Legend of Dragon Son-in-law-Chapter 280 - 279 Borrowing a Knife to Kill Someone_1

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Chapter 280: Chapter 279 Borrowing a Knife to Kill Someone_1

Contrary to expectations, there was no scene where Julius Reed was sent flying into the sky.

The driver, as if having hit a solid object, had all the airbags in the cab deploy!

And from where the engine was, black smoke began to billow out—the entire front of the car was unrecognizable, severely damaged.

In front of this crumpled hood, Julius Reed had one foot on the car’s engine cover, and the other foot slid nearly half a meter backward due to the car’s tremendous force of impact.

The asphalt on the ground was left with a deep, long gouge as a result.

“How… how is this possible!”

Benson Michael couldn’t believe what he was seeing was real!

How could ordinary human strength ever contend with these steel machines!

He rubbed his eyes, only to find that Julius Reed was standing right in front of the car, smiling at him.

“I’ve seen a ghost!”

Just by being stared at by Julius Reed, Benson Michael felt a chill run down his spine, and he slumped to the ground.

He’d never seen anything so defying the heavens in his life!

“Sorry, your driver was drunk driving. The car is destroyed, and the person is likely dead!”

Julius Reed stepped off the car, and by that time, the engine had died, the inside of the cab was covered in blood, and the driver was unsure whether he was dead or alive.

“Who are you exactly!”

Benson Michael gasped in shock, his words somewhat panicked.

Being born into a wealthy family, he’d seen his fair share of capable individuals but had never heard of anyone daring to confront a steel machine head-on.

Even Idriss furrowed his brows, the wooden beads in his hand spinning faster.

“Young man, who on earth are you to choose this path to nowhere?”

Julius Reed strolled leisurely, each step he took causing the other’s heart to tremble.

“What do you want! I warn you, my family is the Michael Family, and we are second to none in Ganny Province!”

Updated from freewёbnoνel.com.

Despite his fierce words, Benson Michael’s feet were frantically scraping the ground as he panickedly retreated backward.


Just then, Idriss flew over, his right palm striking towards Julius Reed without warning!

If this palm struck true, death was certain!


Faced with the sudden attack from Idriss, Julius Reed counterattacked with a palm strike!


After the two exchanged a palm strike, Idriss stepped back three paces, while Julius Reed remained unmoved.

“Your skills are exceptional, sir. May I ask where you hail from?”

Idriss asked, his brow slightly furrowed.

In a duel between experts, it only takes one move to gauge the depth of the opponent’s strength.

After this palm exchange, Idriss believed he had a clear understanding of Julius Reed’s strength. Although shocked, he still wanted to ascertain Julius Reed’s background.

Such formidable power couldn’t possibly belong to a nobody!

“Too much nonsense! Fight if you’re going to fight, leave if not! To be frank, my senior brother will be here in no time, and when he arrives, you’re all going to die!”

Julius Reed spoke with extreme arrogance, not taking Idriss seriously at all.

This kind of haughty attitude undoubtedly made Idriss, a well-known figure for many years who commands respect as an elder in the world of martial arts, feel extremely irked.

Now, to be ridiculed by a wet behind the ears youth was enough to inflame murderous intent!

Furthermore, thinking of Julius Reed’s mention that his senior brother was nearby, Idriss was even more resolved to silence them by killing.

Although the opponent was strong, Idriss was confident that he could carry out the assassination based on their previous exchange.

Julius Reed was very powerful, but for Idriss, killing him was still not an issue.

“Kill him!”

Benson Michael, who had been scared stiff on the ground, let out a roar, almost like a hysterical howl.

“Since you refuse to reveal your school, then don’t blame me for bullying the young!”

Idriss violently snapped the string of wooden beads, shooting them out with immense force!


The beads, carrying a destructive force, streaked through the air, heading straight for Julius Reed!

Once Idriss made his move, it was a lethal one, looking to finish the fight quickly and escape with Benson Michael.

After all, no one knew how powerful the eldest disciple in Julius Reed’s mouth was. If he was a top-notch master, it was very easy for him to be at a disadvantage in a two-against-one fight.

Bang! Bang!

Several beads grazed past Julius Reed’s body, directly piercing through the metal of the speeding car and exiting from the other side!

If such powerful force had hit a person, they would probably have died on the spot!

After witnessing Idriss’s strength, Benson Michael became excited.

He had only heard about how formidable this bodyguard was, but witnessing it firsthand, he realized this was nothing short of a superhuman!

Being able to strike wooden beads with bare hands, achieving an effect similar to firearms, Benson Michael had never seen such a thing in his life.

It wasn’t just him; the accompanying bodyguards were also dumbstruck!

Turns out the uncle who was always with them was this powerful!

But what came next was even more shocking to them!

Facing such a strong attack, after dodging several beads, Julius Reed suddenly thrust his hands forward!

He directly crushed the incoming wooden beads into powder!

“My eldest disciple is here, you’re dead meat!”

Julius Reed glanced at Idriss, stamped on the ground, and, just like qinggong from the movies, instantly vanished in front of everyone.

Seeing the opponent escape, how could Idriss give him a chance?

He thought that Julius Reed was simply unable to defeat him and was trying to run away.

Letting go of such an adversary was like releasing a tiger back to its mountain, a source of endless trouble.

“You protect the young master, I will go catch this person!”

Idriss instructed the bodyguards and made a move to pursue!


But at that moment, a cold light flashed by, stabbing straight at Idriss’s neck!


In a critical moment, Idriss twisted his body at an unbelievable angle, avoiding the deathly sharp hidden weapon.


Behind him, one of the bodyguards failed to dodge in time, and was impaled by the longsword, pinned dead next to a large tree.


Simultaneously, Maurice Springs arrived with three disciples in front of Idriss,

naturally assuming that they were the helpers Julius Reed had called for. fгeewёbnoѵel.cσm

And Idriss, seeing the other party make the first move, assumed that Springs was the eldest disciple mentioned by Julius Reed.

Without any superfluous words, Springs narrowed his eyes and bellowed, “Kill!”

He had been tracking Julius Reed and had just arrived here, discovering that his opponent was also a master.

“Seeking death!”

Idriss sprinted, charging towards the two disciples of Maurice Springs who were holding longswords.

Bang! Bang!

Facing the two young disciples with longswords charging at him, Idriss grabbed with both hands, directly snapping both longswords!

He then slapped his palms on the bodies of Springs’s disciples!


The two young disciples were sent flying and crashed to the ground, convulsing once before losing all signs of life.

“Indeed a master! Today, for daring to kill my disciples, prepare to lose your life!”

Maurice Springs’s eyes gleamed with a cold light as he wielded his sword to strike!


This strike was incredibly swift, the air itself seemed to tear, emitting a sharp noise.


Idriss rapidly retreated, grabbing a car door with one hand and slamming it hard onto Springs’s sword!

“Today, even if it costs me my life, I must kill you!”

Idriss violently bent the car door in half and frantically smashed it forward!


The thick iron of the car door was cut in half by Springs’s sword, just as easily as if it were a watermelon!