I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 82 Lasting Effect

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?Shaman had started to make her way up the stairs to try to find a place to hide as it seems like Himeko is going to play their game.

'Did not expect us to play tag but fuck it why not, sounds like fun.' Shaman felt a little childish but she enjoyed the feeling rather than feel ashamed by it.

Shaman reached the top floor which was Himeko's room, she felt a little bad but if anything it would be the better spot to hide. She walked into the room which was covered in red, there were many basic things Himeko would usually have but one thing she noticed was all the plushies she had near her bed.

'Oho~ so Himeko really likes cute things.' Shaman had a cheeky grin as she was learning more about Himeko.

'I might not have any ears after this but it was well worth the ear pulling I may receive later.' Shaman was willing to take the little punishment for this knowledge as it was perfect fuel to tease Himeko with.

Shaman looked around the room and when she looked up she could see that there were support beams that she could jump on.

'Let's chill here for a moment.' Shaman ran up the closet wall and jumped off, she successfully was able to grab a hold of one of the horizontal beams and pull herself up.

'Alright this place should do for now and since I'm near the door I can use [shadow cloak] to escape.' Shaman considered using [Shadow walk] but due to it making her presence disappear thought it would be cheating to do so.

Shaman sat down and rested for a moment as she waited for something to happen but upon sitting there Shaman had this creeping anxiety feeling slowly fill her heart. Shaman also started to feel anxious as she sat alone on the support beam.

'Why am I feeling anxious being alone.' Shaman was confused as to what was going on with herself but tried to take deep breaths.

'Its okay Shaman there is nothing to be worried about.' Shaman tried to console herself but the feeling was getting stronger and stronger and her mind started to wonder.

Flashes of the Skeleton knight appeared in her head and the scene of Elysia being struck down played in her mind. Shaman began to stress out as her body was telling her to go to Elysia afraid that she might be in danger.

Shaman was stopping herself from moving but her mental state was slowly deteriorating. She tried to keep reminding herself it was okay and that Elysia was safe but the thoughts would not leave her alone. In the end Shaman ended up curling up into a ball and silently cried while she tried to stop the mental battle she was having.

'I can get through this.' Shaman was being stubborn as she wanted to take it on alone. She continued to sit there alone trying her best not to break down.


Elysia and Wolfy had gone down stairs together, although they had not been to the lower floors before they figured a little adventure would not hurt. They had also thought they were rather safe as Shaman was the main target of the chase.

'Wolfy we are going to need to use your Shadows if we want to get out of a sticky situation.' Elysia was relying on Wolfy as she did not have any stealth skills.

'Sure thing but you have to stay close to me or pick me up otherwise I won't be able to use my skills at all to conceal you.' Wolfy was a little worried as it would be hard to move together since he has gotten to a full sized wolf and isn't the easiest to pick up.

'Well let's hope it does not come to that.' Although Elysia could carry Wolfy, she was not confident jumping around with him at all.

They reached the lower floor and it seemed to be a store room of some kind. There was a lot of old furniture in the room and the room was dimly lit making it rather hard to see.

"Looks perfect for a hiding spot." Elysia saw this as an opportunity to hide as they could hardly see the back due to all the furniture being stacked ontop of each other.

"Let's try to get through all this furniture without knocking it over." The issue was it was hard to enter the room since the room was filled head to toe with old furniture. Elysia looked up and saw that they could use the beams above to get in. f𝑟𝑒ewe𝚋𝚗૦𝐯e𝘭.c𝗼𝓂

'Wolfy we are going up, let's go.' Elysia informed Wolfy and so they jumped up to the roof of the floor.

They made their way over the furniture till they could see pockets of space they could go into.

Elysia saw one where they could both fit and pointed to it so Wolfy could see, they both jumped down into it and sat down since they would be chilling there for a while.

'Well let's hope Shaman found a good spot to hide.' Elysia was wondering where Shaman could hide as going upstairs felt like she would be limiting her options.

'She has access to all the skills I have so she should be fine either way.' Wolfy was not too worried because of that fact.

However Elysia noticed that her bracelet was slightly vibrating and cold sweat began to drip down her face. She quickly opened it and saw the situation was not good.

"Shit Shaman is having a mental breakdown." Elysia instantly started stressing as the worst scenarios ran through her mind.

'Wolfy screw the chase we are going to find Shaman.' Shaman was top priority for Elysia and did not care what Himeko wanted.

Elysia jumped up and instantly began rushing out the room, She had left Wolfy behind as right now all she could think about was getting to Shaman. She opened the door to the store room and found herself facing Himeko.

"Now is not the time Shaman is not okay and we need to find her." Elysia quickly explained what was going on to Himeko and continued to rush past Himeko.

Himeko took a second to register what was being said but when she did she also began to stress.

'Shit Shaman must've developed some trauma from the last battle.' Himeko knows all too well what it is like to go through trauma and can imagine what Shaman may be feeling.

Wolfy had also gotten out and jumped next to Himeko.

'Let's catch up.' Wolfy spoke to Himeko and she nodded in response.

Himeko picked up Wolfy and she teleported to the upper floors to search for Shaman.


Elysia was dashing up the stairs as fast as she could crying out for Shaman.

"SHAMAN!!" She continued to yell in hopes of getting a response and since she did not have time to thoroughly check the rooms. There were at least 2 more spare bedrooms that were above their room and each one she was not able to get a sign from Shaman.

When Elysia opened the next door to the last spare room she saw Himeko and Wolfy there.

"Elysia, she is in my room." Himeko had used her mana sense to locate where Shaman was.

Without saying a word Elysia continued to run up the stairs going straight for Himeko's room.

"I could have transported her." Himeko could have used her fire but it seemed like Elysia forgot this fact that she could go anywhere in the building without moving.

'Oh well, let's meet her up there.' They had no time and so they transported her to her room.

They appeared in the room and once again Himeko closed her eyes and felt out the room with her mana and felt Shaman's presence above them. She put down Wolfy and instantly jumped up on the beams and could see Shaman curled in a ball crying.

She quickly dashed over and picked her up, she lightly went to the floor and slowly patted Shaman.

"It's okay we are here now." Himeko tried to calm Shaman down but it was not working. Himeko had also started kneeling on the floor. Wolfy had also come up and begun to lick Shaman's face as a way to calm her down.

Elysia had slammed the door open and could see Himeko with Shaman in her hands.

Tears started to fall as she rushed over and slid on her knees next to her. Himeko allowed Elysia to take Shaman in her arms as right now the best thing would be to have Shaman see Elysia.

"Shaman it is okay I am here now, please look at me." Elysia tried to bring back Shaman who had their eyes closed and tears were coming out of them. Pain and anguish could be seen on Shaman's face which caused Elysia's heart to ache a little.

"Please, Shaman, I'm here right next to you." Elysia continued to call out to Shaman in hopes she would come back.