Long Live Summons-Chapter 778.2 - [Land of Training?]

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Chapter 778.2 [Land of Training?]

On the wall of the main hall in the Changnet Vine Library, there was a phrase written on it: “Knowledge is more powerful than a sword!

If the Deputy Palace Lord and the former mercenaries knew the importance of knowledge, if they knew how to read the Heaven Runes, their outcome would very likely not be so tragic. Of course, the Heaven Runes were not something anyone could learn. Tens of thousands of years ago, it may have been a popular language, but today, Heaven Runes have almost vanished from the Heaven Realm, and could only be found in the hands of powerful people above the level of Country Lords. Even amongst the Country Lords of the Heaven Realm, apart from the minority like the Lionheart King, it is estimated that not many people would dare to say that they were proficient with the Heaven Runes, including the wise Lord Ling Yun.

Overemphasised on strength, not on knowledge.

Similar incidents had happened in the Tong Tian Tower and there were records regarding it, but yet in the Tong Tian Tower of today, not many people had mastered the Heaven Runes.

After being repeatedly attacked by the clones, the Deputy Palace Lord still did not realize that he could not summon any of his war beasts, instead, he felt that some kind of power was playing tricks on him, using the phantoms of his own war beasts in order to deplete his strength.

In a fit of rage, he punched his own golden flying dragon to death.

He didn’t even want his mount anymore.

As a result, the golden flying dragon clones that were constantly coming to attack him really stopped, which made him secretly feel proud in his heart..

From time to time, the Deputy Palace Lord would fly high into the sky and then descend sharply. He didn’t know the reason and thought that the gravity here was particularly weird, feeling that the erratic gravity was at times high and at times low, making it hard to control his flight, but it never crossed his mind that he wasn’t allowed to fly at all in the first place. As a noble Deputy Palace Lord that was respected by many, it had never deigned upon him to walk with his feet, he would not be like Yue Yang who was running at full speed with his legs but would continue to flounder in the air like a rodeo performer, constantly zig-zagging up and down in the sky. He would fly up with all his might, then fall back down and try to stabilise himself before flying back up again, constantly repeating this set of actions. Hui Tai Lang was laughing so hard that he was on the verge of rolling all over the ground, how could it be that this guy’s intelligence was even lower than him by such a large margin?

In the sky, a thunderclap sounded, immediately followed by a torrential downpour.

The rain was so heavy it was like arrows.

To the extent that it hurt when the rain pelted on the body.

Yue Yang and Hui Tai Lang calmly followed after that arrogant Deputy Palace Lord, and when that Deputy Palace Lord left the main path, the two of them started to bet on how many seconds before that guy would be blown back to the main path by the power of law… Here in Rain Valley, it was absolutely impossible to leave the main path, otherwise, one would be punished by a lightning blast.


No matter which direction he flew to, regardless to the left or to the right, he would be struck by lightning, forcing him to return to the main path.

After his head had been blasted by lightning until it was smoking, he finally understood that anywhere outside the main path was forbidden land and that he could not leave the main path, not even to circle around.

Hui Tai Lang laughed until he had muscle cramps all over his body and had to stuff his paws hard into his mouth to block out the unsuppressable laughter. In this Rain Valley, every puddle of water were traps, some of them may be harmless and would just sink the foot stepping on it into a pit of sludge: but some were not harmless, some had mud monsters that would not die, dragging their prey deep into their mud holes to slowly feed on them; while others contained an unknown poisonous saliva trap, once a foot stepped into it, the foot would be poisoned.

The Deputy Palace Lord continuously used a cleansing beam to disperse the toxins that were on his body.

While cursing darkly.

No wonder the mercenaries below the Heaven Rank all died in less than ten minutes, even somebody as powerful as himself was forced into such a woeful predicament.

It’s a good thing no one saw this mess, otherwise he would have lost all his face! The Deputy Palace Lord would continuously stop to expel the toxins from his body or to freeze an undead sludge monster into ice, then tidy his clothes and restore his stately looks before continuing to bounce up and down on his journey forward. Yue Yang had many chances to strike, however, he did not want to take out this Deputy Palace Lord for the time being.

It’s better to have such a shield in front of you than to have to test everything yourself!

The most important point is “The Palace Lord is here, but where is the Palace Lord?

Although he was not one hundred percent certain, Yue Yang guessed that there were people in power who were stronger and more greedy for power that had come in long ago, they might even be somewhere ahead……

Killing a Deputy Palace Lord might not count as something too serious, but if he was able to kill a Palace Lord… damn, even thinking about it would make him feel excited. How many Palace Lords are there in the Central Palace Hall? For the time being, the Grand Palace Lords and the Supreme Lord of the Divine Hall were off limits, even if they were standing in front of him right now, he would probably not be able to beat them, but he might have a chance of beating a Palace Lord who was one rank lower! “Hui Tai Lang, this time you must try to put in more effort, if things go wrong, I won’t let you go!” Yue Yang warned Hui Tai Lang not to take it lightly, even a Deputy Palace Lord was no easy opponent, not to mention if there was really a Palace Lord waiting for them in front, if they did not go all out, things would be difficult!

“Meow!” Hui Tai Lang stood up on his hind legs and patted his front paws onto his chest, showing Yue Yang his determination and promising to complete the mission!

On one side the master and servant pair were discussing their future actions, while on the other side, that unlucky Deputy Palace Lord…

Had fallen into another trap!

He was usually cunning and wise, but suffered greatly under the combined terrain and restrictions in this Rain Valley. Restricted from normal flight by the power of law, he was left with no choice but to bounce. Although he was able to accomplish this by relying on his brute strength, the punishment that was meted out to him was in no way light.

Yue Yang had also noticed this, in the Rain Valley, it was allowed for those who entered to challenge the power of law here, unlike the prohibitions in the Tong Tian Tower, once infringed, it would bring about a destructive punishment, or forced movement restrictions, preventing any movements. However, the power of law here was more like an encouragement in disguise, allowing those who enter to challenge it, as long as they possess sufficient strength.

If this place is used for training, it would no doubt be very suitable.

Could it be that this was the Gate of Life and Death that was set up by the ancient Heaven Rankers of the Heaven Realm?

Was this the place the ancient Heaven Rankers used to test and gain recognition for their strength?

Yue Yang’s mind immediately thought of a possibility, and once this thought was stuck in his mind, the more it urged his curiosity. The Tong Tian Tower had the Zodiac Palaces, the Gate of Life and Death and so on, what would the training grounds of the Heaven Realm look like? …