Long Live Summons-Chapter 827 - Unimaginable Speed and Identity

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Chapter 827: Unimaginable Speed and Identity

The figure flashed.

Elder Yu Mu had returned to his original position. His right hand was covered in blood, holding onto two eyeballs.

A smile formed on the corners of the Redemption City Lord’s lips. He knew that Elder Yu Mu had a move called ‘Eye-Catching’. Taking advantage of his super acceleration, the ‘Eye-Catching’ ability could instantly remove the enemy’s eyeballs. The most ingenious part was that the removal was not destructively fatal as its accuracy was a hundred times better than digging the eyeballs out with a knife. A medical Master once said that if the Elder Yu Mu returned the removed eyeballs, there would be a way to reconnect them to the eye sockets of the blinded as if it was never removed in the first place l. But…this kind of occurrence had never happened before.

Because the Elder Yu Mu had never returned the eyeballs.

His crystal eyes remained expressionless as he squeezed the eyeballs until they exploded!

The onlookers took a deep breath. This Yu Mu Execution Elder was indeed very cruel!

“Ah ah ah……” A voice filled with agony and pain resounded throughout the street.

The person crying out was not Yue Yang, but a guard standing next to the Elder Yu Mu. He turned out to be the guard of the City Lord of Redemption, standing on the sidelines with the Captain of the Guard and the steward. At the moment, for some reason, both of his eyeballs were dug out and revealed two blood-filled black holes… The guard suddenly reacted from the shock, unable to bear the excruciating pain as he hid his face with both hands and howled wildly.

When Elder Yu Mu saw it, his pupils quickly dilated.

The Redemption City Lord and the crowd around them portrayed frightened expressions of horror and disbelief as if they had seen the existence of ghosts [1]!

TL note:[1] a metaphor for seeing something unbelievable. But I guess if you live in a wuxia world, there are more unbelievable things than ghosts, so imagine that it is just something that causes you to doubt your eyes.

Student Yue Yang clapped his hands— a rather lonely applause that broke out amidst the painful and miserable howls. It was a particularly ear-piercing sound as every time he clapped, it was as if a hammer had pounded itself onto the people’s hearts.

“If you think that you can dig out my eyes with the speed of a crawling tortoise, then you are sorely mistaken!” Before Yue Yang finished speaking, the pointer and middle fingers of Elder Yu Mu pierced Yue Yang’s eyelids once more. This time, everyone clearly saw that it had pierced the kid’s eyes. The shadow of Elder Yu Mu was too fast to catch onto, but the people could still see his attack clearly.

“!” As soon as Elder Yu Mu returned to his position, he immediately crushed the eyeballs in his hand, not allowing the enemy to feel a trace of regret.

“It hurts, it hurts!” Student Yue Yang hid his face and shouted.

“Hmph.” The City Lord of Redemption City snorted mentally.

If the kid hadn’t been so careless, Elder Yu Mu might not have succeeded in his second attempt of ‘Eye-Catching’.

The previous damage transfer— that should be because this kid had a certain skill that enabled him to transfer his own damage onto others. But what about the second time? Can he still avoid it?

The Redemption City Lord glanced around and found that there were no guards around who had their eyes injured, and the person who hid his face and yelled was none other than the hateful human kid who stood in front of him. He was about to speak, planning to taunt the other party that he deserved it. He hadn’t spoken a word when unexpectedly, there was a guard behind him who screamed frantically: “No, it’s my eyes, those are my eyes! I can’t see, I can’t see!”

The onlookers all looked behind the Redemption City Lord.

There was another guard among the crowd who shook his head in pain. Two terrifyingly bloody holes were left where his eyes should have been.

At this moment, the crowd of onlookers immediately backed several tens of meters away, for fear of becoming the target of Yue Yang’s injury transfer.

Now they understood why this kid was not afraid of attacks.

The reason was that he had a way to transfer the damage to another party, so he dared to challenge the Elder Yu Mu!

“Obliterate.” Elder Yu Mu’s right hand condensed a lump of terrifying energy. Once it was used, even half of the Redemption City was estimated to collapse, let alone the Heaven Rank level 3 users. The onlookers were now beyond terrified; they thought they were going to die. And just when Elder Yu Mu was about to go ballistic… “Wait!” At this moment, the only person who dared to stand up and stop the elder was the tauren, ‘Lima’.

The tauren rushed towards the Redemption City Lord, waving his hands anxiously: “That was not a transfer of damage— the other party uses a faster acceleration. It would be useless to attack with Extermination Power as it would only destroy the city!” With that statement, everyone, including Elder Yu Mu, turned around with puzzled expressions. The tauren swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his fingers trembling slightly as he pointed to Yue Yang: “His ability is not to transfer damage, but to accelerate! I didn’t see it clearly the first time, but I saw it well enough during the second time. Before Elder Yu Mu gouged out his eyes, he flew behind the City Lord and grabbed the guard to act as a shield in front of him. Then, he waited for the Elder Yu Mu to gouge out his eyeballs before putting him back. His speed is beyond imagination!”

The Redemption City Lord was shocked,a chill shot up his body: “What?”

The tauren swallowed vigorously: “ I am definitely correct. Although the speed of Elder Yu Mu is the fastest in the entire Southern Heaven Realm, the speed of the opponent is certainly even faster!”

Elder Yu Mu suddenly turned his face and stared at Yue Yang, looking at him seriously for the first time.

So this kid first flew towards the side, grabbed a guard, then waited for me to dig out his eyeballs, before finally putting the guard back. A series of actions that even deceived my own eyes? How fast did he need to be to complete all this? Elder Yu Mu couldn’t imagine it, and for the first time ever, he found a weak opponent that was very hard to deal with.

The Redemption City Lord was still in denial and he asked the tauren forcefully: “How did you see it?”

The tauren smiled bitterly: “ ‘Lima’ can sense a special shockwave that ordinary human ears cannot hear. Just like the soundwave of a bat, it can spread throughout the entire space and only I can hear it. In this field of area, the echoing waves will tell me what happened as if they were my eyes. But even though I can ‘see’ it, I have no way to stop it. In comparison, I am like a pitiful snail!”

For the third time, the Elder Yu Mu made a move.

This time, he used his fastest speed and threw out a clump of strange, slime-like energy in advance, trapping Yue Yang.

The pointer and middle fingers of his right hand pointed directly at Yue Yang’s eyes…The people within vicinity watched as they felt like their bodies were being enshrouded with some form of slimy energy, which made them resemble a group of ants that fell into a pool of water— no matter how much they struggled, it remained hopeless as their movements slowed, as if being in slow motion.

In the core area of the slimy energy, the crowd saw Elder Yu Mu, who resembled a swimming fish, moving as fast as lightning.

He appeared in front of Yue Yang as he tried to scoop his eyes with two fingers.

But an odd miracle occurred. The moment he tried to take his eyes, everyone saw the human kid moving faster than Elder Yu Mu.

Compared to him, the lightning fast Elder Yu Mu seemed to be stagnant. Yue Yang moved backwards, avoiding the Eye-Catching technique’s fingers and flew towards the Redemption City Lord. Beside him, he grabbed a guard at will before returning and placing him in front of Elder Yu Mu. Elder Yu Mu saw him too, but he couldn’t stop the inertia of the movement from his hands.

And as the Elder watched himself gouge out the guard’s eyes,he retreated back to his place.The heavily injured guard had already been put back in position before him.

The most terrifying part was because things had occurred too fast, the guard hadn’t realized that his eyes had been gouged out.

Until the Elder Yu Mu grasped the two eyeballs with his fingers.

Only then did the guard realize that he was blind. He groaned in pain and knelt on the ground weakly…If it wasn’t for the energy that could restrict their speed and actions, no one would have seen Yue Yang’s movements or even Elder Yu Mu’s attack clearly.

But now, everyone could see with clarity. Elder Yu Mu’s speed was very fast— comparing ordinary people’s speed with his would make them seem like a crawling snail. But his speed, compared with the opponent, was simply not on the same level. If Elder Yu Mu’s speed was like a swimming fish, then the kid’s speed was similar to a flying eagle, or an even faster flash of lightning. No one would have ever thought the speed of a human could reach that level. Even under the restraint of the slimy energy, he could still grab a guard who was more than ten meters away to replace himself at the exact moment the fingers pierced his eyelids and still be able to put him back along the way of his retreat.

That was too terrifying!

The shock of his speed brought to people not awe, but horror instead.

The kind of horror that made others feel a chill run up their spines… Faced with this speed, anyone would feel very small and helpless.

“Today’s affairs are just the beginning.” The Elder Yu Mu squeezed the eyeballs in his hands and made a declaration to Yue Yang, leaving with no expression on his face as he disappeared instantly.

“I’ll be waiting for you, you slow, green-headed tortoise!” Yue Yang waved in the direction where Elder Yu Mu disappeared, as if he was seeing off an old friend.

The City Lord of Redemption now felt awkward.

If Elder Yu Mu couldn’t even hold this kid down with his attacks, how could he do it?

The problem was the previous boasts and slanders have already been said. Plus, three other guards were blinded. If he didn’t do something, wouldn’t his position as the Redemption City Lord be in vain?

He thought for a while before he finally clapped his hands vigorously: “Good! That was such speed and such brilliant technique! Actually, there was just a small misunderstanding between us. If we can just make it clear, everything will be fine. Like the Leader of the Raging Flames— this Lord of the city had always admired you. As for this young man, the Elder Yu Mu is a generous and empathetic man, he wouldn’t mind giving away his beloved Libra Scale of Good and Evil. I have always been very happy to make friends with such heroic young people like you! And as for this person…”

The words of Redemption City Lord made the crowd of onlookers almost choke out of embarrassment.

‘The Head of Flames had a chivalrous heart’, why didn’t he admire it just now, then?

The black scale of good and evil was taken! Elder Yu Mu certainly didn’t give it voluntarily. If the kid’s speed was not faster than himt, Elder Yu Mu would have dug out both eyes of the kid long ago; how could it be an easy grudge to let go! The City Lord who said this could no longer be accurately described as shameless! How thick-skinned[2] was he to speak of such nonsense?

TL note: [2] A Chinese saying that one has ‘thick skin’ means one is very, very incapable of feeling shame.

It really fits the name of the Redemption City Lord who is famous in the Southern Heaven Realm for being shameless and cunning!

The Redemption City Lord originally wanted to compliment the beauty Luo Hua, but she didn’t give him such opportunity.

She didn’t even look at him, treating the Redemption City Lord as an invisible being. She ordered several Heaven Rankers around her to help her lift the flower pots, waving to Yue Yang and Lie Yan: “Let’s go, it’s not fun at all. A so-called ‘Palace Elder’ behaved more like a lion that was prancing around, how immensely boring! Now, my Captain of the Guard, why haven’t you blinded him?”

“Because I’m waiting for your order?” Student Yue Yang stated that he didn’t receive an order. Being a very obedient and tentative Captain of the Guard, he couldn’t kill others casually.

“Then make him blind next time, I hate guys who bite off more than they can chew in front of you!” Luo Hua said lightly.

“As you wish.” The Captain of the Guard Yue Yang’s performance obtained full marks!

“Bring me the scale… Well, it’s not that much of a good thing nor is it very beautiful. I want this Silver Feather, so this black scale will be yours!” Luo Hua grabbed the black scale and took a look before throwing it back to Yue Yang. And the student Yue Yang cooperated with a tacit understanding as he showed a very grateful expression on his face: “Mistress City Lord, you are the most generous Lord in the entire Heaven Realm!”

“Stop flattering me. Next time, don’t bring shame to my name as the City Lord again. Otherwise, you will no longer be the Captain of the Guard. Whoever provokes us, just kill them immediately. I despise these kinds of flea-like Palace Elders the most! Forget it, let’s go back!” Luo Hua, the beauty, handed the Silver Feather to Lie Yan. The Head of Flames also cooperated with her, bending down to accept them respectfully.

The people around them were completely shocked by City Mistress Luo Hua’s words!

The Elder of the Central Palace, a noble existence, was not worth mentioning in front of her. So, what was the identity of this beauty? Could it be that she is the legendary… The Redemption City Lord was sweating profusely, but he did not dare to wipe it, so he quickly lowered his head ,showing his utmost humble appearance. He was really afraid that the beauty Luo Hua would exterminate him with a random command.

As for the previously ill-intentioned tauren ‘Lima’, he frightenedly fell to his knees.

Now, even if the beauty Luo Hua was going to cut off his head, he dared not resist.

It was no wonder that the young man who could defeat Elder Yu Mu at an electrifying speed, and the Head of Flames with the peak Level 5 strength of the Heaven Rank, accompanied her and followed her orders. It was no wonder she ordered strangers to do things as casually as she ordered her servants… The few Heaven Ranked users who were moving her flower pots were now very proud. Before, they expressed their dissatisfaction on their faces, but now they were energetically vigorous. One by one, with their heads and chests held high, they tightly trailed behind… The Heaven Rankers who have not obtained this qualification hated themselves secretly as they stood too far just now. If they had stood behind that noble beauty, they believed that the opportunity to befriend a very noble superior might not have been missed!

Accompanied by Lie Yan and Yue Yang, the beauty Luo Hua floated away.

The people on the streets leaned over and bowed deeply,sending her away in the most pious manner as if they were a tidal wave. No one dared to despise her anymore.

The Lord of Redemption City was soaked and drenched, his whole being looked like he was fished out of the water. Fortunately, Elder Yu Mu was the one who attacked. Otherwise, he predicted that even if he didn’t let the beauty cut off his head, he would have at least been blinded, just like his three other pitiful subordinates.

“Quickly, send my treasured pearl to that noble Mistress. In addition, try to collect all the information you can find about them— I must be the first to know the identity of this Mistress. If I neglect the Mistress and make her wait, I will behead all of you! Wait! Remember, when you go, you mustn’t lose your composure, let alone be rude!” The Redemption City Lord’s heart itched, as if there were thousands of kittens scratching and clawing onto it.

He knew that because of the execution of King Tai Lun, an extremely noble high-ranking Master[3] had come to his city.

TL note: [3] Before all this, he only knew a Master in general was coming but didn’t know if it was a male or female, so I’ll use back the general term instead of the specified gender since he’s under the impression that Luo Hua might be/ is the Master.

What kind of presence did that Mistress have in the Heaven Realm?

He couldn’t imagine!

But she was definitely a higher ranked noble of the Heaven Realm.

It was impossible to be referred to as he didn’t have any relations with the Mistress, so his original plan of wanting to meet in person would not work either! A High Ranker was not someone that anybody could demand an entrance with.

If he could get acquainted with such a superior person, who didn’t even spare a glance at the Elders of the Central Palace and see them as ants, then…he will probably laugh even in his dreams!