King Of Limbo-134 Chapter 134

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"Seems we underestimated the creature's sheer destructive force." Lady Rose narrowed her eyes and thought whilst Jin and Claudia where at a loss for words.

"How do you and Aron plan on catching that thing..." Claudia was in disbelief of what she had just witnessed, just surviving when it came to that beast was an issue.

Claudia was thinking this way because of what Lady Rose claimed was the plan. She had indeed mentioned helping Jagu and trying to capture that creature but she never stated she would be leading it or that they were using it to destroy the main forces of the islands.

The actual plan itself was only known to four people and in order to achieve the best outcome it was better kept that way.

"Maybe we should have Jagu evacuate his family and return with Aron. Fighting that beast is far too risky." Claudia suggested out of concern for the entire faction and surprisingly Jin agreed.

Jin knew first hand that Aron was an incredibly skilled and powerful combatant but even he doubted that Aron could manage defeating the serpent unscathed.

In his opinion their best option was attacking as a faction and even using the firepower of the Sovereign but even then casualties didn't look unavoidable.

"Aron doesn't do things without a plan, he knew this would be difficult even from the start. Why do you think he hasn't asked any of you to do anything?" Lady Rose questioned without bothering to turn her head back.

The meaning behind her words was simple enough to understand, Aron didn't ask them to participate because he knew of the immense dangers. This however was another half-truth Aron and Lady Rose fabricated. The simple truth was that every remaining faction member was unnecessary in that situation, in other words... less than cannon fodder so why bring them out in the first place?

'It's not feeding, it just destroyed it's target before seeking out another.' Lady Rose turned her attention back to the serpent and stroked her chin in thought.

The serpent was now shifting it's gaze as if searching for another ideal target without bothering with the destroyed settlement any longer. But just as it was about to move towards land, Lady Rose lured it back underwater with her scouter.


A short while later Aron arrived at the outskirts of that very settlement with the intention of investigating the scene. He no longer saw any point in staying close as the result would most likely be the same with the other settlements. 𝒇𝘳𝐞𝚎𝓌𝑒𝑏𝒏𝑜𝙫ℯl.c𝚘𝒎

'What a heavy stench...' The closer Aron got to the settlement the more pungent the grotesque smell became. It reached a point where he had to dull his sense of smell just to focus.

The majority of the settlement had now become a muddy clearing full of debris and pools of blood. Aron slowly made his way through while observing every little detail he could but there wasn't much to see.

"Hm?" Aron's focus sharpened and he quickly raised his head and looked towards what used to be the main house of the settlement judging from the debris around it.

In that same moment Jagu also arrived on the scene with a look of shock at the horror before him. The stench alone was almost too much to bare for someone as sensitive as him so he ripped a piece of cloth from his cloak and covered his mouth and nose before approaching Aron who stood not too far.

"So fast, I can't see any signs of resistance." Jagu who wasn't fast enough to witness the scene firsthand could only imagine how powerful it had to be to defeat the main settlement of a powerful tribe in so little time and with no resistance. "That's because there was none, this settlement was brought to this state in a single attack."

Jagu remained silent as he had no words to add, sure he wanted his clan to be at the top but this settlement contained a large number of children and women who would've probably lived if it were a direct confrontation.

As savage as most Komi were they had their own unique set of unspoken customs by which most lived by to be considered great. Using borrowed power to completely decimate a foe left Jagu feeling disgust for himself but he didn't voice it.

"We should leave or it will get too far ahead of us." Jagu suggested but Aron didn't respond and began walking towards the fallen main building.

This puzzled Jagu but he didn't ask and instead just followed along while looking around at the carnage which only made him feel worse.

"Do you hear that?" Aron paused right in front of the rubble and heightened his hearing. Upon doing so he could clearly hear the sound of two heart beats.

He furrowed his eyebrows and his muscles tensed up as he began to drag aside the rubble. Jagu also faintly heard the sound of breathing and quickly joined Aron in removing debris.

It didn't take long for them to find the large body of a bull under the rubble. Upon seeing this badly injured body, Jagu's eyes widened. "The bull clan chief... Goovin." He muttered as if in disbelief.

Aron was about to inquire more when the fallen bull's body jerked. His legs and hands were badly corroded along with much of the back of his body. Anyone who saw this at first glance would think it was a carcass that had been partly eaten.

However this bull was still very much alive and even raised it's head from the ground to face Aron and Jagu. "Intruders... What sin have my people done to deserve this?" The large bull muttered in voice so deep it could cause one's eardrums to vibrate.

'Those wounds are surely fatal but he's healing even as he speaks, peak tier five level at the very least.' Aron thought after glancing at the bull for a moment. It didn't need to be said that strength of the Bull clan's chief was extraordinary and in terms of physical strength alone... was the best.

Jagu looked ready to speak but first glanced at Aron unsure of what to say so Aron took over after deciding how to proceed. "We aren't intruders, that creature also caused damage to my comrade's settlement so after seeing it come in this direction we rushed to warn you... abeit too late."

"*cough* *cough* Do you really think I would believe the words of a filthy human and an opposing clan member? If you're here to reap benefits or kill me then just do it already and spare me further humiliation?!" The bull grumbled angrily with slightly bloody eyes.

In that moment Aron could see it's mana fluctuations rising as if preparing an attack, however he continued to speak instead.

"I'm anything but human and my words are true. You're right I'm no saint in risking my life coming here but if that serpent is allowed to roam free then everyone is in danger. My purpose was to warn you and seek an alliance." Aron's own mana began to fluctuate and the various wills within him raged without constraint giving him an aura that resembled that of a powerful beast.

"You aren't human... nor are you from a tribe within the Komi Island *cough* so why risk your life at all?" The bull furrowed it's brows and remained vigilant in front of Aron. Normally those of the bull tribe rarely resolved things with words and preferred to fight.

What the chief was doing was buying time and entertaining whatever Aron had to say. But upon feeling that vicious aura of Aron's he became slightly interested.

"You're right, I have no reason to and quite frankly I don't care about your islands nor their inhabitants... the same with humans. But this island is my comrades home so I won't sit idly by and watch it get destroyed." Both Jagu and Goovin were taken aback by Aron's firm stance, the look in his eyes showed that he was dead serious which made Jagu wonder, wasn't this all just for show?

Confusion welled up in his mind while Goovin's fluctuations began to recede. Internally Aron was amused by the situation and continued to further reel him in.

"If you don't believe me then trust in my ability as a Galos Academy guardian. Aside from Jagu here I had gone through the journey with another companion who hailed from the islands, Oxin. How could I face her again if I let her home perish?" Aron added in his usual cold tone despite his words being rather moving.

Upon hearing Oxin's name Goovin's eyes widened. "Oxin... my little Oxin. I was told by those who observed the projections mention an individual who aided my runaway daughter greatly and even led them to victory over the human nobles..."

'So the part where she said she was a princess wasn't a lie...' Aron thought to himself as the situation continued to proceed rather smoothly. But it also shed light on a few things Aron was curious about in the past.

Oxin had most likely mixed lies into some truths in order to conceal her identity as the child of one the strongest Komi alive. This however didn't change the fact that she herself was of average strength and no use to Aron, all it meant was that Goovin wouldn't be so hostile towards him.

A faint benefit but if it meant avoiding unnecessary combat then Aron would gladly take it. "I see, then for now I'll believe in your words." The old bull's voice was still quite hostile but this outcome was sufficient enough, he avoided conflict with a wounded veteran who looked ready to put his life on the line to protect the life of whoever laid underneath him... the source of the second heart beat.

"Then that's good enough. Jagu look after him for now, I'll be going ahead before the serpent reaches another settlement." Aron gave Goovin a nod and turned to leave without asking anymore, his objective had been met and there was no longer any reason to linger around.

"Wait!" Goovin called out causing Aron to stop walking and turn his head back. "What is your name?" The bull asked with a hint of curiosity on it's Brutish looking face.

"Aron... Aron Limbo."


A/N: Finally starting to see the butterfly effect more in the novel as we're in the middle stage of this arc. Before you ask this goes both ways, good and bad, I'd like to sometimes show that choices both big and small have effects on future events and encounters. And no I don't mean cliche's like man saves damsel in distress and she's secretly a princess who now falls for him or old man with secret technique etc... you get the point. Anyway if you wanna know more just ask, hope you're enjoying the read so far.