Leveling Up With My Pet-Chapter 362 The Answer!

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In a state of profound astonishment, Liu Yong's eyes widened as he finally grasped the situation that unfolded before him.

"This piece of metal is firmly stuck," Liu Yong observed, his mind racing to understand the challenge that lay ahead.

Though the immediate area was not wholly devoid of soil, the remnants of earth stubbornly clung to the colossal metal structure. It became evident to Liu Yong that Bawang, the mighty entity before him, could not extract the metallic behemoth with sheer force alone.

The gravity of the situation became apparent as Liu Yong realized the scale of the problem. The piece of metal in question weighed an astounding four to five thousand tons, far beyond the capacity of Bawang to dislodge it by strength alone. Even if it were a piece weighing merely four to five hundred tons, Bawang's immense power could have surmounted the challenge. However, this piece was of such monumental proportions that brute force alone would not suffice.

Comprehending the gravity of the task, Liu Yong spoke with a thoughtful tone, "Overlord, the soil and rocks surrounding this massive metal structure need more meticulous attention. Ensure you clean it thoroughly before attempting to remove it."

The Overlord, enlightened by Liu Yong's words, immediately deployed its razor-sharp claws to embark on the painstaking process of cleaning the area around the metal artifact. It even managed to extract the mud and rocks lodged within the minute gaps between the metal surfaces with precision and finesse.

For what seemed like an eternity but was actually a determined and focused 20 to 30 minutes, the Overlord diligently toiled under Liu Yong's watchful gaze through the third-party vision. Even after they had left the warehouse and embarked on their journey in the car, Liu Yong maintained an unbroken connection through the extraordinary idea granted by the Overlord.

Within the confines of the vehicle, Liu Yong was captivated, offering instructions and guidance to the Overlord, directing its efforts to clean every last nook and cranny between the metal pieces.

Satisfied with the thorough cleaning, Liu Yong confidently spoke, "There should be no hindrance now. You may attempt again."

In response to Liu Yong's command, the Overlord resumed its attempt to move the colossal piece of metal, and soon, jubilation filled the air as the impossible became a reality.

Awe-inspiring in its sheer magnitude, the metal monolith weighed an astonishing four to five thousand tons and boasted a thickness of nearly a meter. It loomed like an ancient titan, casting an imposing presence upon the surroundings. A glimmer of curiosity danced in Liu Yong's eyes, for he knew that this monumental plate held secrets concealed within its vast expanse.

Once the Overlord had pulled the considerable plate from its resting place, an immense void greeted their gaze, revealing an unfathomable chasm that seemed to plunge into the depths of the Earth. The revelation of this vast cavity evoked a surge of excitement in Liu Yong's heart as he sensed that this abyss might be the gateway into the enigmatic interior of this enigmatic "big mountain."

Eager to explore the mysteries hidden within, the Overlord, brimming with enthusiasm, offered, "Master, would you like me to venture inside and explore right away?"

Peering at the massive frame of the Overlord, then glancing at the size of the aperture, Liu Yong thoughtfully shook his head. "The dimensions of this opening might prove a bit too snug for you to maneuver comfortably. I fear it would require too much exertion on your part. It's wiser for me to wait a few days and venture in personally."

Reluctantly, the Overlord conceded to this wise decision, accepting that poking its head into the crevice was the extent of its exploratory capabilities.

And so, the Overlord cautiously dipped its head into the dark, abyssal void, its senses attuned to the murky waters that filled the unseen depths. The inky blackness enveloped its vision, offering no respite for light to penetrate. Nonetheless, the Overlord's extraordinary perceptions granted it an advantage, allowing it to perceive fragments of the concealed realm beyond.

"Master," the Overlord's voice echoed in Liu Yong's mind, "this hole is very deep, and the space inside is huge, beyond the scope of my super perception."

Liu Yong nodded, his gaze fixated on the dark abyss before him. He comforted the Overlord, "We're not in a hurry right now. We can't escape anyway, and I'll come over in person in a few days."

While Liu Yong waited, he eagerly anticipated the arrival of a specially customized deep-sea light source. The device was currently under production and scheduled for delivery in a few days' time. Originally, Liu Yong had planned to venture into the ocean depths with the light source, but the revelation of this enormous hole had now opened up a new possibility. It offered him a chance to enter the heart of the mountain, and curiosity gnawed at him, urging him to explore its mysteries.

Deep down, Liu Yong had a hunch that this cave held astonishing discoveries waiting to be unveiled, and he felt an unyielding desire to be the one to uncover them. He yearned to know what lay hidden beneath the veil of this colossal mountain. After concluding his communication with the Overlord, Liu Yong returned to his office to continue his preparations.

Upon his return, the first order of business was to pick up the phone and call Yuan Heng. Liu Yong inquired about the progress of the deep-sea light source production, and to his relief, Yuan Heng confirmed that the device was almost complete. Within three days, they would be able to deliver it.

With everything falling into place, Liu Yong felt a sense of readiness, save for the impending journey. Three days later, he successfully obtained the deep-sea light source, as bulky as he had imagined, weighing a staggering 1.5 tons. The device's size was equally impressive, requiring the might of a crane for transportation. However, Liu Yong's exceptional strength rendered such machinery unnecessary; he could easily lift the device with one hand.

Fully prepared, Liu Yong set sail towards the sea area where the Overlord had made its discovery. Only Chen Hu, his trusted companion, accompanied him on the journey to ensure secrecy. Chen Hu took charge of piloting the yacht, while Liu Yong's mind wandered with anticipation as the days at sea passed by.

Upon reaching the designated location, Liu Yong's heart pounded with excitement. He was on the verge of uncovering the truth behind the "big mountain" that had stirred his curiosity relentlessly. As the Overlord had diligently excavated the site, it had cleared a substantial area, revealing the vastness of the metal structure beneath the thick mudstone cover.

Every inch of the exposed metal emanated a pristine grey-black metallic luster, void of any signs of damage or rust. Liu Yong was filled with wonder and amazement at the sight. He believed that the answer to the mystery would be unveiled within the next few days.

At a depth of 3000 meters below the seabed, the Overlord continued its relentless efforts, returning to the forefront of the "big mountain" to dig and clear the covered mud and rocks. Day after day, the area cleared by the Overlord expanded, reaching thousands of square meters in size. 𝒃𝒆𝙙𝙣𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍.𝙘𝙤𝙢

Then, on one fateful day, the Overlord stumbled upon a breathtaking discovery. Beneath a layer of soil, two or three meters thick, lay not the familiar gray-black metal, but an expanse of massive glass! Upon seeing this remarkable sight, the Overlord immediately contacted Liu Yong to share the revelation.

At that moment, Liu Yong was still sailing across the Pacific Ocean, with the large yacht racing towards its destination at a speed of more than 20 knots. He swiftly opened the pet panel and activated the third-party vision to view what the Overlord had uncovered.

"Bawang, what's the matter?" Liu Yong inquired eagerly.

Excitedly, the Overlord responded, "Master, take a quick look. After I dug up this piece of soil, the bottom is no longer gray-black metal, but thick glass!"

Liu Yong's heart quickened with anticipation, and he commanded, "Overlord, continue to clean up the covered soil to expose a larger area. It will help us better understand what lies beneath."

Undeterred, the Overlord resumed its work, steadily clearing away the mud and revealing more and more of the colossal glass surface below. The magnitude of the discovery left Liu Yong eager to uncover the hidden secrets locked within the depths of this awe-inspiring structure. The answer to the mystery would soon be within their grasp.