I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 31 A Dungeon?

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?Shaman and Elysia woke up early in the morning and did their usual morning routine. After getting ready they made their way back to the adventurer guild so they could get some maps for tier 4 beasts.

"We would like to get a map for tier 4 beasts please." Shaman spoke to the reception lady.

"Oh we do not provide maps as all the tier 4 beasts are in the dungeon." The lady knew they were new and was getting ready to explain it to them.

"A dungeon?" Shaman moved her head to the side with a questioning tone.

"Yes, in this city the monsters we hunt are in the dungeon so if you want to hunt them you have to go north of the city as the dungeon is in a building by the gate." The reception lady gave a quick explanation and could see that Shaman understood.

"Okay thank you, we will see you later." Shaman and Elysia walked off and waved.

"Did not know dungeons existed." Shaman thought they would not exist in this world and wondered if it was like the ones in video games.

"Really? I was told that it was a phenomenon that occurred one day and all the gates rose up and inside was a never ending flow of beasts but I also did hear they were more like monsters than beasts." Shaman understood and it was like she thought.

"So it is like a game." Shaman muttered under her breath and was excited to live out an experience that was in video games.

"At least we do not have to travel far to get levels." The dungeon was also close to were they live so they were able to stay in it longer.

"It is rather close so we should be able to get tier 4 rather quickly." Elysia also came to the same conclusion and was excited to start hunting.


After traveling to the dungeon they could see groups of adventurers outside so they knew they were in the right place. They went to walk up to a guard to ask questions.

"Are we able to enter with just the 2 of us?" Shaman did not include Wolfy as it was more a pet than a person.

"No you must enter with a group of 5 or more and must all be at least tier 3." The guard answered honestly.

"Okay thank you." Shaman cursed inwardly as she really did not want to team up.

Shaman walked back to Elysia and told her. Elysia had sighed as she had the same thought.

"Let's try to team up with at least beast men." They could not complain but before they could start looking a group approached them.

"Hey there girls, it looks like you're in need of a team." Wolf man had come up to them and was relieved that it was beast men that approached them.

"Yes we are." Shaman was the first to respond as she knew Elysia was quite socially awkward.

"Well would like to join us, we are about to head in and need a couple more people." The Wolf man was kind and offered an invitation.

"Sure." Shaman accepted and so they walked off with him to his group.

"The name is Gerald." The Wolf man introduced himself. 𝗳𝒓𝚎e𝚠𝒆𝐛𝐧𝐨v𝚎Ɩ.co𝓶

"I'm Shaman and my girlfriend here is Elysia." Shaman made sure to put emphasis on girlfriend.

"Nice to meet you and here we are." Gerald had stopped and they saw 3 other beast people.

"Oh Gerald, you found some more people?" A cat girl had spoken up and looked happy to see he brought more girls.

"Yes" Gerald nodded then he started to introduce each other

"The cat girl is Jessica , The minotaur is Max and the panther is Gemma." Each of them waved

"Nice to meet you, I'm Shaman and this is my girlfriend Elysia." Again Shaman had put emphasis on the girlfriend part which also made Elysia blush a little.

"oh? are you a healer?" Gemma asked this as she knew shamans was a known healer class.

"No, I am a close ranger fighter and I know magic." Shaman eyebrow twitched a little as she did not expect this world to also have Shamans as healers.

"You know magic?" They all said in unison as it was rather uncommon to have people at low tier to know magic.

"Yes, me and Elysia both know magic." After saying this Shaman conjured up wind and Elysia showed her fire. Shaman purposefully did not use her fire as she knew people knowing more than 2 elements are rare and would only give her more attention.

"WOW! this dungeon run is going to be a lot easier." The group were impressed and were happy they were going to join them as it would make their runs quicker.

"Well I'm glad you accepted but are you sure you want to bring your pet with you?" Gerald noticed that they had a pet with them.

"Oh Wolfy? don't worry, he is strong." Wolfy then proceeded to show off a little, he did not use his Shadows as he could feel through the connection with his mother telling him not to use it.

"Seems like I misjudged but one last question: what tiers are you?" This was just to confirm as he knew that they were probably tier 3 but it did not hurt to check.

"We are indeed both tier 3." Shaman spoke with a smile.

Gerald and the rest smiled as they picked up some gems and were hoping to make a meaningful friendship with them.

"alright now that introductions are over I think it is time to head into the dungeon." Gerald, who seemed to be the leader, made their way to the dungeon inside and everyone else followed.

A system notification rang out for Elysia and Shaman.

[Quest: Conquer the dungeon floor]

[Defeat the floor boss]


500 attribute points

4x skill select

8x tier 4 boxes (A/N this is just a combination of armour, weapons and accessory boxes)

6x skill level ups

Both Shaman and Elysia looked at each other with a greedy grin as the rewards were amazing.

"This is not going to happen today but at least we have a goal now." Shaman was happy to get a sort of incentive for the dungeon as it would keep motivation high.

"Let's also try to make it 50/50 so the points can be divide as well as the skill stuff." Elysia knew the quest rewards were bigger to accommodate the 2 of them so it would be smart to try to make even.

"Good idea." Shaman agreed and so they continued to walk with the group.

Jessica had walked up to the 2 and started to chat.

"So how long have you two been together?" Jessica was curious about their love life as it was not everyday you see a same sex relationship. Elysia was also the first to respond.

"We have been dating for about a week but we came together as Shaman saved my life and then I saved her hers so after that we kind of just got together." Although leaving out details it was pretty much the situation.

"oh so it was a case where you fell in love as you experienced a life and death situation and it brought you together, That is so cute!!!" Jessica's eyes were glowing as she saw it was a really sweet way they got together. This caused both Shaman and Elysia to blush.

"Yeah but it feels like we have been together for ages despite being such a short amount of time." Shaman had spoken as it felt like she had known Elysia for years.

"I guess that is a sign of true love hehe~." Jessica had teased them a little as she found the duo cute and sweet.

"haha thank you." Both Shaman and Elysia were red and embarrassed at Jessica's comment.

After some small talk they finally arrived in front of the dungeon as they got approval from the guards to enter.

"Alright we are about to enter the tier 4 dungeon, we are only hunting the monsters within and we are not taking on the leader so make sure you avoid getting it's attention." Gerald was giving a quick briefing before they entered.

'Hmm that makes sense since the leader is much stronger it would be best to avoid them and just hunt the small fry to build up power.' Shaman liked Gerald's leadership as he knew the limits of the party and was not going to take risks.

"Alright if there are no questions, let's go hunting." Gerald finished with a smile and so they entered the dungeon doors.

'Seems like it is not another dimension and just an underground tomb and if that is the case how do the monsters respawn.' Shaman had many questions about the dungeon as it was odd how it worked but all she could do was shrug and not worry about it. Shaman had grabbed Elysia's hand and followed the group down.