I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 74 THAT’S NOT HOW IT’S SUPPOSED TO GO

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?"I appreciate the information about the Freya forest but as I said I should get on with the story as there is still more that needs to be said that I think you should know." Shaman was a little nervous about telling Himeko about the cult that seemed to have put a target on both hers and Elysia's head but first she was going to talk about her relationship with Elysia.

Himeko crossed her legs and begun to listen to Shaman who begun to explain the situation with Elysia without revealing that is was the cult and calling them slave traders for the meantime. f𝘳𝚎𝐞we𝐛𝑛𝐨𝘃e𝘭.co𝘮

"WAIT YOU ONLY KNEW EACH OTHER FOR A COUPLE DAYS AND YOU STARTED DATING!!!" Himeko stood up and slammed her hands on the table making it slightly crack where her hands were. Shaman and Elysia both grabbed a hold of each other as Himeko spooked them with the sudden outburst.

"This can't be happening." Himeko grabbed hold of her face and sloped back down to her chair and began to sulk.

"Why can my friend's daughter get a girlfriend in 2 days and I can't even get a man to go on a date with me." Himeko seemingly began to have a mid-life crisis in front of Shaman and Elysia, but after the spook they were now trying their hardest not to laugh at her.

"Life does not work like that, you can't just wake up and love someone you need to actually spend time together, tell me, HOW DID YOU DO IT!" Himeko looked intently at the 2 girls as clearly there was a secret to it and she needed to find out.

Shaman took a deep breath to get rid of the laugh she was holding and now just began to hold Elysia's hand.

"Well I have this habit of getting really attached to someone easily and to see Elysia try so hard for me my thoughts instantly went to love and i could not help reciprocate Elysia's feelings that she clearly expressed." Shaman's face went a little red and Elysia was very happy to hear what Shaman had to say as it seemed like she had completely swept Shaman off her feet.

Himeko then looked at Elysia for answers as she did not get a good enough response from Shaman and was hoping that Elysia was the answer to all this.

"Well uhhh, when Shaman broke into the underground base and I saw her break me out I had this feeling of deep gratitude towards Shaman and after she was willing to take me in all I could think about was her and so I jumped the gun and it somehow worked out despite my rushed approach." Elysia scratched the back of her head as this was the first time outloud saying how she fell in love.

Himeko could visibly be seen dying on the inside as this was the most ridiculous and boring love story she has ever heard.

"I think we may have killed Himeko." Shaman felt a little uneasy but could not help find Himeko's reaction amusing.

"I don't know what she expected." Elysia thought Himeko was expecting some sort of tragic story that would take a while to explain but instead she got something that was way below her expectations.

After a few minutes Himeko finally came back and shook her head.

"You know, that's not how it's supposed to go yet here you are." Himeko leant back in her chair and looked down on herself. She let out a sigh as there was nothing she could do or complain about.

"Well I am glad things are working out for you and I hope that nothing separates the two of you." Shaman was a little shocked at the sudden change in attitude in Himeko but nonetheless appreciated the words.

'Well if Elysia does betray me I believe she loses all her power as the grant system will strip all the acquired power through the system.' Shaman thought back to the grant system description which reminded her that only people that pledge loyalty are able to be given one.

"Thank you." Elysia spoke up as she could see Shaman deep in thought and did not want to leave Himeko hanging.

Shaman broke out of her thoughts as there was still more to be said.

"Ahem, anyway, our relationship was quick but honestly it was going to happen anyway plus there is one more thing which I saved for last as it is the most important." Shaman wanted to move on for Himeko's sake and she also needed to hear the situation.

Himeko raised an eyebrow and was a little worried that the next thing could be much worse than her friend's daughter getting a girlfriend quicker than she could get a suitable date.

Shaman saw that Himeko was ready to listen and started to explain how the past 2 cities seemingly have an underground cult and they are trying to summon something.

"The story I said before about the slave traders, well actually they were the cult and were going to use Elysia's blood as the final sacrifice to active whatever they have under the city."

"After that we moved straight away to Cholden but they were also there and targeted us to use our blood but we manage to kill the person behind it and escape but it also seems like now we are being hunted in general as we are a valuable resource to this cult and this whole thing seems a lot bigger than just a small group." Shaman hoped that Himeko may have information about this group since she is one of the superpowers of the human territory.

"Did any of them touch you?" Himeko spoke in a stern tone as it seemed like a fuse had gone off. 𝙛𝘳𝘦e𝓌e𝗯n𝗼ѵ𝙚l.𝒄𝚘𝑚

"I did get captured but was able to break free since the city lord was dumb and thought I was weak." Shaman did not want to lie to Himeko but that may have been the right choice.

"I'll be right back." Himeko got up and began to use her fire to teleport.

"Wait, I already killed the city lord, there is no reason to go over there and do anything!" Shaman quickly spoke as she felt like the maps may have had to be redrawn if she did not stop Himeko.

The flames slowed down and Himeko stopped her teleport and took in a deep breath.

"At least you dealt with it." Himeko had seemingly calm down as she planned to go to Cholden and murder the city lord that captured Shaman but it seemed like she was beaten to it.

"The reason why we tell you this, is because we were wondering if you know who is behind this organization." Shaman judged from that reaction that Himeko was not a part of it and that this is something she is unaware of.

Himeko was in deep thought for a moment as this whole situation could be a lot more serious than just a small group.

"It has to be the damn church." Himeko came up with a response and with what she has been told so far about the church it is no surprise that they would also be evil.

'Typical, they usually always have something to hide and just like other novels it seems like it is the same case here.' Shaman half expected this to be the case but did not want to assume things as using her knowledge from fantasy novels have not always been right.

"They are against this whole beastman alliance and want to become the higher power of the entire continent but due to Elfhiem and the Fox realm being much stronger they have not been able to do anything. But if what you say is true then they could be planning something that could put everyone in danger." Himeko had grabbed her chin as this was very crucial for her since she is the only one who had not aligned with the church.

"So do you think that is why they are trying to get rid of you since you can easily interfere with their plan." Shaman guessed that the church was now the puppetmaster and it was unable to get its strings around Himeko and now they are just trying to straight up get rid of her.

"Well I mean Himeko is one of the strongest people so they can't just exile her so they must be trying to not get rid of her by killing her but just keeping her in the dark while keeping up appearances." Elysia had chimed in.

"You may be right but this is too big for you right now, you have to get stronger before taking on the church as they may have all the royal families backing them and fighting against a tier 10 is not so simple." Himeko began to tap her foot on the floor as she was deep in thought.

"Fair enough, we really should not be sticking our noses in it and focus on our own goals." Shaman realized that they should not be getting involved as they are too weak to do anything.

"Alright it is decided I am going to teach as much as I can in the next month and then I am going to have to investigate this for myself." Himeko made a declaration and was determined in making Shaman and Elysia powerful warriors.

Shaman and Elysia knew how serious this could be and were ready for this month of tortures training.

"Girls I hope you are ready as this is going to be one of the hardest months of your lives." Himeko looked at the girls for their response.

Shaman and Elysia nodded which put a smile on Himeko's face.

'Cecilia I hope I can make you proud.' Himeko was all the more determined and began to think of how to train these girls for the next month.