Legend of Dragon Son-in-law-Chapter 121 - 120 A Peaceful Life Is Too Hard_l

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Chapter 121: Chapter 120 A Peaceful Life Is Too Hard_l

Translator: 549690339

The moment Cosmo saw the cleaner appear, she couldn’t help but allow a smirk to curve her lips.

It seemed that the other party couldn’t hold back anymore and was preparing to make a move.

“Who the hell are you! Get lost, don’t dirty my hands!”

She shouted loudly, and at the same time, her hand ‘accidentally’ bumped into the cleaner, quietly disarming the other party’s weapon! Such a feat was simply a piece of cake for her!


This time, clearly having learned from the previous lesson, the cleaner changed the form of address.

“Could we talk somewhere else about whatever this is? We all work in the same mall, and I would like to apologize on her behalf!”

After speaking, the cleaner bowed deeply.

“Yes! It wasn’t intentional! How about this, I have some money in the break room. Come with me and I’ll compensate you for the bag!”

The leaflet distributor explained with utmost frankness, a helpless smile appearing on her face.

“Beast! Such a vile woman, taking things too far!”

“This is too inhumane! With what little power we, the lower working class, have, if this were a man, I wouldn’t stop until I beat him to death!”

“Let me tell you, don’t think we don’t hit women! Alright, we’re calling the police now, let’s see what you can do then!”

As she spoke, a man in the crowd pulled out his phone, ready to call the police.

But before he could make the call, the cleaner quickly walked to the side and said, “If we make a fuss, we’ll lose our jobs, better let it go! I believe this lady is understanding and won’t make it difficult for us!”

The two had a mission to prioritize, if the police came, they would definitely be delayed for a while.

An assassination was an opportunity that couldn’t be missed, and time wouldn’t come again!

Now, both of them were merely thinking of how to get Cosmo to a secluded place

And finish the job!

“Damn it! I can’t take it anymore! Today, I have to give her a beating!”

“I’m in too! No matter her status or background, I’ll make her feel the power of my iron fist!”

Egged on by the cleaner’s words, the onlookers grew even more furious.

This was exactly what the Gemini wanted, as the crowd closed in, they could take the chance to slip away.

The public outrage grew stronger, and some people even began to step forward.

Cosmo frowned slightly, uncertain of what to do in the situation.

“What are you doing!”

It was then that Nicholas Leopold, leaning on a crutch, walked up.

Behind him followed a couple dozen employees dressed in black suits.

“Little sister, who is bullying you?”

He looked at Cosmo and asked with a smile on his face.

“Oh! Brother, it’s no big deal, we can resolve it privately!”

Seeing Nicholas Leopold, Cosmo instantly understood that this was Julius Reed’s intention.

The appearance of these people was clearly to extricate her from the situation! “Alright! Anyone who dares to bully you, just give me the word, and I’ll take care of them!”

Nicholas Leopold’s expression darkened, and the onlookers immediately fell silent, heads bowed.

The men who had been shouting fiercely now lowered their heads and quietly slipped away.

With Nicholas Leopold’s stance, one could tell he was no easy mark! Especially with a crowd of employees standing behind him! “Got it, brother, you go ahead, I’ll follow shortly!”

Now that she was off the hook, Cosmo quickly shooed them away.


Nicholas Leopold didn’t dare utter another word and immediately led his people away.

At this time, the onlookers didn’t dare say another word!

The cleaner’s face grew grim, finally ready to act.

He had thought they could use the power of the crowd to deal with the trouble, but who knew that someone so powerful would show up, instantly foiling his plan.

“Compensate me! Hurry; I’m in a rush!” Cosmo was very cooperative.

“Okay! Come with me!”

After exchanging a glance with the cleaner, the leaflet distributor turned and headed towards the mall’s interior.

That was the storeroom where usually cleaners kept their belongings.

“I have a little there too; you go get it first, and then we’ll go to mine!”

The cleaner intentionally spoke to the leaflet distributor, aiming to lure Cosmo into the storeroom, and then take the opportunity to eliminate the trouble!

“Okay! Thank you, big brother! I’m really sorry, I’ll pay you back when I get my salary!”

The leaflet distributor was very grateful, his words filled with excitement.

If Cosmo hadn’t been a Shadow Warrior who had experienced countless life and death situations, she might have actually believed them!

But now, watching the two perform, she only felt like laughing.

Soon, the trio arrived at the entrance to the storage room.

“Lady, please come in with me for a moment. There’s still over ten thousand here, let’s count it up face to face! If we do it outside, it might catch the attention of someone with ulterior motives.”

The cleaner spoke with a smile plastered on his face, seemingly quite sincere.


Without hesitation, Cosmo walked in first.


In an instant, the sound of the door locking rang out from behind her, and a cold blade pressed against the back of her head.

“What… what are you doing!”

Cosmo quickly turned around, only to see the cleaner and leaflet distributor looking at her with sneering faces.

“Damn woman! Even I dared to hit!”

The distributor had completely torn away his disguise, his eyes revealing endless chills!

He rolled up his sleeves and swung a heavy slap towards her!

But it didn’t connect as anticipated.

Cosmo leaned back, easily dodging the slap.

“What are you doing! I’m calling for help!”

Cosmo’s face remained tense.

“You’ve got some skills! The soundproofing in this room is very good, kill you and nobody outside will know!”

A sinister smile creeped onto the cleaner’s face. “I want to teach her a lesson!”

The distributor was somewhat unsatisfied.

“Don’t waste time! The bigger picture is what matters!”

“What’s going on!” His face darkened!

“Is this what you’re looking for?”

Cosmo took something out of her bag and gently shook it in front of them.

“Who the hell are you!”

Their faces suddenly turned grave.

Only someone extraordinary could have silently switched their weapons!

“Who am I? Then who are you? Leaflet distributor and cleaner? Tsk tsk tsk, quite impressive cover for this shopping center!”

Cosmo’s lips flashed with disdain.

Dealing with the two in front of her, she had no difficulty whatsoever.

“Attack! ”

Seeing their opponent was strong, the two exchanged glances and lunged!

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

With the sounds of piercing through the air, silver needles shot out!

“Nine Revolutions Heavenly Spirit Needles! You’re the Empress!”

Their eyes widened, still filled with reluctance.

But the next moment, there were two thuds as heavy bodies hit the floor.

These two hadn’t even managed to make a move before they died under the Nine Revolutions Heavenly Spirit Needles.

After straightening out her clothes, Cosmo carried her bag back to Starbucks as if nothing had happened.

“Things are getting troublesome again!”

Julius Reed picked up his second cup of coffee, unable to help sighing deeply.

“Is a peaceful life really that hard to come by?” He looked at Cosmo, his tone laced with helplessness.

“Master, you think you can just kill people and run away?”

Cosmo raised an eyebrow, sitting opposite him: “Don’t think I don’t know, stabbing such a big mess, it’s all because you’ve killed a lot of people.”

Being on more than one bounty list is a rare “honor.”

“Forget it! It’s quiet for now, let’s go take a look!”

Julius stood up, but noticed Quella Radcliffe and the others seemed to have run into some trouble.

“Let’s go!”

His pupils narrowed as he quickly walked over..