I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 57 On The Road To Ebonscale

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?The west side of Cholden a stable was by the gate could be seen and inside there were many metal fences blocking out whatever they had contained. Shaman and Elysia walked in as this was the place to hire a mount to travel.

In the stable where Shaman expected horses and a rather normal interaction she was instead faced with giant lizards that had really long tongues which tried to reach out and lick Shaman.

"EEEEK!" Shaman screeched a little as she was not a fan of the massive lizards and was now dreading the trip to Ebonscale. Wolfy had also hid behind Shaman as he was not fond of the giant lizards.

"Its not that bad, if anything they are kind of cute." Elysia showed no reaction and went to one of the lizards and started to pat it. Shaman however tried to stop Elysia approaching it but was unable to stop her.

"see it is not that bad, once you pat it your fears will go away." Elysia looked at Shaman with a smile in attempts to convince Shaman.

Shaman had a hesitant look as she stood behind Elysia contemplating if she should pet the lizard.

"Are you sure my hand wont be bitten off and be used as their breakfast." Shaman shot Elysia a speculative gaze.

"yes, yes it will be fine, see it is even presenting its head to you." The giant green lizard bowed it head so Shaman could pat it. This had made Shaman a little more comfortable and reached her hand out.

Shaman began to pat and could see the happy expression on the lizards face and began to see why Elysia thought it was cute. However to Shaman surprise the lizard looked up and licked Shaman's hand which caused Shaman to jump back.

Elysia began to laugh as Shaman had jump back and fallen over.

The lizard did not understand why Shaman had jumped back and looked at her curiously.

"jeez no need to laugh at me, I was not prepared for it to lick me thats all." Shaman's face had gone red and tried to explain herself to the laughing Elysia.

"Anyway we should get going, we have a few days ahead of us." Shaman did not want to stay any longer so she picked up Wolfy to comfort herself and went to the end of the stable.

Elysia caught her breathe and caught up to Shaman who had walked off.

They approached a desk which had a ripped man that had a whited long beard and had their hair tied back which made him look like he was a body guard for the mafia. Shaman and Elysia were a little intimidated by his appearance as his hands alone looked like they could crush somebody.

However the scary ripped man who was wearing a white singlet and blue shorts let out a smile which gave off a grandpa vibe to Shaman and Elysia. 𝐟𝚛e𝐞𝙬𝗲𝒃𝓷𝒐𝘃e𝒍.c𝑜m

"Well what mount will you be hiring today young ladies." The Ripped old man spoke with a friendly tone and the scary image they had of him now turned into a friendly bear.

"We are heading to Ebonscale so any mount will really do." Shaman spoke up first and due to her lack of knowledge she was unsure what mount would be a good choice.

"HAHA, well depending on how much money you are willing to spend you can get there by the end of the day." The old man let out a loud laugh just like a grandpa would if a someone young did not know how something worked. 𝒇𝑟𝐞𝐞w𝐞𝑏𝙣𝑜vℯl.co𝑚

"Well how much will we need to be spending." Shaman got a little worried as they were quite low on gold and was not sure if the prices were scaled down for normal people.

"100 gold for a day travel, 50 for 2 days and 25 gold for 3 day travel." The old man gave it to them straight and Shaman looked at the amount of gold she had.

[coins: gold 151 silver 50 copper 42]

'Well at least it is affordable but since we are heading to a higher tier city I should probably save as much money as I can because who knows how much I'm going to need.' Shaman began to contemplate as the prices have been stupid cheap lately and was unsure if she went to a higher tier city, so would the prices since they accommodate more adventurers.

"What do you think Elysia." Shaman was set on getting the 25 gold option as it would save them gold and they were not in a hurry to leave.

"Well I think the 25 gold option is alright since we can spend more time together plus there is no need for us to rush." Elysia spoke Shaman's thoughts and so they had made their decision.

"Alright follow me, I'll take you to your mount." The old man stood up and Shaman and Elysia were surprise to see how tall he was. The old man was over 2 meters tall, dwarfing both Shaman and Elysia. The old man saw their expression and let out a laugh as it was a normal reaction whenever people had met him.

They continued down the stable and eventually they stopped in front one of the metal fences.

"Alright you will be having betty, She will take you to Ebonscale within in 3 days, You do not have to return here as you can just drop her off at the stable there." The old man explained and opened the gate. it could be seen a dark purple lizard which was the size of a big car.

"Betty should be able to carry the 3 of you and only needs to be fed at the end of each day and some rest." The old man finished explaining and started to pull out a saddle.

After the saddle was put on the girls approached the lizard and Elysia started to pat it.

"There is no need to learn to ride so enjoy your trip." The old man passed food and a badge to Shaman and in return She handed him the 25 gold coins.

Shaman, Wolfy and Elysia climbed on top of Betty and got comfortable. Elysia sat at the front and Shaman sat behind hugging Elysia from behind.

"Well you girls be careful and follow the main track." The old man waved and signaled Betty to move.

"Cya later!" Elysia cried out as they began to to exit the stable towards the gate.

Shaman finally relaxed as she has never rode an animal before but to her surprise it was rather smooth due to how Betty moved.

"Why such a scaredy cat although I do not mind you hugging me like this there is no need to act like this." Elysia began to tease Shaman's behavior as it was rather cute.

"Shut up! its my first time doing this sort of thing." Shaman pouted as she was no longer scared and was starting to get comfortable now.

"hehe~" Elysia let out a cheeky laugh as she wanted to continue to see this side of Shaman and was now thinking of ways to make it happen.

They approached the gate and Betty halted her movements letting 2 guards approach them.

"badge please." The guard asked for a badge which Shaman had received and handed it to the guards to inspect.

"Alright all good, you may proceed." The guard handed back the badge and They continued beyond the walls of Cholden officially leaving.

"Well that was easy, now for our long trip towards Ebonscale." Elysia looked out seeing fields of grass and patches of tress.

"I feel like this is going to be a long 3 days." Shaman felt like she was either going to be tormented by Elysia for the entire trip.

"Well I'm sure you can improve some skills plus you still need to use your skill level ups." Rea tried to improves Shaman's mood as it looked like she was already not enjoying it.

"Well Its not like I do not enjoy it but there is only so much I can handle and you are right Rea I should probably use them." Shaman opened her menu of skills and began to use her skill level ups.

[Deep sea lvl 1 -> 2]

[Tidal wave lvl 1 -> 2]

[Water Shield lvl 1-> 2]

Shaman chose her water skills since they were at their basic level and falling behind her other elemental skills.

"Hey Elysia make sure you use you skill level ups." Shaman was unsure if she had used them.

"I already have don't worry." Elysia responded saying she had however she quickly opened her menu and used them as well.

After they used their skill level up they continued to embrace the view and continued their journey to Ebonscale.