Journey To Become A True God-Chapter 1418: Pin King

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Chapter 1418: Pin King

"Is the dictionary really sure?" asked the mysterious man to Long Dou.

"Of course, I'm absolutely sure, I've put the insect Gu seeds you gave into the birthday cake, when everyone eats them, they will become our puppets" said Long Dou to the mysterious man.

Long Dou had already placed insect Gu seeds into the cake, when everyone ate the cake, then they would be able to be controlled.

"Very good, then I can control them all" said the mysterious man to Long Dou.

The mysterious man seemed pleased when he heard this, it seemed that their plan was about to be completed.

"Then let's go right now, it's time to take control of this city." Long Dou invited the mysterious man to go right now to the Song Family.

Long Dou and the mysterious Man left, they went towards the direction of the Song Family.

"Ziyu, has the birthday cake been distributed?" Ye Chen asked Song Ziyu.

"Of course, the cake has already been distributed to everyone, before that I also wanted to invite you to eat cake" Song Ziyu said to Ye Chen. 

Song Ziyu told everyone that the birthday cake had been distributed to everyone, they should have eaten the cake,

"This is bad." Ye Chen felt that this would be a very complicated matter.

"Ye Chen, what is the content of their conversation, I can't hear it clearly?" Song Ziyu asked about the content of the conversation the two people had just now.

Ye Chen started to explain to Song Ziyu, Ye Chen briefly explained what the two of them just talked about.

" What ! ! !" Song Ziyu couldn't believe what she had just heard, Long Dou this time had a very bad plan.

"Ye Chen, we need to hurry back and warn everyone." Song Ziyu asked Ye Chen to come back soon, they must not let Long Dou's plan run smoothly.

"Looks like it's too late, we won't be able to warn them" Ye Chen said that they wouldn't be able to warn the people in the party.

From what Song Ziyu had just said, everyone should have eaten the cake that was given, now that everyone in the party had insect Gu implanted in their bodies.

"Then what should we do?" Song Ziyu asked what they should do in the current situation.

"Now let's go back first, we'll see the situation first" Ye Chen invited Song Ziyu to go back, first they had to look at the situation.

If the situation allowed, then they could take an action against the enemy.

Ye Chen could take an action to kill the enemy, it was the only fastest way to defeat the enemy.

"Um" Song Ziyu nodded he totally agreed with what Ye Chen had just said.

They had better look at the situation first, whether they can take an action or not in this matter.

Ye Chen and Song Ziyu immediately headed back to the Song Family, the two of them didn't go straight in, Ye Chen and Song Ziyu watched from the outside what was happening.

When Ye Chen and Song Ziyu arrived, they saw something unexpected, there were countless people currently lying weakly on the floor, they seemed to be unconscious and in quite a bad condition.

"They look like they were poisoned?" Song Ziyu saw that these people looked like they were being poisoned by drugs.

"No, those are Gu insects, it makes them lose their strength" Ye Chen said to Song Ziyu.

Ye Chen told Song Ziyu that their profound energy was being sucked in by the insect Gu in their bodies.

"Will they be okay?" Song Ziyu asked Ye Chen.

Song Ziyu looked worried, he saw that the guards and guests were not in good condition.

Even his grandfather and father were also in bad shape, they were kneeling on the ground holding the chest area.

"They will be fine, I will find out the insect Gu that are inside these people's bodies" Ye Chen wanted to find out the Gu insects used by the mysterious man.

Ye Chen looked around this place, when Ye Chen looked around, Ye Chen didn't find any whereabouts of Ning Xia, Mu Xueying, Mei Yueli, Xia Qingyu, Mu Nianci, Yan Fei, Fairy Zhen and Qiao Xin.

They weren't all in the crowd of guests.

" where do they go?" Ye Chen started to wonder where Ning Xia, Mu Xueying, Mei Yueli, Xia Qingyu, Mu Nianci, Yan Fei, Fairy Zhen and Qiao Xin were.

Why weren't they around this place, had they left the party earlier.

"Master, you focus on these people, it seems that they are in danger." Chu Yuechan told Ye Chen to focus.

It seems that the insect Gu on these people's bodies are very dangerous.

"I'll find out" Ye Chen used God Eyes, himself to find out the insect Gu that were inside the bodies of the guests in this place.

"Song Sin, Song Han, it's all over, now you guys are under my control" said Long Dou laughing, he was happy when he saw Song Sin and Song Han who were currently in a helpless condition.

"Long Dou, you are such a shameless man, how could you do something like this" Song Sin said with great irritation, he felt resentful towards Long Dou who had done this to them.

"It's up to you what you want to say, but after this I will find a new City Lord." Long Dou didn't care at all about what happened, he didn't care about the insults and insults that were hurled by Song Sin and Song Han.

"So from the start you wanted to rule this city, I was too careless for not watching you, I should have listened to Ziyu's warning" Song Sin regretted not listening to Song Ziyu's warning, if only Song Sin had listened to Song Ziyu's warning, all of this might not have happened. ever happened.

"Hahaha, so your daughter has realized what happened, too bad it's too late, you are all in my control, if you want to survive then you must all obey my orders" said Long Dou to everyone in this place.

"We will never obey" people refused to obey Long Dou, they refused to obey Long Dou.

"Master Pin, you should explain to them all about the Gu bugs that you have given them, let them know the consequences they will have to bear" Long Dou ordered the mysterious man to show the abilities of the Gu insects that were in the bodies of the guests present at the event. this.

This mysterious man's name turned out to be Pin King, he was an extremely great Gu expert.

"You better obey my orders, if you dare to disobey my orders, then the Gu bugs in your bodies will explode and crush your bodies to pieces.

Pin King told everyone in this place to obey his orders, otherwise Pin King would blow up the Gu bugs residing inside their bodies.

People got scared when they listened to what Pin King just said, they were afraid that what Pin King said would come true.

they didn't want to obey Long Dou's orders, but the consequences of refusing Long Dou's orders could make them die ridiculous.

People didn't want to die silly, they all didn't want to die silly because the insect Gu inside their bodies exploded.

"Hahaha" Long Dou laughed, it seems that the threat that Pin King gave had made everyone feel scared.