I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 49 Secret Quest

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?Shaman had tried to sit up but her entire body ached and was forced to continue to lay on the ground as she waited for Elysia to arrive.

Elysia continued to call out Shaman's name trying to get a response.

"ELYSIA!" Shaman yelled out and the yelling from Elysia had stopped and the sound of running could be heard slowly getting louder. Soon Elysia had arrived and saw Shaman laying across the ground near the wooden troll's arm that was currently frozen in place.

"There you are, Shaman I thought you were dead for a second." Elysia had knelt down next to Shaman and had a smile as she finally found her precious partner.

"Well I almost did but thanks to you I lived." Shaman also cracked a smile as it felt like forever since she saw her beautiful black fox girlfriend.

"Oh yeah, why did you want me to create that skill?" Elysia was rather curious as it felt like it was unnecessary.

"Well it was originally to kill the boss before he made that giant wooden monster since he was made out of wood I thought a hail of arrows would be more efficient than single arrows." Shaman initially thought she could distract the boss long enough so Elysia could learn the skill and send a barrage of arrows making the boss an easy kill but things turned out a lot worse than she imagined.

"Ah okay I understand now but why are you like this now?" Elysia wanted to know why Shaman could not move.

"Well thats because I got injured and it seems like using my heal spell heightened my natural healing rather than 'heal', so right now I have no energy to move." Shaman did not notice at the time but her heal spell used Shaman's mana and her own body resources to heal any wounds so it took a lot of energy to heal the wound on her shoulder.

Elysia giggled as right now she could do anything to Shaman without her being able to do anything. Shaman saw the goofy grin on Elysia and gulped down a little bit of saliva but then remembered she still has mana.

"You do anything I do not approve of and you will become a fried fox tonight." Shaman sparked up flames around her body as a warning to Elysia.

Elysia looked at her disappointed since her plans to harass Shaman a little had been foiled.

Wolfy on the other hand had walked up to Shaman and started licking her face. Elysia started to get jealous but when she got near Shaman, she would put her flames where she would touch. Elysia pouted and Shaman laughed.

"Okay I will stop playing. We need to check all these notifications and see what the hell we got." Shaman looked at Elysia with apologetic eyes and Elysia could not refuse and nodded her head.

"Alright let's see what we got."

[Quest: Conquer the dungeon (Complete)]

[Defeat the floor boss]


500 attribute points

4x skill select

8x tier 4 boxes (A/N this is just a combination of armour, weapons and accessory boxes) 𝘧r𝘦𝗲w𝘦𝚋𝐧o𝘷𝘦𝙡.co𝑚

6x skill level ups

[contributions were 50/50 so rewards will be divided in half and given to each user]

"YES!" Elysia was happy as they had contributed equally enough for them to get half each.

"I was worried I did not contribute enough." Shaman was half expecting to not get half but it seems like the system took into account everything and not just how much damage was done.

The notifications did not stop there.

[Fire tier 1 -> tier 2]

Shaman nodded as she was happy her element had finally upgraded but the next notification caught both Elysia's and Shaman's attention.

[tier 5 leader Wood troll killed]

[7 extra levels]

[1x tier 5 leader wood troll core]

Shaman blinked for a second as they had killed a leader and was not surprised that was the case.

Elysia also got the same notifications and due to the 50/50 contributions she also got an extra 7 levels.

"Holy shit no wonder I almost died." Shaman did not know how to feel about it being a tier 5 leader as she was relieved she knew why it was hard but was terrified as she almost died because of it.

"Never again till we are a higher tier." Elysia shook her head as this fight would have been a lot harder if it wasn't for the boss being a wood type making Elysia and Shaman a perfect counter otherwise they may not have lived.

The notifications continued as there was something else that caught their eye and left them both dumbfounded.

[Secret quest complete]

[kill the wood troll Windswood]


1x legendary crate

Shaman and Elysia looked at each other a little confused but happy at the same time.

"Hey Rea, what is a secret quest?" Shaman asked Rea as this was unheard of and wondered how they worked.

[They are rare quest that can occur mainly during dungeons and are one of the hardest quests to complete but offer some of the best rewards but do keep in mind if you are too high level for the secret quest it will not be given]

Shaman nodded and believed Rea's words were 100% true.

"At least our efforts were rewarded but I wonder what is in the legendary crate." Elysia was thinking they would get some legendary treasure that only tier 10 powerhouse could get their hands on from the crate.

"Well shall we open when we get home, I could really use a soft bed as this hard ground is getting uncomfortable." Shaman was really keen to open it but was unable to move at all.

"Alright let's hurry and leave this place then." Elysia stood up and supported Shaman up who had recovered enough to move a little. Elysia lifted Shaman on her back and started to make her way to the entrance. Due to the area being flat and only having some boulders that rose up no higher than 2 meters she was able to see the rather big entrance in the distance. Wolfy had also started to follow while trying to jump boulder to boulder when he could.

Elysia giggled at Wolfy as it seemed like his lazy nature had turned more into a playful one.

"Wolfy seems to be growing, I wonder if she will be able to get a humanoid form." Shaman was rather curious if the beast were able to evolve into beastman. However when Elysia heard this she paled a little as she wondered if Wolfy would remember the nights Shaman and her had spent.

"I-it would be cool but lets not have Wolfy nearby when we are getting down to business." Elysia let out a nervous chuckle and Shaman also paled a little as she had the same thought Elysia did.

"That sounds like a good idea." Shaman agreed with Elysia as it would be awkward if Wolfy became more human rather than just a beast and was able to remember all the shameful things Shaman had done with Elysia.

The conversation fell quiet as they slowly made their way towards the exit of the dungeon.


They soon finally made it to the entrance and the only problem was escaping.

"I can still use a Shadow cloak but you are going to have to do the running." Shaman had regenerated enough of mana for them to be able to leave safely without her exhausting herself.

"Alright just call out when to run." Elysia had picked up Wolfy and since he was able to activate his own Shaman did not worry about concealing him.

"Alright go." Shaman gave Elysia the signal and she activated [Shadow cloak]. The escape was clean as nobody noticed their presence and it seemed like the fight with the troll did not attract any attention so they were able to easily escape without the entire city guards waiting for them.

Elysia made it out and had stopped in an empty alley but when she stopped she realized something.

"Shit we forgot the crystals in the cave." Elysia had a dead expression as the crystals seemed to worth a lot but completely forgot they existed.

Shaman's face palmed as she could now move her arms and could not believe they could forget something like that.

'Despite my high intelligence, I sure still feel rather stupid right now.' Shaman really wanted the crystals but could only hope if they were to enter the dungeon again it would be the same cave.

"maybe next time?" Shaman tried to get Elysia back as she seemed to be more affected by it than Shaman. Elysia came back from her daze but looked rather sad as it was the money that would fund the item that would track Shaman's wellbeing.

"Hey it is okay Elysia surely we have enough money to buy plus we just have to go back in and get their crystals." Shaman started to pat Elysia which seemed to brighten her mood.

"True, we don't even know how much it costs so there is no reason for me to be upset about it plus we just need to re-enter the dungeon." Elysia with her new found hope walked out to the street and walked towards their house.

'let's hope we can afford it.' Shaman was really worried as she had no confidence that an item that tracked her wellbeing in real time would exist and if it did it would be extremely expensive.


They finally returned home and Elysia had put Shaman on the bed, although Shaman had recovered enough to move when she tried to stand up she would fall straight to the floor so she accepted her fate and became bedridden for a short time.

Elysia had also cooked some soup and since Shaman was stuck in bed Elysia insisted on feeding her.

"You are not going to feed me, I can do it myself." Shaman looked at Elysia annoyed as she now felt like she was a kid being fed by her mother.

"ah, ah, ahhh you need to open your mouth so I can feed you." Elysia had a spoonful of soup and was trying to put it in Shaman's mouth. Shaman continued to dodge the spoon as it was rather embarrassing for her to do it.

"Come on, isn't this what couples do and plus I find it really cute, hehe~" Elysia had a grin as she was having a fun time with Shaman.

"Fiiine." Shaman gave in and finally let do what Elysia wanted and so she opened her mouth.

Elysia was giggling to herself and was having a grand time while feeding Shaman and was glad Shaman was playing along.

They finished eating and Shaman was now finally able to walk around after a hour's rest.

"Alright shall we open the spoils we got from the dungeon." Shaman could not wait to open the crate as she was curious what the legendary crate had instored for them.

"Yes!" Elysia fist bumped the air and so they brought out the legendary box.