman saw that the target was using portals, so she wondered if she could use them against the target.

'Wait, if he can use his portals like that, does that mean I can use my spatial rift to achieve the same thing?'

'Let's try it.' Shaman figured using the charging guard as a guinea pig would be a good test.

While slashing down with her sword, Shaman opened up a rift in front of her and opened the exit behind the guard.

Shaman's sword went through the portal, its blade coming out on the other side and slashing across the guard's back. The guard fell down on the ground, bleeding and barely able to move. To finish him off Shaman opened an exit above his head and pierced it with her sword.

'Wow that worked a lot better than I thought, but it drains my mana like crazy.' Shaman thought it wouldn't work as it seemed to open a portal to a different dimension, yet it would not alter the distance between its entrance and exit points.

'Maybe that space is to help visualise where I am, but really I just need to think where I need to go and I can open a portal to that area?' Shaman pondered on it for a moment before Rea spoke up giving an explanation.

[Well done, Shaman you have accidentally evolved your skill even though you do not possess the element. You gained a new understanding of the skill, forcing it to change. I have no idea how you did this but it is what it is.]

Shaman was surprised to hear she accidentally evolved her skill without realising it.

'If I remember correctly, the better my understanding of an element, the easier it is to improve and create new skills.' Shaman thought back to how she made her Flamescion skill and acquired the ice element.

'Anyway that is good news, maybe I should try it with my other skills.' Shaman, recalling the baseline knowledge of her home world, wanted to use it more so she can improve even quicker.

'Now back to the target, I almost forgot about him.' Shaman looked up to see the scared face of the target.

Not wasting any time, Shaman opened up a portal and prepared to throw Kotetsu in. The target realised what is likely to happen next and tried to open a portal to escape. Yet, just as he opened his portal, Shaman connected her entrance to his, throwing Kotetsu in straight for his neck.

Shaman was exhilarated from the success of her ruse, watching Kotetsu stab through his neck. The target stared at the sword in horror as he started choking on his own blood.

"Wow, that was cool despite the gruesome death." Shaman felt rather proud. Although her mana was significantly drained due to the new application of the portals, she was still happy to see improvement.

Shaman walked up to the dying target who had fallen to the ground, grabbed his neck and pulled out kotetsu. Blood started to profusely come out of his neck and Shaman quickly backed away to avoid it.

'Despite seeing blood so much lately, I can't help but feel a little bit disgusted by this scene.' Shaman stared at the target trying to speak, but with each second the life was draining from his eyes.

'Anyway, the target is dead and I want to get into a nice bed already.' Shaman realised that they had finally finished killing all the targets in one night.

Elysia, who was watching from the side, had regained enough strength to move and so she quickly made her way down to Shaman.

"Kyaa! That was so cool, Shaman. what you did with your portals, I never knew you could do that." Elysia ran up to Shaman giving her a hug.

Shaman tried to respond but she was completely smothered in Elysia's chest making it hard to speak.

"Oh and is your face okay? Can't believe that piece of trash was able to hit you." Elysia slightly pulled away from Shaman to examine her face to see if there were any damages.

"Y-yes, but can you let go? We need to get out of here." Shaman Did not want to stick around the crime scene, as sooner or later more guards would arrive.

"Oh yes, let's go." Elysia let go of Shaman and instead held onto her hand.

Shaman quickly sent a message to Clara, letting her know that they had killed all their targets.

[Sweet, me and Wolfy just finished up here, so I will see you back at Freja's mansion]

Shaman smiled, glad that they were okay and there were no more complications.


Taking their time, Shaman and Elyia found themselves walking hand in hand through the streets. The sound of yelling and confusion spread throughout the Freya forest while Shaman and Elysia calmly made their way to the mansion

"How long do you think we will stay here?" Elysia wondered what Shaman's plan was as it seemed like they found a place to settle.

"It depends. We could stay here and do more missions for Freja, but sooner or later we may have to make our way to the demon lands for Clara and Himeko." Shaman had a similar feeling of wanting to find a safe haven, but they could not stay for too long.

"Do we really have to go to the demon lands for Clara?" Elysia pouted as although she did not mind Clara, She wasn't a fan either.

"Well she is possibly a demon queen so who knows, we may be able to get a demon army on our side." Shaman already guessed what Clara's identity could be.

"You do have a point, although we can't see her status fully, it is kind of obvious what she is." Elysia had also assumed the same thing since the explanation of demon horns given by Clara told them everything.

"Indeed, so let us not waste this opportunity." Shaman had a good feeling about Clara, but she also expected it to be very difficult.

"We also have Himeko somewhere in the Demon lands that we have to find." Elysia remembered the cave that was mentioned to them where Himeko was supposedly recovering.

"It is going to be a mess. Honestly, I'd rather not think about it until the time comes." Shaman was still unsure how Clara was going to react but assumed it was not going to be nice.

"I'm still not happy that Himeko hid the truth from us, but I can't imagine how Clara feels having her very identity come into question." Elysia, despite her animosity towards Clara, still felt bad for her.

"We have to hear Himeko out first. If what Freja said is true, Himeko wanted the best for us, so I don't think we should just throw her away." Shaman was willing to hear out Himeko and was more concerned about how it will turn out for the others.

"Oh well, all we can do is hope that Clara doesn't overreact." Elysia sighed, understanding why Shaman did not want to think about it. free𝒘ℯ𝗯𝙣𝗼ν𝑒𝗹.𝒄o𝒎

"At least now we should have some free time to ourselves." Shaman wrapped around Elysia's arm giving her a smile, instantly lifting the mood.

"Hehe~" Elysia felt extremely happy and had a grin all the way back to the mansion.


Arriving back at Freja's mansion, Shaman and Elysia were at the front gates with Shaman still clinging to Elysia.

Clara and Wolfy were sitting on a brick wall by the gate waiting for Shaman to arrive. Seeing them come up to the mansion Clara and Wolfy made their way down to them.

"You guys took your time." Clara stared at them unimpressed for taking so long to get back to the mansion.

"You didn't need to wait for us, you know." Shaman was surprised to see Clara and Wolfy waiting for them, as she expected them to go to bed.

"Well, Freja wanted to see us before we went to our rooms." Clara sighed as she would have much rather gone to bed, but there were still things to do.

"Alright fair enough, let's get this over with then." Shaman could not argue with that and sighed before moving.

The group made their way into the mansion, entering the throne room where Freja sat in her throne with a sleeping Kiruya in her lap.

"Well, Well my little cuties~, you seem to have completed your mission already." Freja grinned while she slowly patted Kiruya's head.

"We wanted to get it done quickly so we ended up doing it as fast as we could." Shaman moved her gaze to the side as she remembered that they had destroyed many mansions.

"I must say, the way you went about it was absolutely a blast to watch."

"Wait, you were watching us." Elysia suddenly felt her heart drop as she was the main perpetrator of the exploding mansions.

"Fufu~ yes dear, I watched you all destroy the mansions and cause chaos throughout my forest." Freja's gaze went cold and the girls all went silent, scared of what was going to happen.

"Now for your punishment for causing me so much trouble."