King Of Limbo-174 Chapter 174

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Not much time had passed since Juliet caused a set of explosions to erupt in the Vonstein region, killing hundreds of soldiers and a few civilians in the process. All for the sake of avoiding being found out, this didn't bother her in the least and she had returned to her quarters without showing an ounce of guilt whilst Anastasia looked more troubled and stayed on the deck of the airship longer.

Little did anyone realize that another disaster was impending…

Many kilometers away from the city of Vonstein near the boarder leading into Lovitz family territory, an eerie black airship could be seen freely roaming the skies.

On the deck of this airship stood Sayiva who looked found with an impatient expression as she toyed with the ring on her index finger.

Just as she was doing so one of her subordinates came to the deck with a look of worry plastered on their faces. "Milady we're approaching Lovitz territory but the airships patrolling the boarder will pose a problem. Perhaps it would be better if were to walk-"


A loud smack resonated on the deck as Sayiva didn't even allow the man to finish speaking before smacking him across the face. She used so much force that his body was blow from that position and flung towards the rail of the deck.

Unfortunately he hit it far too hard and it had shattered his skull, killing him instantly. Elves were known to have weak bodies by nature and worse off he hadn't augmented his body, the poor fool couldn't have known he would get a fatal blow simply from giving a report.

"I gave a clear order and you dare ask me to walk?" Sayiva looked to the corpse and muttered but got no response, she could only see the man slowly lose the life in his eyes.

At that moment another subordinate came up to the deck and saw the scene before widening his eyes. He cursed his luck for arriving at such a situation but he could only bow towards Sayiva and act like his friend hadn't just been killed.

"Do you low minded fools need orders at every interval? I said I wish to go to the mines, use whatever means necessary to get me there without disturbing me." She commanded rather coldly and left no room for refusal, the subordinate found this very tricky.

"I will happily die for my queen but the airship's patrolling the boarder hold enough power to completely decimate our vessel. We can't allow your life to be at risk." The subordinate carefully chose his words and it seemed to bear fruit as Sayiva didn't immediately smack him across the deck as well.

"No matter the era, I always end with useless and weak subordinates. Charge forward, I doubt a mere vessel can stop me from getting what I want." Sayiva angrily ordered and the subordinate had no choice but to nod and turn away hurriedly.

[ Too much has changed! Your refusal to accept that we once lost is risking our lives! ]

[ It's possible beings of this world have evolved to hold strength near our own… ]

[ Perhaps we should retreat and try again in another world- ]

"No! I refuse to leave. We put in far too much work to abandon this world and start over just because some ungrateful vermin chose to go against us." Sayiva looked even more angry than before as she said this and debated with echoey voices within her mind.

More was about to be said when suddenly the entire airship jerked violently causing Sayiva to stumble to the ground.

"That was a warning shot! Reveal who you are and your purpose here or risk getting shot down!" A voice loudly announced coming from another airship roughly six hundred meters away from Sayiva's. 𝘧𝘳𝐞𝚎𝑤ℯ𝘣𝗻𝘰ѵℯl.c𝐨𝚖

At this moment moment Sayiva's eyes turned a blood red and her skin grew darker. "To show this much impudence in front of me…" she muttered before turning towards the airship.

"I command you all to perish." As she gave this order the environment grew darker as the skies filled up with eerie clouds. What followed was a plethora of lightning strikes raining down on not only the one vessel but each one that roamed the skies within a kilometer radius.

The suddenness of the attack didn't leave the other airships time to prepare a barrier so each one was struck viciously by the lightning before slowly starting to descend towards the ground. 𝒇𝔯e𝚎𝘄𝑒𝑏𝙣𝑜𝚟𝗲𝑙.c𝘰𝚖

Sayiva casually walked over to the edge of the deck and watched as the airships made contact with the ground and began exploding one after another.

The subordinates who rushed to the deck could only watch in amazement and fear at this scene, none had ever thought her to be so powerful.

"Continue on course." She ordered coldly and everyone immediately scattered while she remained staring at the devastation she had caused with just a few words.

Morning soon came and it seemed like it was going to be quiet day for Aron since they were still a few days away from Galos academy, he could only use this time to meditate and slowly deal with a few wills.

However not long after sunrise his door swung open and Lady Rose walked in with a piece of folded parchment in her hands.

Aron didn't think he'd see her so soon since they talked the night prior, it was only natural to assume something had come up. "Is something the matter?" He asked as he opened his eyes and turned to face her but remained seated cross legged on the floor.

"Do you know anything about this?" She casually handed over the parchment she had come into the room with before sitting on the edge of his bed and crossing her legs.

Aron proceeded to open the parchment and showed a frown upon reading it. Lady Rose noticed this expression and sighed. "It seems you weren't aware, I had hoped this had to do with you." She muttered as Aron closed the parchment and turned to face her.

The parchment didn't have much written except saying the city of Vonstein and a mining city in the Lovitz region had been attacked. The latter had been completely decimated with less than ten surviving out of the thousands who lived there. What made Aron furrow his brows is that both attacks were witnessed to be done by elves.

This wasn't surprising for Vonstein city since he had staged it to seem that way but then what was going on with the other report?

"It doesn't, I hadn't even began thinking of how to deal with that family. Do you think this has to do with that elf we encountered back in the Komi Islands? It seems far too coincidental for the Aethel to launch such an attack, unless the city held something valuable?" Aron didn't inner workings of the Lovitz so he could only speculate the reason for the attack but remained unsure of who exactly it could be.

"No need to overthink, that woman is definitely linked to this in some way. Perhaps she did discover useful information in the ruin and that lead to Aethel holding confidence in launching an attack but why Lovitz region and a mining town? As you can see we will get nowhere speculating as they are far too many variables. Let us instead focus on how this can be used to work in our favor." Both Lady Rose and Aron were curious by nature and would often want to understand a situation as best they could.

However with so little information there was no way to predict just what exactly was going on. The better choice was to use it to their own advantage and move their own plans along.

"You're right, so long as it doesn't disrupt our goals there's no need to intervene. This attack will only work to support what he had staged in Vonstein, I doubt the Ettenheim won't retaliate after this, our focus should simply be on getting Galos Academy on board now." Lady Rose couldn't help but show a small smile as she had thought the same thing.

Meanwhile many kilometers away from the Lovitz region, Sayiva's airship could be seen roaming the dark skies.

She currently stood on the deck of the airship with a badly beaten human in torn luxurious clothing laying near her feet.

'None. None of them remember us, I could understand a remote village but this fool is supposed to an important figure and he doesn't know anything even my former name' Sayiva thought with clear anger plastered all over her face.

[ History has been rewritten so we could be forgotten, those damned treacherous vermin must be responsible ]

[ Those pests were quite thorough indeed, the past has completely been forgotten. Luckily for us your host must have stumbled upon something detailing us ]

[ She said records so perhaps we aren't completely forgotten, she belongs to a race now known as elves… maybe we can find answers there and perhaps even followers who haven't forgotten ]

Sayiva had gone silent for a while internally debating with the echoey voices. When she was finally done she turned away from the badly beaten body and looked at her subordinates.

"Throw his body off my vessel and set a course for the nation of elves…"