Leveling Up With My Pet-Chapter 351 A Metal Of Marvels

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In the depths of the vast ocean, a colossal figure loomed at the fringes of Overlord's extraordinary perception. A surge of joy washed over him, prompting him to approach stealthily, gliding through the waters with great care.

"There it is, a colossal octopus!" Overlord exclaimed in hushed tones. Its tentacles and limbs stretched over a hundred meters long, giving the impression of a monstrous behemoth. Despite its terrifying appearance, Overlord found an odd fondness for the creature.

Closing in silently, Overlord then swiftly launched a powerful strike, employing a surprise attack to gain the upper hand. As expected, the ambush proved immensely successful.

With tremendous force and rapid impact, Overlord's gargantuan spear impaled the colossal body of the octopus, nearly piercing it through entirely. The dying creature convulsed and thrashed, its reaction immense. Multiple colossal arms and legs strained heavily toward Overlord's body, entangling it in their grasp.

However, the Overlord's defences proved impenetrable, frustrating the octopus's desperate attempts.

Within a matter of seconds, the massive limbs slackened and hung limply. The colossal octopus had met its demise.

Overjoyed, Overlord revelled in the victory. The giant cephalopod, weighing over a thousand tons, would provide sustenance for two days, alleviating any concerns about food scarcity.

"What a thrilling experience!" Overlord exclaimed. "So exhilarating!"

In the depths of his thoughts, Overlord contemplated the prospect of indulging in such delectable fare once again, relishing the sheer beauty of such moments.

Brimming with delight, Overlord's euphoria was interrupted when another colossal figure appeared within the realm of his extraordinary perception—a second giant octopus. Recognizing the situation, Overlord decided to retreat.

It wasn't that the battle was impossible; instead, it seemed unnecessary. Overlord swiftly retrieved the spoils of its victory and swam away, quickly leaving behind the vast trench.

Emerging from the depths, Overlord cast a contemplative gaze upon the immense trench, confirming the accuracy of the master's speculation. This expansive chasm served as the nesting ground for the giant octopuses.

Most of the enormous cephalopods spotted in the gigantic cavern had traversed this trench as it aligned with the octopuses' affinity for hollow spaces.

Dragging its prize—the lifeless carcass of the colossal octopus—Overlord returned to its makeshift lair.

Upon arrival, the first order of business was to place the giant spear firmly on the ground, followed by a voracious feast.

Overlord savoured the taste of victory, tearing into one of the octopus's limbs with a single bite, relishing the sensation as if consuming a spicy delicacy.

A laboratory buzzed with activity at the Yanguo Institute of Special Metal Materials. Several technicians and two researchers diligently conducted a series of tests on a small piece of metal, guided by Hu Jianguo's instructions.

Density was meticulously examined, and the results revealed an astonishing 2.62 grams per cubic centimetre, even lighter than aluminium alloy.

The hardness test followed, unveiling a Rockwell hardness rating of 52. This exceeded the hardness of ordinary steel, which typically ranges from 35 to 45.

The metal's melting point was most impressive—a staggering 3150 degrees Celsius. In comparison, ordinary steel's melting point stood at 1538 degrees, with a boiling point of 2750 degrees. This newfound metal boasted a melting point that soared to an astounding 3150 degrees, surpassing ordinary steel's boiling point.

"Boss, this is unbelievable! It doesn't turn red until heatedto 2500 degrees, and it remains solid even beyond 3000 degrees," exclaimed one of the technicians in amazement.

"Yes, we've dedicated our lives to studying metal materials, and this is the first time we've come across such a remarkable metal," remarked the boss with equal astonishment.

Curiosity piqued, and one of the researchers couldn't help but inquire, "Boss, where did this piece of metal come from?" 𝚋𝚎dnov𝚎𝚕.𝚌om

A moment of silence occurred in the laboratory as everyone, including the two researchers and the technicians, marvelled at the mysterious origins of this extraordinary metal.

Whispers circulated among the staff, with some secretly speculating that this could be the director's clandestine research result, unbeknownst to them.

Observing the test results one by one, Hu Jianguo's excitement became palpable. As an authority in metal materials, he sensed that this discovery possessed a revolutionary potential that could reshape the world's material landscape.

Perhaps, with the advent of this metal, the entire global perspective on materials would be rewritten.

However, lingering questions remained regarding the metal's mechanical strength, flexibility, and processability. These aspects required thorough examination.

Two days later, Hu Jianguo found it impossible to contain his emotions any longer. A comprehensive test report lay on his desk, and he perused it repeatedly.

The data presented was nothing short of astonishing. The metal exhibited exceptional performance, boasting a high melting point, low density, and outstanding mechanical strength.

Given the limited sample, the test data could only serve as a reference, yet it was sufficient to leave people in awe.

The mechanical strength of this metal surpassed that of high-strength steel by over fivefold—a truly remarkable feat.

"It's incredible!" Hu Jianguo exclaimed in awe. After spending his entire life working with unique metal materials, he struggled to suppress his excitement. Retrieving a shipping box from his drawer, he reviewed the information, pondering over the connection with the "Global Shipping Group." How could a shipping company be involved with this extraordinary metal?

Placing the box back down, Hu Jianguo reached for the phone and dialled a number, eager to share his groundbreaking discovery.

In a renowned aero-engine design institute, Liang Wencheng's countenance turned grave after concluding a phone call. Frowning deeply, he seemed lost in thought.

One of the directors in the design office asked, "Master Liang, is there no hope?"

Sighing heavily, Liang Wencheng replied, "There's no hope. The other party explicitly stated that they won't sell it, no matter the price."

Confusion filled the room as the director struggled to comprehend. Logically, there should always be a price at which something could be sold. So why did the other party refuse?

Liang Wencheng, seemingly grasping the director's thoughts, spoke slowly, "The other party is aware that we import this single crystal superalloy for our turbofan X engine. They don't want us to successfully develop the engine, hence their refusal to sell."

Materials and engines, each generation building upon the last. Even the finest design would be rendered useless without superior materials, as the manufactured parts wouldn't meet the required standards.

Take, for instance, the turbofan X engine—a design of unparalleled excellence. Despite meeting the criteria of a fourth-generation aero-engine, the subpar materials used in its construction hindered progress. Turbine blades and other components crafted from domestic high-temperature alloys failed to meet the requirements, proving useless after only a few tests and lacking durability.

A sense of helplessness filled the air as everyone recognized the situation's gravity. Silence settled, conveying the weight of the impending challenge.

As the sombre atmosphere enveloped the room, Liang Wencheng's phone rang, breaking the silence. He picked it up and glanced at the caller ID—it was his friend Hu Jianguo. He answered the call with anticipation, and Hu Jianguo's voice burst through the receiver, filled with excitement.

"Old Liang, I have fantastic news! I've discovered a metal material that perfectly meets your requirements. I'll send you the test report via fax immediately."

A glimmer of hope ignited within Liang Wencheng as he listened to Hu Jianguo's words. Could this be the breakthrough they desperately needed?
