King Of Limbo-147 Chapter 147

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Aron and Lady Rose's conversation ran on the entire night, alternating between questions and sharing opinions on the topic at hand.

Physiology was much easier to discuss as both of them were very well versed in this category, Aron's knowledge of course surpassed hers but every time he brought about a new revelation to her she would immediately bring out a theory that could be applied to benefit them.

These ideas were just that... ideas. Most of them would require an immense amount of work to achieve while others seemed impossible. Aron however still keenly listened and even contributed whenever she brought up one out of genuine interest.

As for the origins of life, many theories existed on this and varied between worlds. The most popular ones always involving a higher entity having created life and the world as a whole.

This was one theory both Aron and Lady Rose were most skeptical about. If such an omnipotent being did exist then why was the world left to be in such a state? Or what were the origins of that entity as well? Such questions naturally arose and no concise answer could be reached.

"Speaking of higher entities, I haven't heard of any formal religion existing here." Aron asked freely now that his own origin was more or less clear to Lady Rose, as for the exact details... she didn't inquire and just went along with it.

"The concept of religion is almost none existent in Pesia. A few individuals and societies do hold some beliefs but nothing so major that it could be classified a religion. Hmm, what do you believe in Aron?" While on the matter, Lady Rose couldn't help but wonder about this.

"Personally I feel mana or energy depending on the perspective is the origin and end of all things. Death is never really the end as energy or mana cannot be destroyed, it only shifts from one form to another."

,m "A person will die, they will decompose and then become one with the world and so on until another cycle is achieved. And yourself?" Aron gave his answer before shifting the question to her.

She tapped her finger against the table silently a few times while pondering on something before beginning to speak. "Nothing at all, there once was a time when I believed in a higher entity but... reality showed me otherwise like it did so many others." She answered without shifting from her usual mature manner of speaking.

"Sounds like you've hard your fair share of hardships." Aron couldn't help but add despite the matter not looking like it bothered her at all. Her unfeeling dark eyes met with his cold grey eyes in what was a brief moment of silence.

"Hardships build character Aron no matter how minuscule. If I hadn't experienced my own I'd have been far too naive till this day." Lady Rose now reminded Aron of his own revelation about the true nature of things within his former kingdom.

Had everything gone slightly different... wouldn't he have been working hard just to be used like livestock till this day?

"You're right, I should be thankful for mine as well. I dread to imagine what I would have become otherwise." Aron shook his head as he reminisced causing a small smile to appear on Lady Rose's face.

Yet another silence befell the two, the dimly lit yellow crystals that gave the room an aesthetic sunset like appeal flickered all so lightly as the two just looked at each other without uttering a word.

"Seems the conversation has reached a point of saturation. A shame, this chat was rather... tolerable." Lady Rose let out a soft chuckle before standing up from her seat first. Aron followed suit and turned to leave. "Right, until next time then." Aron said in response before making his way out.

It was now the early hours of the morning so the majority of the crew was still sound asleep. Aron who up to now couldn't feel the need for sleep chose to just go to his room and write down some of the new things he learned while talking with Lady Rose.

Upon reaching his rather large well decorated quarters, he immediately went over to his desk before taking out his journal from one of the drawers.

This journal was rather strange as all pages belonging to past days had been ripped out meaning the first intact page was displaying that day's date.

He didn't bother sitting down and began writing there and then.

[ Entry# 46. I had a rather interesting conversation with Rose today, I think I've heard her speak more today than any of the past days put together. Why the sudden interest? I'm not too sure, I can only assume it's to learn of what I know. Regardless of the reason it seems fruitful to both of us.]

[ Her knowledge in physiology was rather lacking but she did have similar opinions on the origins of life. What came as a surprise though was something she called the God's curse and asked my thoughts on it. At the time I had no prior knowledge this curse she spoke of so she enlightened me on the matter ]

[ The curse simply entails that those who her strong will have a harder time bearing children than those who are weak and that it is because "God" doesn't wish to see generations growing stronger and stronger. I found this rather amusing as it was basically a crude version of the coceptium theorem. ]

[ The theorem explains that beings of higher mana capacity will naturally find it hard to bear children with beings of lower mana capacity. It's much like trying to force compressed energy into a vessel that can't contain it. The result of such cases is usually failure of ovulation, miscarriages or in some cases where the female is weaker death. ]

[ In most societies this thereom is overlooked or non existent as beings born and raised in a similar environment usually grow to have similar mana capacities. This applies to all creatures who breed through copulation including myself, although my case is rarer than most since my total capacity is ever growing the more beast wills I cleanse ]

[ By the time I rid myself of the Luna Mana I should reach yet another milestone. At the pace I'm going it's unlikely I'll come across a being able to conceive from me anytime soon given the fact I'm not actively searching in the first place. ]

[ I'll revisit this matter when I return to Limbo. End of Log. ]

Aron let out a sigh and ripped out the page before holding it close to his legacy ring. A faint bluish mist could be seen moving from the page to the ring with many tiny characters on it.

Once this process stopped, he crumpled up the paper and tossed it into the fire place before closing his journal and placing it back in the drawer.

'Now then, back to the issue of ridding myself of this Luna Mana' The flaming embers of the fireplace reflected brilliantly on Aron's eyes as a sinister smile appeared on his face.


Meanwhile in that same moment Lady Rose was laying down partially on the dark red and black silk sheets of her bed with a book in hand.

'Just when I had began to accept things for what they are he shows up to spark my interest of the mysteries. He's like a living ruin, bursting with knowledge but with reasonable power to protect it... I'm certainly looking forward to what more you have to offer Aron.' She thought while smiling and reading through the notes she had taken down during their conversation.


The following morning when everyone had awoken thinking it would be another dreary day in the raining Komi Islands Jagu arrived in what could only be described as a good mood.

Rather than even board the airship he stopped outside and yelled at the top of his lungs. "Comrades! My clan and I invite you to celebrate our victory over those vile forls with us! It shall be a feast and night you won't forget!" He said while showing an expression most only saw when he was in battle, happily slaughtering those in his way.

However the reception to this news was less than hyper...

"Argh, another one? I'm still recovering from the last one. Please don't tell me it's mandatory to go?" Riya who was sitting down with some of the other members for breakfast in the main dining hall and received similar worried glances all around.

"Don't be like that, a friend of ours wants to share his culture with us. We should be all honored to go don't you agree?" A smiling Jin pointed out but got no support, especially from the female members.

In that moment Aron passed by the hall and gave his take on the matter.

"We're all going."

A/N: I'm not too sure how this is looking from your perspective guys, is the pace of things moving accordingly in your opinion? Pacing has never been my strong suit but trying to be neither too fast nor too slow.𝐟𝘳𝑒𝗲𝘸e𝒃𝘯𝒐𝐯e𝚕.c𝒐𝒎