Long Live Summons-Chapter 836: The Secret of the Red-Haired Heavenly Ghost Who Never Loses

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Chapter 836: The Secret of the Red-Haired Heavenly Ghost Who Never Loses

“Surrender or die.” The red-haired Heavenly Ghost smiled terrifyingly towards Lie Yan.


Lie Yan’s answer remained firmly unchanged.

In fact, apart from Yue Yang, no other man could change her mind or influence her decisions. Long before she met him, the female giantess Lie Yan was a warrior who was insanely stubborn. She insisted on chivalry, never once fearing stronger forces while also ignoring all sorts of threats and temptations. If she hadn’t met Yue Yang, she would have never realized what was meant by change and concession…besides Yue Yang’s angry stare, she didn’t care about anything else in the world. After she comprehended the Supreme Will, there was not a second person of the opposite sex that could shake her strong will.

She looked up to the sky and exclaimed.

Her voice resembled the sound of a thunderstorm.

The blood-red dragon pattern on her body was shining. A myriad of extremely hot blazing fire gushed down her body and burned ablaze.

The image of the ancient dragon appeared over her head, almost enveloping the entire Star-gazing Fortress.

The burst of shock waves reverberated strongly as if the supporting stone pillars had also broken from it. The floor tiles on the ground overturned and were thrown against the wall. The hot air almost suffocated everyone. Even Sky Execution and the Dragon Emperor, who were in a rough battle against Nan Bei, had to stop fighting to avoid the impact of the energy from Lie Yan.

The City Lord Qian Hu almost fainted as he huddled in a corner of the hall.

He panicked, as if it was the end of the world.

Except for Lionheart King and Yue Yang, no one else could stand firmly.

Facing the red-haired Heavenly Ghost who was still seated in the face of the collapse of the entire hall, Lie Yan’s raging anger had reached its limit.

“Rise of the Dragon’s Head!”

Her roar was like the cry of a thousand soldiers in battle. Yue Yang specifically created it for her, further improved many times by Xue Wu Xia, Princess Qian Qian and even the Night Empress, it was the first form of the dragon combat technique, ‘Three Styles of the Dragon’. With that skill, she accumulated the largest amount of power she could gather, before releasing them with an abrupt burst.

The energy that exploded from Lie Yan’s right fist turned into the head of the blood-red ancient dragon.

Angrily eager to devour the red-haired Heavenly Ghost.

The red-haired Heavenly Ghost moved slightly. This time, he stretched out his hand.

Lie Yan’s Rise of the Dragon’s Head blasted onto his palm. The head of the ancient dragon that devoured anything and everything, shattered from the impact.

At the same moment, Lie Yan turned around using her right leg as the axis as she raised her left leg. Like a sharp axe, she swung her leg diagonally, centering her attack onto the area between the shoulders and the neck of the red-haired Heavenly Ghost which had the weakest defense. This consecutive form of serial attacks was the second form of the Three Styles of the Dragon, the ‘Dragon Tail Swing’. The flame giantess who inherited the ancient dragon blood could cut through a small hill with the full blow of the Dragon Tail Swing. Moreover, this was a sneak attack that connected with her first attack— where her previous Rise of the Dragon’s Head had added to the tenacity and an element of surprise.

Under the surprise attack by the Dragon Tail Swing, even the red-haired Heavenly Ghost, who had the experience of countless battles, carelessly blundered.


The entire Star-gazing Fortress trembled.

The ground cracked, causing dust and rubble to shoot up like volcanic eruptions. The debris of broken stone pillars scattered everywhere, as if they were straws being blown up by a strong wind. The Star-gazing Fortress hadn’t collapsed yet, but the scene of its interior seemed to be even more catastrophic than the end of the world.

A wave of ripples appeared as the smoke quickly dispersed.

Lionheart King could only stare intently, but his pupils were shrinking.

He saw an unbelievable sight… the red-haired Heavenly Ghost was still seated, but the chair and the ground under his feet had already turned into a heap of wafting smoke. Levitating above the deep pit, he had bluntly withstood the Dragon Tail Swing from Lie Yan, but his body was not damaged at all. Actually, he had even maintained his sitting posture without fail.

He was too strong!

As expected, the red-haired Heavenly Ghost who fought with the Conquering Legion in the past was indeed the number one subordinate of Warden Tantai Tu Mie.

The red-haired Heavenly Ghost pushed with his palm, which made Lie Yan fly backwards.

Forcing herself to stand firm, she staggered for a few steps before retreating to Yue Yang’s side.

The female giantess Lie Yan turned her head to look at Yue Yang, who was standing quietly with his usual expression, and murmured: “I’m sorry!”

Then, she fell to the ground… The Lionheart King’s pupils shrunk again. He did not understand why Lie Yan collapsed that seriously. However, he was certain that before the attack, the red-haired Heavenly Ghost did not go on the offensive. Could it be that just a light push of his palm could severely inflict an injury onto the incomparably tough female giantess with an ancient dragon blood heritage and unbeatable vitality?

If this was the case, then isn’t this red-haired Heavenly Ghost too strong?

The red-haired Heavenly Ghost in the Central Palace was already so powerful. Even if I became the Emperor of my own domain, am I not just a puppet who was stuck in the same place?

Such thoughts flashed through the Lionheart King’s mind as he wallowed in a great sense of frustration. The things that he had been dedicatedly pursuing in his life seemed so weak in front of the strong!

“Not bad. I thought I could kill this giantess in one hit, but her vitality is rather strong.” The red-haired Heavenly Ghost laughed loudly. The scar was pulled against his cheeks as he laughed, making him look even more hideously terrible. The City Lord Qian Hu, who was hiding in a corner, vomited in fright. Although Qian Hu hadn’t eaten anything before, the acid in his stomach refluxed and even his bile was almost entirely emptied out.

“…” The Lionheart King immediately looked at Yue Yang. He found that the young man was as calm as before, and he was shocked once again.

“How about it, Lionheart King? With your strength, it would be a pity to bet on the wrong gamble. Do you want to join the Central Palace? I can assure you that we will never pursue your previous wrongdoings. With your strength, wisdom, and ambition, you can join us and show the world what exactly you have to offer! I, for one, like to follow Master Tantai in the Resentment Cleansing Prison, but you don’t have to be like this. With your strength, there would be no problem for you to become a Deputy Hall Master. And when your confidence grows, you can even challenge the position of the Hall Master. Master Tantai and I will give you our unconditional support! Being a domain king is too boring— sectarianism and cleansing oneself will only make people feel even more sloppy and depraved. Besides, when you truly enter the upper levels of the Heaven Realm, don’t you need someone to back you up? In this Heaven Realm, is there really anyone who is stronger than our Central Palace?” The red-haired Heavenly Ghost stood up and stretched his body before starting the battle, patiently trying to persuade the Lionheart King.

His offer this time was rather attractive— Lionheart King would admit that.

It was dangerous to bet on the wrong side, indeed.

The red-haired Heavenly Ghost was much stronger than what he imagined. If he continued to persevere and stand in the wrong team, he would easily be defeated.

If he switched sides now, everything would get better. He would have an unshakable backing in the future, not to mention fame and fortune. The only shortcoming was that he would not be able to chase after his ideals as he will no longer be free.

Lionheart King looked at Yue Yang for the second time.

He found that this young man’s expression remained the same, as if he hadn’t heard the words of the red-haired Heavenly Ghost, nor did he see his shocking power just now.

The Lionheart King took a deep breath of hot air, causing a slight burning sensation to surface in the lungs— this was the hardest and most difficult decision in his life. The future laid in front of him. Depending on his choices today, his future could turn out right or wrong, remaining successful or becoming a failure! If he chose the correct option, he would be guaranteed success in the future; but if he chose the wrong option, his death would be inevitable!

The red-haired Heavenly Ghost waited patiently until the Lionheart King calmed down, before he smiled and asked, “So? Have you made your decision?”

Lionheart King nodded vigorously, before he stretched out his hand in the form of a salute, “Thank you, but I think I would most likely serve the Third Young Master.”

Upon hearing this, the eyes of the Red-haired Heavenly Ghost narrowed.

His gaze pierced like a needle.

And there seemed to be a very small charge of electric current flashing in his squinted eyes.

After a while, the red-haired Heavenly Ghost burst into laughter, his voice shaking the entire Star-gazing Fortress.Then, he cut himself off abruptly like a blade swinging down on its target, looking at the Lionheart King and asked, “Can you tell me why?”

“There was no particular reason, it’s just intuition.” Lionheart smiled slightly with a little self-deprecating smile, “I have always been rational in my judgments, but today is none other than an exception. Heavenly Ghost, you are indeed very powerful as I can feel how strong you are; but the strength of the Third Young Master is something that I am unable to gauge. But what really helped me make up my mind was your persuasion.”

“Was there a problem with my persuasion?” Heavenly Ghost asked strangely.

“There was no problem at all.” The Lionheart King shook his head. He pointed his finger at Yue Yang, who was placing Lie Yan into the Grimoire World to recover: “However, the Third Young Master did not try to persuade me. What does this prove? It proves that he doesn’t care where I stand or who I stand with, but you on the other hand, cared very much. If you have absolute certainty about your victory, then you would not have bothered with my inclinations just like him.

“Your words are said rather eloquently, but you miscalculated a bit.” The red-haired Heavenly Ghost laughed loudly: “The Third Young Master didn’t speak because he knew that no matter what he said, you would not believe it. Instead of saying anything at all, he remained silent and won you over. Lionheart King, you have no shortcomings, but you are too suspicious. You have to know, in the Heaven Realm, people who are overly suspicious usually don’t live long!”

“Really?” The Lionheart King’s expression remained unchanged. He folded his hands and raised the energy of his entire body: “Heavenly Ghost, do you know what I want to say as a finale? Because the Third Young Master has been peacefully ignoring you, I finally fully understand the Divine Consciousness that I struggled to comprehend for the past millennium.. From now on, I will have an unshakable will…Don’t try to shake my heart with words anymore. That will no longer have any effect on me. As for Sky Execution and the Dragon Emperor, your words will not be able to affect their minds!”

“Then I’ll show you, that even those who have enlightened the Supreme Will, are just little bugs in front of this Heavenly Ghost!”

The red-haired sky ghost’s figure flashed.

He suddenly appeared behind the Dragon Emperor and Sky Execution.

The Dragon Emperor immediately raised the ‘Dragon Shield’ and successfully fended off the surprise attack of the red-haired Heavenly Ghost.

As for Sky Execution, he was even faster than the red-haired Heavenly Ghost. With his thunder and lightning fists that carried destructive power, he accurately landed an attack on the red-haired Heavenly Ghost’s left ear… There was another realisation that flashed in his eyes when Lionheart King saw the entire scene unfold. The reason these two warriors with low levels could fight the higher-level Nan Bei and make him retreat step by step was because they have an unshakable will. They completely ignored the pressure that was emanated by their opponents and exerted 100% of their strength, unlike other Heaven Rankers who find themselves completely suppressed as soon as they encounter a high-level opponent and become unable to display even half of their strength.

The enlightenment of the true Supreme Will, even in the face of a powerful enemy like the red-haired Heavenly Ghost, would enable them to calmly face and attack the opponent with all their strength.

“Small bugs.” Red-haired Heavenly Ghost said after being attacked on his ear. If it was someone else, that person would have suffered a heavy blow and fell, but it was as if he barely realised it before he tossed Sky Execution’s body into the air with a slap. Stepping on the ground again, he destroyed the floor and blasted the Dragon Emperor, who was defended by the Dragon Shield, into the sky.

With a loud bang, Sky Execution collided with the hard walls of the Star-gazing Fortress.

He flew straight out.

The Dragon Emperor also smashed through the ceiling of the hall, with crushed stones and rubble all over him as he continued to crash into the higher floors… The Red-haired Heavenly Ghost could have chased them down just now. However, he didn’t do that, because at some point amidst the battle, Yue Yang had appeared and was already standing in front of him.

Yue Yang blankly looked at the shocked Heavenly Ghost

There was no fear, nor was there any trace of anger.

His gaze was as calm as seeing a passerby on a busy street in the city.

The red-haired Heavenly Ghost snorted slightly, but he did not immediately attack Yue Yang. He took a step, walking past Yue Yang’s side and reappeared strangely behind Lionheart King, “Lionheart, this is your last chance. If you don’t surrender, you will die!”

“Sun Griffon!”

Lionheart’s answer was to fuse with the summoned Golden Griffin that was as powerful as the sun, and then condense an energy of a makeshift ‘sun’ that can fill the entire Star-gazing Fortress and push it towards the red-haired Heavenly Ghost. If his Golden Griffon King had not been promoted to the realm of ‘Sun Griffon King’, he would not have been so confident yet. But with the Sun Gem he had initially exchanged using a large territory, it had successfully promoted the Guardian Beast. …With the Sun Griffon King, the Lion Heart King was not afraid of fighting against the red-haired Heavenly Ghost!

Rumble rumble!

The entire Star-gazing Fortress exploded on the spot.

The sky dome disappeared whereas the hard and extremely thick walls in their surroundings had turned into broken walls. The City Lord Qian Hu and the others who had been hiding in the corners of the walls have been thrown by the impact to some unknown area, as if they were merely dust.

There were only three people left in the room.

One of them was the Lionheart King himself, who was attacking with all his strength; another was Yue Yang, whose aura remained calm and unwavering.

The final one was the red-haired Heavenly Ghost who had taken the full blow of the Lionheart King’s attack and still looked unscathed!

Lionheart King slowly turned around and saw the red-haired Heavenly Ghost standing behind him, undamaged. With not even a trace of tattered clothes, a sliver of despair and disappointment rose in his heart! This red-haired Heavenly Ghost is too strong! I surpassed all the Emperor- level Heaven Rankers, am currently chasing towards the Quasi-Divine stage, my Guardian Beast was promoted to the Sun Griffon King, and before the battle, I also understood the will of the Gods… But even so, with a fully head-on blow, the red-haired Heavenly Ghost still remained intact!

How can such a powerful enemy be defeated?

The Lionheart King looked at Yue Yang for the third time.

He felt that he had no choice but to count on this young man!

I originally thought that I could still play a role in controlling the battlefield. Who would have thought that in the face of the strong, simply striking with the power of the sun would turn out to be completely useless!

Just as the Lionheart King was getting discouraged and lazy, Yue Yang suddenly laughed.

His laughter was very soft, yet it resounded like a clear spring in the desert, also like a ray of light breaking through the darkness. The Lionheart King felt moved all of a sudden. He had never raised such expectations towards others so much. Did this young man really have a plan to defeat the red-haired Heavenly Ghost? Can such a powerful red-haired Heavenly Ghost even be defeated? Is this ridiculously young human kid really worth looking forward to?

“I finally figured it out. The ripple talent, the shock wave domain and the energy-sucking War Beast; no wonder it could eliminate any attacks!”

Yue Yang said slowly.

The red-haired Heavenly Ghost’s arrogant expression gradually receded and became gloomy. Finally, there was even a violent rage churning in his heart that was difficult to suppress. Because Yue Yang told a big secret that shocked even the Lionheart King.

Yue Yang’s lips maintained a very condescending smile. He lightly dusted off the sand on his shoulders, his voice crystal clear as it echoed throughout the Star-gazing Fortress: “I see, there are two Heavenly Ghosts in the battle. I knew it— with Lie Yan, Sky Execution and the Lionheart King’s full attack, how could it be possible for you to remain unharmed! Faced with the inferior and arrogant Heavenly Ghost, why was this possible? I finally figured it out! This is because the Heavenly Ghost and the Heavenly Demon are never separated, and you would always fight as a duo! God damn it, don’t think that I can’t see you just because you are pitch black!”

“Not bad, but you failed to realise that everybody who had figured out this secret is already dead!” Behind the red-haired Heavenly Ghost, an extra shadow revealed himself with an appearance that resembled the red-haired Heavenly Ghost.