I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 163 Clara Killing Her Prey

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?Elysia fell to her knees exhausted from the fight. Pulling out some bandages from her shared inventory, Elysia treated her wounds as she did not have any healing spell like Shaman.

'Looks like I am the first one to finish.' Elysia looked around and saw everyone still fighting. Elysia tried to get up from the floor, but her injured stomach ached in pain every time she moved.

'Ah fuck, it even hurts to breathe.' Elysia held her stomach, knowing she had no choice but to sit back and watch.

'I can try to use my fire bow from range, but it doesn't look like any of them need help.' Elysia was able to conjure up a fire bow and fire arrows from it, but she couldn't see an opportunity to use it at the moment.

Dragging herself towards the gate, Elysia leaned back, taking full view of everyone's fight.

'Goodluck everyone.'

** ƒ𝚛𝐞𝚎𝑤𝘦𝚋𝓷o𝚟e𝘭.c𝐨𝙢

<Clara POV>

Clara stood in front of the prey mantis. Not wanting to reveal she had whips, she started off having them retracted into swords.

"You think your puny blades will be able to handle my claws?" Perry, a male prey mantis, also shared very beast-like traits. Having serrated claws for arms and a head of a mantis, it was a rather gross combination when seeing it on a human body.

"Heh don't underestimate me, otherwise you will get squashed like an insect." Lightning flashed around Clara's blades as she drew them from her waist.

"You demons live peacefully in your own land, let's see how soft you have gotten." Perry was the first to make a move and dashed forward to Clara.

Clara attempted to dodge, but she felt her feet get rooted to the ground by the trees.

'Shit he uses nature.' Clara slashed down with one of her swords, freeing herself from the tree roots. Using that opening, Perry followed up with a horizontal slash right to her neck with both his claws.

Clara barely managed to raise her other sword to block the blow, but was launched to the side. Her feet dragged along the ground and eventually came to a stop, while her neck got a slight cut from her own blade being pushed up against her.

'Damn he is strong.' Clara did not expect Perry to be so strong, let alone combo his attack with an element.

"Tch." Perry was dissatisfied that Clara managed to live and so he dashed once again for another attack. This time, Clara was more weary of his element and better prepared herself for the attack.

Clara covered her swords in lightning and stabbed the ground. This had burnt the roots underground, disabling the root attack Perry was going to use again.

Dodging Perry's assault by a thread, Clara brought up her swords once more. She then slashed down at a greater speed thanks to her lightning and forced him to go on the defence. Even after Blocking with both his claws, Clara still put a massive amount of pressure on Perry, causing his feet to dig into the ground.

What Perry didn't expect was for the top of one blade to detach, seemingly guided by the lightning to wrap itself around one of his claws. Pushing Clara's blade back, the detached part of the blade had hooked onto his arm, slicing it almost completely off.

Perry's state was not looking good. His serrated blades had turned black, burned from the lightning, and one of his arms was on the verge of being cut off.

"How do you like that?" Clara retracted her whip blade while Perry held his arm that was profusely bleeding. Perry did not say any words while he focused on healing the wound with his nature magic.

'Of course he has healing magic.' Clara saw the green glow come from his hand and soon the bleeding from his arm came to a sudden stop.

"To think I would use this on a demon of a lower tier." Perry had suddenly punched the ground and tree roots began to surround him.

"Great, he has tree armour." Clara saw the tree roots wrap around his body, creating a sort of protective armour.

'I should keep my distance.' Clara's first thoughts were that he might be able to send attacks from anywhere on his body. The only weak spots were his arms as they were the only parts not covered by the tree armour.

'My lightning should be able to burn it, so I should try to strike it to see how it reacts.' Clara needed information before going in for any big attacks as they could very well be negated easily by the armour Perry was wearing.

Perry's body was now covered in wood, which seemed rather impractical, but thanks to it being infused with mana it acted like part of Perry's body, allowing him a surprising range of movement.

Clara this time did not have her whip blades retracted and was going to try for long distance attacks from further away. Spinning her whips to either side of her, Clara had created two circles of lightning.

Perry, not waiting for Clara, had punched the ground again, creating tree spikes that shot towards her. Swinging her blades in an X shape, Clara countered by sending a stream of pure lightning into the spikes.

The wooden spikes were instantly burnt up. They barely even delayed Clara's lightning that continued on, heading straight for Perry. Perry hurriedly raised up a wooden wall, which managed to hold in place the incoming lightning. The wall began to burn as it was slowly getting destroyed, but the lightning was getting weaker and weaker until it fizzled out.

Clara did not stand still while her lightning was being stopped by the wall and managed to get behind Perry without him noticing.

This time, instead of using her whips, she created a lightning spear and threw it at Perry. It travelled as fast as lightning, making it impossible to react to, forcing Perry to take the brunt of the blow.

Landing in his stomach, the lightning pushed him up against his own wooden wall, breaking it apart. While Perry was still getting pushed through the air by the lightning spear, his wooden armour was being burnt up, revealing his body.

"ARGGGGHH!" Perry screamed in pain as he felt like he was being struck by lightning over and over again. Pushing through the pain, he grabbed onto the spear that was now in his stomach, burning his hand. Using his nature element he was able to snuff out the lightning and stop the attack.

Landing on the ground, he held his stomach. The armour he was wearing underneath had turned completely black, only one push away from falling apart.

Perry ran while trying his best to heal his wounds, but Clara chased after him, not giving him enough time. Using her now retracted whip blades, she had swung down hoping to take out one of his arms.

Using the wood to push himself out of the way, Perry managed to dodge Clara's blades, but the lightning that had come out from her attack struck his arm. Paralysed by the attack, he felt his body locked up and unable to move.

Continuing her momentum Clara spun in the air and slashed down with her other whip blade, cutting one of his arms off. Perry screamed in pain. Trying desperately to get away, he put up a bunch of wooden walls, creating a dome.

Quickly replacing his arm with a wooden one, he had stopped the bleeding and created a temporary prosthetic.

"Don't think you are safe." Clara had retracted her blades and stabbed into the wooden dome, sending her lightning all over the dome and burning up the wood. What Clara failed to realise was that Perry still had control over the wood and so knowing where she was Perry sent a wooden spike into Clara.

Clara moved her head, dodging the spike, but more had come out and so her shoulder and hip got penetrated by wooden spikes.

Clara jumped back in pain and fell to her knees while covering the wounds with her hands.

Focusing on her demon regeneration, she had to stop the bleeding even though it made her defenceless. Luckily, she thought of an idea of how to take advantage of Perry's cockyness.

"Now look at how this turned out, without your weapons you are useless." Coming out of the burning wooden dome, Perry had approached Clara who was focusing on healing.

"Shut up, you were barely able to handle me." Trying to act desperate Clara wanted to make it look like she was on her last legs.

"You can hardly stand and all it took was a couple strikes, I would just call you a fly that was annoying to catch." Perry now stood in front of Clara, using his prosthetic wooden arm which he had turned into a spike, he positioned it under her chin.

"Now face the punishment of going against the noble families." Perry went to stab Clara in the throat, but she had grabbed a hold of the spike and pulled him closer while infusing her lightning on her hand.

Clara's lightning had increased her speed, making it hard for Perry to react in time, especially at such a close range.

Barely avoiding the spike which caused another cut on her neck, she reached out with her other arm, grabbing Perry by the neck while standing up.

"Just because I look weak doesn't mean I can't fight!" Clara with her infused lightning hand gripped Perry by the neck sending an electric shock through his body.

Perry swung with his other arm, using his claw to try and cut Clara's arm off, but before he could move it, Clara sent a massive wave of lightning through his body, making his muscles tense up, unable to move.

Crushing his neck even more, Clara strangled Perry with one hand while sending lightning through his body so he couldn't move. Soon Perry died, his entire body frozen in the same position.

Letting go, Clara let Perry fall to the floor. She stood over it, glaring at the corpse.

"Damn that hurt." Clara flicked her hands as using a lot of lightning on her body had caused a small amount of burning. Walking over to the slowly disintegrating wooden dome, Clara pulled out her whip blades and stored them in her inventory.

'Looks like Elysia has finished and Silver is about to finish up, I should heal and go help Shaman.' Clara felt her wounds slowly healing, but they would take a bit more time to finish as they were not small.

Clara limped her way close to Elysia who was up against the gate to also watch over the fights before she jumped back in.