I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 41 More ’Friendly’ Adventurers

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?After a peaceful night's sleep Shaman, Elysia and Wolfy had made their way over to the adventurers guild to hand in all of the monster crystals.

The reception lady saw them and got ready for the bombardment of monster crystals from the 2 fox girls.

The reception lady's guess was right as they handed in 368 crystals which almost made her pass out as the amount of gold was almost a thousand. This also attracted them a little attention as it was rare for anyone to get so many in a short amount of time. A group of people also approached them to ask questions.

"Are you a tier 3?" They wanted to know as usually only a tier 5 or higher would explain how.

"oh? we are only just tier 3" Shaman thought she was rather normal when it came to dungeon runs but the reaction across the guild house had their jaws dropped. Elysia, who was more aware that they were abnormally strong, wanted to stop Shaman saying anything but could only shake her head and face palm.

"What? We may be tier 3 but we also know magic." Shaman then conjured up some wind. Some people understood while others were just amazed.

"wow! you don't even need magic circles to use magic, no wonder you could kill so many." Someone of the group of adventurers spoke up which gave Shaman a little bit of insight.

"Well if you study hard enough it becomes pretty easy you know." Shaman wanted to throw some excuse as to why, as she knows it can take some people years to learn magic without using formations.

"Fair but whenever I read those kinds of books my head just starts to hurt." Everyone who had tried to learn magic looked down as it was a hard concept to master.

"Well enough chit chat I have some more dungeon runs to do." some of them paled as that would be another few hundred crystals. Also some of them realized that she would be a great teammate and wanted to recruit her but before they could turn to ask Shaman and Elysia they had already disappeared.


Shaman and Elysia were currently on the rooftops making their way to the dungeon.

"Thank god we left, otherwise we may have been trapped in there all day." Shaman did not want to stay talking for long as more questions would lead to others.

"Yes but you need to remember that we are abnormally strong and can't be telling people our tier." Elysia karate chopped Shaman's head to scold her as it could cause more problems for them in the future.

"Ow!" Shaman grabbed her head and her tail and ears dropped down.

"Oh don't give me those eyes." Elysia knew what Shaman was trying to do, so before she took advantage of her cuteness Elysia chopped down on Shaman's forehead again.

Shaman fell backwards as her strategy failed in trying to convince Elysia with her cuteness.

"Fine, I'm sorry, it is just that I do not know how this world works fully yet so there is some common knowledge I am not quite accustomed to." Shaman understood that not all the common knowledge gained from the previous owner was accurate since she lived in a palace.

"I know but be more careful next time." Elysia patted Shaman as she was worried that they would be targeted again and did not want it to be because we had a slip of a tongue. Shaman's tail was wagging from the head pats. Elysia tried to look away so as to not be consumed by Shaman's cuteness.

"I understand" Shaman had a grin as she could see the temptation on Elysia's face and knew she was close to caving in.

Elysia finally pulled the courage together and started to walk away and stop patting Shaman.

'Wow she actually did it.' Shaman was surprised at Elysia's self control as she thought Elysia would finally give up but it seems that she was able to pull herself together. Shaman was rather proud since at times Elysia's fluffy personality gets in the way when they are battling monsters.

Shaman caught up with Elysia and held her hand giving her a loving smile showing that she was proud of her. However Elysia on the inside was going crazy.

'AHHHHH! I just want to just pamper her all the time, why does she have to be so cute. it should be illegal and the way she is looking at me makes it even harder to control myself.' Elysia let out internal sobs as it was taking all her willpower to not glue herself to Shaman.

They continued to travel by rooftop and finally made it to the entrance of the dungeon.

This time they were not going to break in as they saw that the security had tightened.

Shaman and Elysia looked around and saw a bunch of groups organizing themselves. There were not many groups that weren't already full and the ones that had extra space were all human and Shaman and Elysia would rather not just be a safety precaution for themselves.

After walking around a group of 3 walked up to them, 2 women and 1 man. They were beast men but something seems fishy about their appearance. Shaman was rather ignorant to the different races so she did not notice but Elysia saw this and became a little vigilant and would keep an eye on them.

"Hey fellow beast man, did you want to enter the dungeon with us?" The man had a friendly smile and so did the 2 girls behind him.

Shaman looked at him for a second and nodded as she saw why not.

"Names Shaman, what are yours?" Shaman introduced herself but this time she would not get too close to them but she found the soul within her was not reacting at all to them so she knew if they died it would not cause her to go on a rampage again.

"My name is Sam and these to lovely cat ladies are twins, Ava and Ada." The two girls showed their features both having the same face but different colour fur. Ava was red while Ada was blue, after they quickly Showed it they hid them.

"Why do you hide them?" Shaman was a little confused as every beast man always had their features on display.

"Well that's because we have had some unfortunate encounters." Sam had a sad look and Shaman nodded knowing what might have happened was something she should not know.

"Anyway, what race are you?" Sam still had not revealed his and Elysia was getting curious so she asked Sam to show them.

Sam showed his face and tongue and it could be seen that he was that of a snake.

"wow! I have not seen a snake beastman before." Shaman was a little fascinated as she was unable to imagine what one would look like.

Sam had scales like a snake down his arms and had the same eyes and tongue of one. After the brief showcase he covered his arms and the only thing you could see of his snake features was his eyes.

"Anyway, shall we go inside?" Sam wanted to enter the dungeon as they have been waiting a while to pick up 2 people.

"Sure thing and also this is Elysia, my girlfriend." Shaman was eager but also realized that Elysia had not introduced herself, she also wanted to make sure Sam did not pull any moves on her.

Sam raised an eyebrow and did not expect the 2 fox girls to be in a relationship and saw them as just 2 sisters. Shrugging it off they walked into the dungeon, after getting their names registered they walked down the stairs and Shaman took this opportunity to look at their stats.

'Rea show me their stats.' Shaman also began addressing the system as it felt right to do so from now on.


[Snake man]

[Peak tier 3]


[Ada and Ava]

[Cat girl]

[Tier 3]


[There is something wrong with the information so I was only able to pull up this much]

'How so?' Shaman was a little confused but also could see that the information was a little too basic.

[I am not sure but all I can say is that this information could be fake]

Shaman became cautious as the first thought went through her mind was that it was the cult and these were assassins. They were either going to capture her or kill her. She also moved closer to Elysia and was glad she said they were girlfriends as it would look normal for them to latch onto one's arm.

"I think they may be assassin's, Rea show Elysia." Shaman had whispered into Elysia's ear and had Rea explain what Shaman thought.

'Rea is amazing, I can send information to Elysia whenever I want.' Shaman was surprised even further With Rea's capabilities.

[hehe~ thanks]

Shaman went a little red as she forgot the system could read her thoughts but thanks to the darkness of the stairway her face was hidden enough.

Elysia nodded and so they became more alert and were now considering killing them and making a scene to hide the fact they killed them.

'Since the rules are rather lax anything can happen in the dungeon so it should not be hard for me to dispose of them if they do try to attack.' Shaman relayed this message to Elysia through Rea and so they began to discuss possibilities on how to deal with them as they ventured further in the dungeon.

Sam had looked at them a few times but was unable to see anything suspicious as they were not talking. He turned back and continued with a grin as to him everything was going as planned.


They finally reached the bottom of the staircase and stood in a circle to discuss what to do next.

? "We will head to the troll area" Shaman and Elysia were a little surprised as Sam was planning to take them to the boss territory.

"Okay, so does that mean we are going to fight the boss." Shaman wanted to confirm some things as if they were to kill the boss the quest she received would give her and Elysia a huge boost.

"No, we won't hunt the boss, just the tier 4 leaders, that's it." Sam could not fight the boss and would rather not deal with it so he wanted to wear the 2 down before they attacked.

'damn.' Shaman wanted to get the quest done but she wanted to wait till she was tier 4 to take it on as a way to be safe. Elysia also had the same thought as they did not know what they would be getting into if they were to fight it by themselves. 𝐟𝚛e𝐞𝙬𝗲𝒃𝓷𝒐𝘃e𝒍.c𝑜m

"Well shall we begin our hunt." Sam smiled and started to walk off in the direction of the troll territory.

'let's hope this won't be a hassle and maybe we can even reach tier 4 by the end of this.' Shaman sighed as she really did not want to deal with them but it had to be done and so Shaman and Elysia followed behind making sure to not let their guard down.