I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 157 Innate Element

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?Shaman opened her eyes, finding herself not in Elysia's chest, but back in her palace bedroom.

'Oh? Another memory?' Shaman was surprised to be forced into another memory. Unfortunately, she has been neglecting to catch up on them, as she would usually be either too busy during the day and too tired to remember to look at them at night.

[Yes and I am going to keep forcing them to happen since you are unable to do it yourself.] Rea's voice echoed in Shaman's head and sounded rather annoyed at her.

'Damn and here I was hoping for some nice dreams about Elysia.'

[Do it when you wake up, you need to check these memories more often otherwise you will miss key information. This memory will also activate your innate element called Stardust, so pay attention.]

'Oooo, sounds interesting, but why can't I use it already?' Shaman felt that if it was an innate element of hers, she should have had it since she woke up. 𝑓𝘳ℯ𝒆w𝘦𝘣𝙣𝘰ѵ𝘦𝚕.c𝗼𝓶

[Because of the system and you need to recite some scriptures to activate it, hence why you are looking at this memory.]

'I see, well thank you Reia.' Shaman felt like she should have been more actively finding out about the past as she has replaced the original person.

[No worries, expect this to happen more, now time for the memory to play.]

Time suddenly began to move and Shaman was able to hear the ambient sounds around her. The small rustling, breathing and the quiet chirping of the birds through the window.

<Original Shaman POV>

Slowly opening her eyes, Shaman pulled herself up from bed and rubbed her eyes.

It was her 12th birthday and it was the day she was going to get her unique element.

"It's today!" Remembering what was happening, Shaman was filled with excitement. Quickly jumping out of bed, Shaman changed out of her black pyjamas into a mainly black dress with white accents. Shaman also tied her hair up in a high ponytail leaving only her bangs that were too short to be tied back.

"Hehe~" Doing a spin in front of a mirror, Shaman was happy with the way she looked.

Shaman ran out of her room and quickly navigated the palace to the study where her dad was.

Shaman slammed open the door to her dad's office giving him a small scare.

"Dad! Today is the day." Shaman tried to keep a serious face, but her tail was wagging and she couldn't help but smile.

"Aha yes sweetie, we need to wait for your mother before we give you your present." Shaman's father, a half fox, had short black hair and a pair of glasses he pushed up as he spoke. He wore a loose white t-shirt and a pair of black track pants. His build was also rather slim, making him look like not much of a fighter.

"Can I go get her then?" Shaman pouted as she wanted to go get her element already.

"Hmmm, aren't you impatient today. Guess it can't be helped, I'll come with you then." Shaman's father got up from his desk and went up to Shaman.

"I have to say you are getting taller by the day, you might be as tall as your mother by the time you're 18." Shaman's father, who was about 6'5" tall, found that Shaman was just below his chest.

"Soon enough I will be taller than you." Shaman crossed her arms and turned away, but did not stop her dad from patting her.

"Aha trust me you don't want to be this tall, but enough talking, let's go get your mother." Shaman's dad then put his hand behind Shaman getting her to start walking.


"I wonder where she could be?" Shaman's dad was walking down the halls, using his mana to detect where Cecilia was.

"Come onnnnnn." Shaman was swaying back and forth as they had been walking around the palace for about 5 to 10 minutes and had not found Cecilia.

"She might be getting your present ready, so how about we go hang out in the living room while we wait?" Shaman's dad was a little perplexed, but due to the place where they will be heading to later on, it did not surprise him if he wouldn't be able to detect Cecilia.

"Grrrr, can't we just make our way over there?" Shaman took a stance like she was about to pounce on her father.

"Oho, you want to challenge your father's authority? We have to make sure it's safe so we have to wait a bit longer." Shaman's dad mimicked her pose while in the middle of the hallway.

"But I want to go now!" Shaman leaped at her dad.

"Not so fast." While Shaman was in the air, her dad moved quicker than she could see and before Shaman knew it, her dad had grabbed her legs and held Shaman upside down.

"Ahhh!" Shaman screamed, not expecting to be dealt with so quickly.

"Now let's head back before you make a mess." Shaman's dad lightly put her on the ground, but once he did, Shaman went ahead and bit his ankle.

However, Shaman's tantrum had zero effect and her father stared at her with a smug look.

"Damnit." Shaman got out of her father's hold and turned away from her father.

"Pfftt, adorable. Now come on Shaman, don't want to leave your mother waiting." Shaman's dad patted her head before walking ahead towards a living room.

"Hmph, you win this time." Shaman admitted defeat for now, but she was determined to win one day.


Laying upside down on the couch Shaman was kicking her legs while waiting for her mother.

Her father was reading a book while also trying to poke Shaman with his other hand. Shaman was constantly blocking his hits but every now and again he would succeed causing her to yelp a little.

"You know sitting like that makes it easier for me."

"Shush, I'm bored."

"Oh my~ isn't it my two favourite people?" Cecilia had finally arrived and was in a shrine maiden outfit.

"Mum!" Shaman quickly got off the couch and ran up to Cecilia.

"Hello my cutie, you ready to go activate your element." Cecilia gave Shaman a hug while also patting her head.

"Mhm!" Shaman nodded furiously alongside her tail.

"Ren dear, can you guard the area while I'm with Shaman?"

"I was going to do that anyway." Ren closed the book he was reading and stood up.

"Thank you. Now that it is sorted out, let's make our way to the shrine." Cecilia picked up Shaman and despite her being rather big now it did not bother Cecilia at all.

"Woah." Shaman was not expecting to be picked up, but before she could say no Cecilia seemingly teleported in an instant.

Appearing in front of a shrine, Cecilia put Shaman down on the ground.

The old traditional Japanese shrine was in full view and was completely surrounded by nature. Turning around, Shaman saw that they were in the mountains and could see the palace from where they stood.

"Nice view isn't it?" Cecilia wrapped her hand around Shaman's shoulder and admired the view alongside her.

"Mhm yes, but we should go get my element." Shaman liked the view but was more keen on her present.

"Fufu~ eager girl you are, just like your father." Cecilia turned and grabbed Shaman's hand.

"Hmph i'm nothing like that geezer." Shaman's image of her dad was a shut-in who always had his nose stuck in a book.

"Yet you still brawl in the hallway like kids?" Cecilia covered her mouth with one hand hiding her smile.

"Y-you saw that?!" Shaman's face went red as it was rather embarrassing.

"Mother knows everything, so don't go trying to hide anything." Cecilia booped Shaman's nose before pulling her along inside the shrine.

"..." Shaman stayed silent trying to fight off the embarrassment.

Inside the shrine was rather bare, but on a pedestal was an old looking scroll.

"Huh? Is that it?" Shaman was confused as she didn't know how a scroll was going to help her get an element.

"haha , don't worry I was confused as well when I first did it, but trust me this place holds our most sacred treasure."

"But it is out in the open, we can see home from here."

"That is just an illusion sweetie, this place is deep underground." Cecilia told Shaman the truth as there was no point in hiding it.

"Ohhh that's so cool. Did you do that?" Shaman had always aspired to be like her mother so she wanted to learn as much as she could from her.

"Fufu~ it was indeed, but enough about me, today is about you. Now I need you to go up to the pedestal and read out what's on the scroll." Cecilia explained what Shaman had to do and she nodded before walking up to the pedestal.

Shaman's tail wagged in excitement as she got closer and when she reached it, she took a deep breath.

Cecilia took a step back and knelt down on the ground. A few magical circles activated around her and then one at Shaman's feet.

"What?" Shaman was confused by what's going on and panicked for a moment.

"It's okay Shaman, concentrate on reading out loud the words, I am just stimulating your mana so try to bear with the odd feeling.

"Mhm." Shaman felt a weird sensation through her body, but taking her mothers advice went ahead and read the scroll.

"To all my ancestors and the people of the fox race. I hereby declare my loyalty to my race and my conviction to use my power for the good of the people. I call for the legendary kitsune Akrone to bestow power upon thy vassal. Please accept this pledge, for I shall follow the way of the kitsune and strive to become stronger. Akrone, Please grant me the power to fulfil these duties." Shaman finished speaking and the words on the scroll began to glow a bright purple.

'Hmm? That's odd.' Cecilia had not seen the text go purple before as when she did this it had gone blue.

Shaman held her hands together and shut her eyes waiting for something to happen. Soon another feeling flowed through and Shaman had no way to describe it.

Opening her eyes she saw a word appear in front of her.
