Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai-Chapter 110: Bananaimo

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Chapter 110: Bananaimo

I cast a backward glance at the fairy plaza. I finally departed from the place that had become my base of operations for the past week, travelling without any rest until I had finally left the Dome Forest area.

「Ooh, it has actually been a while since I've seen that fake-sun.」

The verdant canopy stretched above my head for as far as I could see, little rays of sunlight peeking through, casting beautiful patterns on the dark forest floor. As soon as I left the shade of the green foliage behind, the rich azure sky greeted me welcomingly, despite the unusual beauty of the forest, it was a sight I beckoned with open arms. The sun that hung high in the sky shone like a blinding golden disc, focusing all its heat onto me- the midsummer sun made this area quite humid. I grimaced as I wiped the sweat which had pooled across my neck and forehead, the cloth handkerchief coming back completely soaked, damp and slightly smelly.

Although I had never felt that the dungeon was an uncomfortable place, save for the absence of the warm and golden sunlight which I cherished so much. The lack of light made the dungeon seem much more depressing than it actually was. The dungeon only seemed damp and oppressive because of the dark. I was suddenly attacked by a sense of liberation after catching a glimpse of the sun and feeling it’s warmth upon my skin. The wave of relief that washed over me as I gazed upon the thoroughly saturated and extremely blue sky for the first time in what felt like eons, was immense, as if it was a giant wave from a fierce tsunami.

When I glanced back down to the small metallic object grasped in my palm, my brows furrowed and a frown took a hold over my face unconsciously. Checking my compass a couple more times, the arrow still wasn’t pointing at the direction from where I came from but rather,onward, as if it was telling me to go on. To go forth and continue. I shook my head quizzically. How strange.

「I’m not taking a wrong turn, am I? No, it can’t be. In the first place, I’m following the directions almost exactly.」

As I tried to puzzle this mystery out, I was reminded of the insect cave that I had visited before. After all, this place was quite similar, I mused as I surveyed my surroundings. I peered at everything in my vicinity closely, comparing everything to that godforsaken insect cave. I guess I’d have to dive into the dungeon again after crossing this place. Well, since I had not come across any sort of danger flags or anything else that could potentially prove harmful, there would be no harm in continuing to carry on. In fact, I actually couldn’t think of a better path to follow- this was actually my only option.

「Huhm, the vegetation is quite unusual too.」

While the interior of the dome inside the Dome Forest area seemed like a forest full of trees that had broad leaves, this place was different. It was filled with trees that exhibited jagged edged types of leafs that were similar to those found within the rainforests. I felt just like an adventurer entering and exploring the lucious and foliage filled Amazon rainforest as I bore witness to the many trees that were bent in unusual patterns.

「And yet, I met these same guys once again.」

Here in all places in the world! I mean seriously, we’re in a jungle aren’t we?! The demon was coming out as excitedly as if it intended to celebrate my visit as if I was a long lost friend returning after decades apart. That demon was Sharp Clawed Step Monkey. From my experience, these guys were weak in nature, actually they might be around as weak ass creatures to fall within the same category as Gomas.

Despite their capability to climb to annoyingly high heights and move three dimensionally thanks to the support of the trees, as they swung between any branches they could reach, in the end, despite all of their evasive maneuvers, they were still just unarmed monkey nuisances. Against Rem the First and Arachne Rem, these minor demons didn’t stand a chance, they were merely small fry.

Though I had yet to meet a new species of monster, I had met various normal animals and insects along the way. I mean, I saw this HUGE mosquito-like-moth buzzing around, or what about the time that I saw a huge snake-like-centipede crossing the road in front of us with its numerous legs. It seemed as if this tropical dome was an insect infested area similar to that insect cave.

Although these critters were aesthetically repulsing and slightly creepy, they were just mere insects which were neither hostile nor poisonous. They didn’t pose any real threat so there was nothing to really hate about these adorable, harmless and peaceful insects. However, I kept my vigilance, as a good adventurer should, since there might be dangerous demons at any bend of a journey, even hidden amongst this horde of vermin.

I mean, from experience, there was no clear line separating animals from monsters in this dungeon. Just like the instance we came across a snake, about the size of an anaconda, which passed before us. We had instantly stopped in our tracks, Arachne Rem glancing back at me and the snake repeatedly as if questioning what she should do, asking 「What to do now? Catch it? Or eat it?」, however the snake just nonchalantly passed by, completely ignoring us. Yup, not even I was brave enough to go after it and hunt it down. My desire to eat that giant snake kabayaki wasn’t that intense.

Well, setting aside the harmless insects and animals, what mattered most to right now, at this moment, was finding a new type of poisonous or medicinal plant that would undoubtedly be in this tropical forest.

The result was something along the lines of 「HERE IT IS!!」, spoken in a delicate and yet still violent tone.

「Well, it might've had some sort of effect if I tried to mixing it with something or other――」

Oi, don't kid with me 『Intuition Pharmacy』, don't you think that you have become too relaxed nowadays?! What the hell with this continuous display of irresponsible information.

「Either one of them doesn't seems to have some sort of effect…」

Or, perhaps…both the flowerbed in the fairy plaza and the fakelion which had clear effects were actually on the rare side? I mean, be it another world of magic or any other world even, it was illogical if everything had a clear and defined effect. I might be asking too much- after all, I had just entered this new area of vegetation. It would be foolhardy to get my hopes up too much.

「Huhm, I can only harvest this guy for now huh?」

By chance, I had found a mandragora that had slipped itself amongst the weeds. Since 『Intuition Pharmacy』 told me that it was mandragora, and it screamed when I yanked it out of the plush and damp soil, I was a 100% sure that it was a mandragora but…was it because I caught this one in a different area? It’s pose was different from what I generally observed on the norm.Typically, a normal mandragora would show a standing upright pose when uprooted but, this guy's stance made it seem like it was running for its life. Well whatever, they could show whatever bearing they liked, it didn’t matter to me- all was well as long as they became the ingredients for my curse.

「Uhm, is that…it can’t be…a banana?」

Though I couldn't see it as anything but a bunch of ripe yellow colored fruit that were drooping from the branches of the banana tree, it was undoubtedly a real one. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief before checking once again. Yes, indeed. It was a banana.

Unlike the banana tree that I saw in the botanical garden I visited with the rest of my class during my time at elementary school, this one was different. This particular tree was the size of a giant, and I had no doubt whatsoever that the yellow part of the fruit was edible. My intuition pharmacy skill told me that it wasn't a poisonous plant, instead it was rich in nutrients.

It was practically useless for a shaman but it was something equivalent to instant noodle discovery. it doesn't mean that I'm sick of that I already have enough of walnut, or that deliciously easy great boar with mushroom and herb pot. Thus, you can say that I'm only lacking the luxury of sweet fruit. While it was practically useless in relation to my occupation as a Shaman, it was still something interesting, almost equivalent to the discovery of mouth watering, delicious instant noodles.

「Okay, let's harvest these pieces of delicious fruit.」

My 『Blackhair Bind』 shows its full potential at times like this. I released a strand of blackhair to coil around a fruit, everything began with a sample after all.

When I caught on the skill-harvested banana, I murmured "Uhm, isn't this guy size bigger than your average joe banana?" Yup, it was a thick banana.

However, this milky white color of its contents, its gently curved form and skin with a texture similar to leather….it had all the defining characteristics of a banana. Turning it over in my palms, I carefully inspected each corner of the supposed fruit. Hmm…it certainly seemed like the epitome of a banana. My curiosity kept building up until it was uncontainable, like water overflowing from a dam. Anyway, let me take a bite so that I could confirm my suspicions.


Surprisingly, the banana was rather…tasteless. I struggled to find the proper word to describe it, racking through my brain for the adequate vocabulary. While its soft and creamy texture was most definitely reminiscent of a banana, there was something different, something odd about it. Its taste, flavour and aroma were unexpectedly barely there. It was almost a paper thin layer of flavour, just barely coating your tongue, hardly present. It wasn’t sweet at all, to be quite honest. This particular fruit, although similar to a banana, was simply lacking the natural sweetness found in most tropical fruits. In fact, rather than a banana, it reminded me more of taro tuber root.

「Rather than banana, this guy is more like taro[imo]*.」 [TL* : Tuber]

What a revelation! Let’s call this thing something cool and fitting…what about Bananaimo?

I plucked a bunch of these Bananaimo fruits from the trees and then safely stored them in my inventory. I had a feeling it would come in handy, it seemed like a good source of carbohydrates. Perhaps, if I steamed it using the Witch's Kettle, I could rely on it in a pinch, especially if I had no other food. To be honest, I was rather disappointed with its lack of sweetness however, there was nothing wrong with harvesting it. If there was one thing I learned during my tenure as a Shaman, it was that it was always best to be prepared for any situation.

By the way, the harvest was completed rather easily and was a wonderfully efficient process, with me plucking the Bananaimo and Arachne Rem spreading her spiderweb below to catch it, we had lots of the fruit collected in a matter of minutes.


Before I could once again get going on my way, I heard some shrill screams from afar. It felt like they were saying "We’ll see you again later." directly in my ears. I was rather familiar with this kind of scream. I had most definitely heard it before. A smirk slowly grew on my face, one corner of my mouth lifting up mockingly.

「What's the matter, you shitty monkeys, are you guys angry coz I stole yer bananaimo?」

Those angry monkeys were gathering around, surrounding me from all possible directions from above, in the trees as they continued their screams and barged towards me. Their angry and frustrated screeches and the bearing of their teeth as they rushed in my direction told me that I had pissed them off. Well, it was possible that this Bananaimo's tree might be on their turf.

Nevertheless, it was their turf against other monkeys. Why would humans be subject to what monkeys think? Did they really believe that we, the great human race, the superior species would give even one iota of concern for territory disputes between monkeys?! Monkey rule was nonexistent in our eyes, we have the whole world in our grasp, everything is ours for the taking.

「Hehehe, try and take this back then. This Bananaimo is mine.」

Yup, I’ll eat one Bananaimo to properly rile them up.

These shitty monkeys were a constant threat in this area, and were really very annoying, despite them being such small fry, and mere pests. small fry.

In fact, the reason they were all bark and no bite was mainly because they had already seen their comrades defeated in front of their own eyes. Yes, these shitty monkeys were no match at all for Rem the 1st and Arachne Rem.

Fufufu~ being fully prepared was truly wonderful, wasn't it.

I had been completely reassured that I could trust Rem the first and Arachne to protect my back. Over the course of recent events, they had proved themselves more than capable enough to guard and protect me sufficiently. That fact alone allowed me the strength I needed so that I could ignore those pesky creatures, knowing the level of their strength had practically lifted me into seventh heaven.


The air shook with the force of the sound. It was a loud roar, different from those pesky monkeys. That ferocious creature appeared upon expelling that terrifying roar and rushed forward with heavy stomps which pummeled the ground, sounding like a hammer striking a surface embedded with a nail.

「What the heck is that, the boss of all of these monkeys!?」

Despite the general expectation and image of monkeys, the boss monkey was not cute at all, not from any angle. It was huge, looming over me, casting a great, dark shadow behind it. The various flora and fauna resting on the floor of the forest met their fate as they were crushed under the beast’s giant foot. In fact, since it was a being of such gargantuan size, I actually doubted that it was a monkey to begin with. It boasted such a stature that could rival even Goliath which I had also fought before. It shouldn’t be too hard, after all this guy was more like a gorilla than a monkey. Surely, it would be more aggressive but also less intelligent than its counterpart.


It was reminiscent of the film ‘King Kong’, where the gorilla drums its chest while screaming at the top of its lungs, wrecking destruction all around it.



Upon hearing the cacophony of noise emerging from the treetops, I looked up, only to be greeted with the sight of some of those shitty monkeys doing something like cheering, hooting in synchronisation, screaming that Gorilla- this very Gorilla was the boss.

Seeing that gorilla lead those monkeys, this guy preened and fawned arrogantly as if he was the sublime ruler, the king of the mountain around these parts. Aren't you ashamed by having such stupid subordinates like those ones? Come on you fool, where has your pride as the chieftain of the forest gone?


The hulky boss gorilla, who was clearly and painfully oblivious of the stream of insults directed towards it that were running through my head, ordered it’s shitty monkey commanded in a series of deep, guttural grunts which somehow made sense to me.

Huh, how did I understand what they said? That's simple, I mean, it was clear as day upon seeing in which manner those monkeys reacted to their boss's voice.

One after another, the monkeys descended from the trees and then surrounded me. Those who were waiting upon their Gorilla boss were especially quick and eager, amongst all their troops, they arrived first. I hated to say this but the rest were lining up perfectly. Soon enough it felt like they had completed their battle formation.

Sorry to break this news to you guys, but you weren’t the only ones who showed up prepared. I was strapped from head to toe with weapons, I would loathe to journey unprepared. Like hell I’d just stand by idly and do nothing while facing a huge hoard of enemies.

「Rem, you take on that Gorilla. Arachne, I’ll leave those monkeys to you―― Spread『Rotten Bog』!」


That deafening roar became the opening call of the vicious battle.

Overflowing with fighting spirit, those pesky monkeys were rushing toward me from all directions―― But, the 『Rotten Bog』 that surrounded me from all directions became the biggest obstacle for those apes to attack me.

Though those monkeys hurriedly took a detour as soon as they saw that obviously dangerous monkey, they're too late. The moment they stopped, they were sitting ducks.

「『Blackhair Bind』」


Both Arachne Rem and I used our threads to attack those monkeys from the shortest distance possible. Our aim was accurate, or should I say that we're hardly having any difficulties in catching those monkeys since we could move at will.

It was basically game over for them even though we only caught their feet to drag them into the 『Rotten Bog』―― Though their battle cry changed to pained scream upon dragged into the bog, their regret came too late.


While both of us were keeping the small fries at bay, I left our most formidable enemy, the boss Gorilla, to Rem the 1st.

That gorilla seemed to have a tenacious frame, its thick hairs and skin seemed quite bristly too. Unhesitatingly, it stepped into the 『Rotten Bog』 and calmly crossed over the acid pond as if the acidic fumes wafting from it weren’t strong enough to bother it.

So, anyone could cross the 『Rotten Bog』 as long as their endurance was high enough to negate the damage, thus encircling myself in the middle of the acid pond might be a bad idea. That's why we had no choice but to use brute force to prevail in this situation.


Rem the 1st was facing against the charging Gorilla from the front. With Yoshizaki's axe in her right hand, and victory sword in her left, she swung her weapons toward the advancing ape.


As one would expect, the gorilla who realized the danger if it got hit by Rem's sword and axe, cleverly dodged the weapons with an unbelievable speed that betrayed its large frame.

Yup, keeping this guy who could charge toward me at bay was enough for now. Rem's job was to prevent that gorilla from approaching me, not defeating it.

That said, Rem only needed to keep that gorilla busy for a while Arachne Rem and I cleaned up the rest of the monkeys.

「Their numbers are nothing compared to those Jiras in underground lake.」

I mean, the overall number of the monkeys on the shore might be only around a hundred. That number wasn't even enough for them to use their comrade's corpses as a bridge to crossing over the 『Rotten Bog』.


The stupid monkeys suddenly realized they couldn't attack from the ground. They then climbed the trees, walked towards the end of its branch thinking they could use it to approach me. Soon after, pouncing off the branches while brandishing their sharp claws overheard, the apes launched a collective attack that could tear my poor body to pieces.


But, the one to die is you guys.

I swiftly spread 『Silverhair Severing』 around me. After all, those apes weren’t the only one who could take advantage of the dense forest. Although this tactic could prove useless in a plain type dungeon room with no scope for cover, as long as there's fulcrum called trees around me, I could use these steel threads to form a barrier to protect myself from aerial assault.

Within the confines of the forest, Arachne's finishing move could be used as an extremely deadly booby trap. Those monkeys needed to be at least as big and as powerful as that gorilla to attack from the front.

Those monkeys that leapt vigorously like Ashidaka Rem some time ago were torn apart tragically because of their own kinetic energy. One by one, wailing in pain, the monkeys collapsed.

I watched with satisfaction as blood dripped from the silver steel hanging in the air.



MUDAMUDA*, ye idiotic monkey! No matter how much you try jumping at me from all four directions, I'm not an idiot who would leave such a gap.

[TL* : Reference to Dio Brando from Jojo's Bizzare Adventure]

Maybe they’d finally realized that I didn't leave any gap for them to attack after they saw the tragic end of their comrades. They should've realized that they couldn't take the direct attack route against me.

「Great, that trap claimed half of their number. Now then…」

Arachne Rem alone should be enough to take care of the rest of those monkeys that were clearly helpless before my steel threads barrier and acid bog.

When I looked at the scene unfolding in front of me, I caught sight of Rem the 1st and Gorilla who were in the midst of fierce fighting. As of now, they seemed to be evenly matched. However, if I stepped in between, the dynamics could change.「It's this guy's turn.」

The knife I took out wasn’t the Red Knife, it was your average iron short sword which I had plundered from those Gomas. The blade was chipped, but it was soaked in THAT.

「Well savor the power of this paralysis poison with your own body.」

Now is your time to shine, 『Spirog's Poison』.

I headed toward the battlefield of Rem the 1st against the Gorilla with paralysis poison smeared on the knife gripped by blackhair tentacle.

In short, I could interrupt their battle without any need to worry about friendly fire.

Most of all, thanks to that gorilla's big frame, I could stab my poisoned knife into that guy feeling relieved since this blackhair tentacles moved according to my will and slashed the poisoned knife.

My aim was its burly and hairy back.


I have to say, as expected of the Boss Monkey, it sensed the knife that was aiming for its back and then swung its burly arm to flick it off. Unfortunately, the knife flew and lodged itself into the trunk of a tree.

Oh shit, it won't come off!


That fucking knife wouldn't come off, and the gorilla who sensed something amiss, let out a loud warcry, seemingly even more flustered than me.

「Its movement slowed… Wow, even though my knife had just grazed its arm.」

It wasn't visible at glance. But, I'd seen numerous battles up to this point. Thus, my dynamic vision could follow the fast pace movements during the battle without a glitch.

For the above reason, I could see that the gorilla's movement was slowing down.

And the most obvious place was its right arm, the arm used to flick my poisoned knife. That sledge hammer-like arm must be extremely heavy right now, I mean, it's already hanging loosely.

And its half right movement started to dull too.

A phenomenon of static-like yellow color appeared on the body of the stiffened monster. Just like the scene in the game that I played before didn't happen, its body just stiffened a little. But … Something as small as that could decide the outcome of a battle against an opponent of the same caliber.


Rem didn't miss that opening, she slashed at the gorilla during its numbing moment.

The paralyzed gorilla that couldn't use its right arm anymore fell under an unfavorable situation right away. On top of that, the effect started to affect its right half of the body, greatly reducing its agility and evasion.

I guess this was the end for that gorilla.

The winner had been decided.


Though the winner had been decided, Arachne Rem who had just annihilated the horde of monkeys entered the fray from the gorilla's blindspot.

What happened after this was a one-sided slaughter.

The moment its movements was sealed with Arachne Rem's thread, Rem the 1st slashed from the front with her sword and axe, Arachne Rem stabbed from behind with Nonomiya-san's lance.

The gorilla finally ceased its movements, and was soon reduced into a lump of dark red meat.

Someone tell me, how did it turn into that lump of meat?

「Oh whatever, good job, Rem!」

Anyway, we who proved the effect of my paralysis poison and won against a yakuza-like monkey raised our weapons to celebrate our victory.

Today was a harvest.

『Boss Monkey's Meat』 :Slaughtered corpse that has been stabbed repeatedly. The hard meat was stuck to the point that you'll lose your hunger upon just smelling, it was an extremely useful material in repairing Rem's wound by combining it with 『Vile's Clay Doll』.

『Bananaimo』 : A fruit whose color and shape resemble a banana, but has tuber[imo]-like flavor. I think it serves better as a staple food than fairy walnut.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from f(r)eeweb(n)ovel.𝒄𝒐𝙢