I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 212 [Halloween] - Haunted House

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?[A/N: Happy Halloween everyone, hope you have enjoyed your day. I'm here to present you with a fun chapter in which the events of these are half cannon, don't know what that means, but take it as you will. Happy reading and I hope you got a good laugh. (Also do note I did not edit this chapter so sorry for any mistakes.)]

<Freya Forest>

Chilling inside one of the rest spaces, Shaman, Clara, Elysia, Silver and Elanor were taking a moment to relax before Freja sent them on another mission.

"Now that I think about it, do you guys have a thing called Halloween?" Shaman guessed it would be around that time, but wasn't sure if this world had such a holiday.

"Hall-o-ween?" Elysia tried pronouncing the word since it was something completely foreign to her. Everyone else tried as well since this was the first time hearing such a word.

'I forget that no one other than me and Freja is aware of the world we come from.' Shaman got a small slap of reality that pretty much everyone she knew was unique to this world.

"It's when everything is spooky and you make faces on pumpkins. You even go knock on people's houses to ask for candy which is what the kids do." Shaman gave a bit more detail and it clicked to the others what she was talking about.

"Ohhh you mean the day of the Hollow." Elysia saying the equivalent of Halloween, Shaman wondered where the origin of the name came from.

"Oh that, I haven't celebrated that for years." Elanor didn't really have a chance to celebrate it when she was a teenager, but she did have some memories of when she was a child.

"It was never a thing in the demon lands or something I did with Himeko, but I did see it happen." Clara watched from afar when it came to these events as Himeko didn't want her outside.

"Haha yeah I was homeless for a long time so I couldn't really participate." Elysia was just like Clara, watching from afar, but instead of a tower, it was on the street.

"When is it?" Silver was really intrigued by this idea and wondered if they were going to do something about it.

"It's actually tomorrow." Elysia opened up the system which gave the time and date.

[11:30, 30/10/xxxx]

"Really!" Silver's eyes lit up and everyone knew what the next question was going to be.

"If we are not getting dragged around by Freja then yes we can go out tomorrow night." Shaman answered before he could ask.

"Yesssss." Silver raised his arms up in the air and cheered happily since they were going to do something fun for once.

"Can't say no with that kind of reaction." Clara dying of cuteness couldn't see herself refusing Silver.

"Mhm." Elysia nodded in agreement as she could spend all day looking over Silver and never get bored.

"Well, what should we do then? Does the forest even set up events?" Elanor wasn't accustomed to the fox realm so she wasn't sure if this sort of thing was celebrated.

"I think so, I mean Freja is aware of Halloween so I would be surprised if they didn't." Shaman figured Freja would impose this sort of culture in the Freya forest.

"I mean don't you find it odd she has let us off work around this time? Usually, we are always out on a job." Clara pointed out a very key detail which lined up well with the fact it's the day of the hallow tomorrow.

"Maybe she is setting up for the event and now that I think about it. When I walked to the front I was stopped by a maid." Elanor was going to head out for a walk but was turned around by a maid as there was "work" being done.

"I think Freja has something planned." Shaman put the dots together that something fishy was going on. 𝐟r𝒆ℯ𝘄𝑒𝒃𝚗𝒐𝘃e𝗹.c𝘰𝐦

"Ooo I wonder what she is doing." Silver was even more excited as there may be something waiting for them in the morning.

"I guess we just have to wait." Elysia knew there was no point in trying to poke around the mansion as Freja would most likely stop them.

"It is late so we can sleep it off." Shaman saw the time and there was no point in staying up any longer.

"Hold it right there, it's just about midnight and I need some guinea pigs." Freja kicked open the door to the room announcing what she needed.

"Ahh! What the hell!" Elanor screamed as the door was behind her and the loud bang spooked her.

"Fufu~ not sorry. Anyway, I need you to come with me." Freja didn't let any of them talk back as she already turned around and opened up a portal.

"Fre- dammit!" Shaman tried to call out, but Freja vanished before she could even say her name.

*Sigh* "Let's just follow her." Elysia saw no point in sitting around and it most likely had something to do with tomorrow.

Being annoyed at the sudden entrance, they all still got up and went through the portal that replaced the door.

Appearing out in the garden of the mansion, a massive house was present in the middle of it. Looking abandoned, Shaman instantly knew what it was and what Freja wanted them to do. The house itself was completely rundown and there was this aura screaming at them not to enter. It was clear it was infested with insects and possibly ghosts as movement could briefly be seen in the windows.

"It's a haunted house isn't it." Shaman wasn't one to be scared often, but that's because she hides it.

"And you would be correct, I want you all to go through it before I open it for everyone on hollow day." Freja smirked as Shaman and her group were the first to try her original haunted house.

"U-Ummm are you sure?" Elysia tried to not act scared, but her stuttering voice and trembling hands suggested otherwise. Elanor was much the same as she didn't handle scary things well.

Silver and Clara were completely unaffected by it and even looked more excited than scared. Shaman tried not to be scared to keep her image as the leader of her group, but her hands were shaking slightly.

"Of course, don't worry you won't have to fight and even if you tried, I put mana inhibitors all around the place." Freja knew that it may be their reflex to use magic, so she made it impossible to do so.

"Come on guys, let's just do it, I'm sure it won't be that bad." Shaman, building up the courage, walked forward hoping her nerves would go away.

"I-I don't think we should Shaman." Elysia quickly latched on to Shaman causing her to jolt as she was on edge.

"It's fine, come on let's go." Shaman patted Elysia on the head trying to calm her down.

"Come Elanor, it will be fun." Silver saw Elanor try to sneak away, but was dragged by Silver by the arm.

"Nooooo! Pleaseee." Elanor didn't want to go in, but she couldn't fight back despite him being much younger, he was much stronger than Elanor which was an amusing scene.

"Have fun~ can't wait to hear your screams." Freja clicked her fingers and disappeared on the spot leaving them all alone. She also put up solid blood walls leading to the entrance, making the only exit through the haunted house.

"Looks like we don't have a choice." Clara walked right up to the entrance without an ounce of fear. Shaman followed behind Clara while Elysia was attached to Shaman's arm like glue refusing to let go. Silver, excited for what was to come, held Elanor's hand and followed behind Shaman.

Going through the entrance, it was completely dark, but there were 5 candles already lit up on top of a drawer.

Grabbing 1 each they were able to see some of their surroundings and noticed a light in the distance. Walking towards the light, they realised they were in a hallway now.


"AHH!" Elysia and Elanor screamed, hearing the creak of the floorboards and holding onto the closest person even tighter.

"I-it's just the floorboards, don't worry." Shaman was also spooked but kept her cool still keeping the fearless image she had.

*Sigh* "Please nothing scary has ev-." As Clara spoke suddenly a door between them slowly opened. Shaman, Elysia and Elanor all held their breath waiting for something to happen, but nothing came.

"Just a door." Shaman, relieved nothing happened, tried to make everyone continue forward.

However, just as Elanor passed the door, she felt a breath down her neck.

"AHH! WHAT THE FUCK!" Jumping forward she pushed Silver over causing the both of them to fall over.

"Ow!" Silver hit the ground and tried to get up, but when he lifted his head felt something soft.

'Is that Elanor's chest?' Having his thoughts instantly go to the most likely spot, he quickly lowered his head embarrassed, but Elanor wasn't paying any attention and smothered Silver despite his attempt in trying to avoid touching.

Everyone else turned around to see what happened and saw Silver getting crushed by Elanor.

"You okay?" Clara quickly ran over and helped Elanor off Silver who was more or less enjoying it, but it was something he wouldn't admit it.

"I'm fine." Silver was glad that it was dark as his face was completely red. He then quickly got up from the ground while dusting off his clothes.

"Y-yes, but I felt something breathe down my neck." Explaining what happened, everyone froze for a moment and looked back at the door that was open. A hand then reached and smacked the floor as if it was crawling.

"Oh, Shit!" This got a reaction from everyone and they all began to run. Elanor and Silver dropped their candle, now relying on the light in front of them.

However, the light in front of them turned off leaving them in complete darkness making the candles the only source of light. But Since their backs covered the light Silver and Elanor lost their sense of direction and got themselves in a different part of the house.

Elysia, Clara and Shaman still having their lights made it to the end of the hallway making it to the kitchen. Looking back they saw no one was following and shut the door, but then noticed they were missing two people.

"Shit! Silver! Elanor!" Shaman yelled out their names, but Clara quickly covered her mouth.

"Shhh! We don't know if we will be chased down." Knowing there were "Monsters" in the building, they now had to be quiet in order to not get caught.

"Grr, o-only if I could use my fire." Elysia, still trembling while holding onto Shaman tried to use her flames, but Freja didn't lie about mana not being able to be used.

"It will be fine, we just need to get through the house." Shaman hit her legs as they were shaking and the added stress of Silver being alone didn't help with the nerves.

"Once we get out, I'm sure we can help." Clara ended up taking the lead of the group and started to investigate the room they were in.

Opening up the fridge, fake guts and body parts fell out causing Clara to almost vomit.

"Oh god, that is just disgusting." Instantly shutting the fridge and stepping away from the gross mess she accidentally bumped into a wall.

"AHH-!" The wall then spun taking Clara away from Shaman and Elysia.

"Clara?!" Shaman called out her name, but no response came suggesting she was taken away.

"A-are we alone?" Elysia hoped the answer was no, but the fact that Clara vanished meant it was just the two of them.

"I-I think so." Shaman was feeling uneasy and was hating the situation more and more.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Ah! Who is it!?" Shaman raised her light to the door where the knocking came from and waited for a response.


However, the door was suddenly kicked in when a man that was 2 metres tall with a chainsaw came in.

"RUNN!" Shaman instinctively ran away while screaming and found a door that led out of the dark kitchen. Elysia held on tightly refusing to let go, but then she felt her leg get grabbed from below.

"AHHH!! THEY ARE IN THE FLOOR!!" Seeing the holes that perfectly fit a hand, Elysia tried to shake off the hand while kicking it with the other. The man with a now revved-up chainsaw chased the girls and almost caught up to them.

Elysia got free and continued to run down the hall while trying to avoid the hands that were emerging from the ground.

Seeing a door with light seeping underneath, they dropped their candles and ran at full speed to make it to the door.

Both bashing through it, they made it outside but fell to the ground with Elysia stacking on top of Shaman.

"AHAHAHAH!!! What a beautiful show!" Freja was on the other side looking down on them.


<Silver and Elanor>

"Shit we don't have any lights." Silver held on to Elanor's hand as they slowly walked through the dark room. From what Silver gathered, they were in some kind of bedroom but he wasn't sure.

"A-are you sure we will be okay?" Elanor was shaking as not being able to see made her extremely paranoid and the only thing keeping her sane was Silver's hand.

"Hehe~ don't worry we will be fine." Silver was confident that he could get out and found the whole thing thrilling.


The sound of chopping wood echoed out in the room which sounded like it was coming from the door.

"We need to hide." Silver gathered someone was breaking into the room, so he went along the wall until he felt something that resembled a closet. Opening it and pulling Elanor inside, they were squished up together while the person broke into the room.

With one last bang, the door was broken and the sound of boots echoed out in the room. Walking around and searching the place the sound of ragged breaths got closer to the closet.

"Where are youuu~ my prey~"

"Come out to play-ay-ay." Chanting a few words the person got closer and closer. Elanor hugged Silver tightly, smothering him completely in her chest leaving no room to breathe.

"Are you in here~!" Yelling just outside the closet, Elanor pushed up against the back as hard as she could and suddenly the wall flipped as the person opened the closet.

"AHHH!!!" Sliding down a chute, Elanor and Silver were launched out of some vent to the outside landing next to Shaman and Elysia.

Elanor was still hugging Silver who was on the verge of ascending as he hadn't experienced such a sensation before.

"Oop more victims arrive~." Freja welcomed the 2 who were still processing what the hell was going on.



"Ow! Why the hell was there a wall that could be spun." Clara got up from the ground as she was just shot out of a chute to some underground.

"Am I in some basement?" Clara tried to make sense of where she was, but her candle was out making it harder to see.

'What am I even standing on, it feels mushy…. No, don't tell me.' Clara walked off the platform she was on, but it felt like she was walking in some thick liquid. However, when she reached down with her hand she realised what it was.

"EWWWWWW!!!!!!" Realising she was in a pool of fake guts and blood Clara screamed. Feeling absolutely disgusted she tried to get out, but each movement only made Clara want to puke.

After a few more steps Clara could no longer take it and started vomiting.

*Cough* *Cough* "I wish I could kill Freja right now!" Clara hated this and only wanted to get out, but an even worse fear just became a reality.

Something slithered across her feet making Clara jump up and scream again.

"NOPE, NOPE, NOPE, I AM NOT DEALING WITH THIS ANYMORE!!!" Clara rushed to find an exit and luckily there seemed to be a hatch in the ceiling that leaked some light. Finding the ladder she climbed out and crawled out onto the grass.

She then rolled over and saw that everyone was also on the ground.

"Oh my, you found the worst route to get out… the Kitchen meat dumpster fufu~." Freja struggled to keep her laughter as Clara found the most disgusting exit of them all.

"I HATE YOU!!" Clara yelled out, but she had no energy to get up and try to fight Freja.

"Seems like this was a success, I hope you all enjoyed your time~. Now I must leave and get this moved into the town square, bye bye~." Disappearing before the group could complain about the haunted house, they all laid there in shock.

"I don't know if I want to do this again next year." Elysia didn't realise how scary it would be and preferred it if it didn't happen again.

"You can say that again." Shaman was all for it and hoped Freja didn't have something even worse planned for next year.

"Hehe~, ahem that was great, I would do it again." Silver managed to not ascend and got out of the hug from Elanor. Still a little intoxicated by the sensation he almost let slip how much he enjoyed the haunted house, but for different reasons.

"Never again." Elanor shook her head as it was way too much for her to handle.

"Tch, never ever doing this again, now I'm all filthy." Clara looked down at herself which was covered in chunky bits of meat.

"Happy Halloween I guess." Even though it was a terrifying and disgusting experience, it still was an experience that they would never usually have. So Shaman still wanted to treasure it as she got to learn a lot about her party members.