Longevity Clan Starts with the Patriarch’s Marriage-Chapter 301 - 181 Divine Rank Cultivation Technique Martial Skill! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Imperial Martial Dao Primordial Spirit! Tongxuan Realm Combat Ability?_6

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Chapter 301: Chapter 181 Divine Rank Cultivation Technique Martial Skill! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Imperial Martial Dao Primordial Spirit! Tongxuan Realm Combat Ability?_6

This was the cultivation technique that best suited him, complementing his all-encompassing martial arts perfectly, like a tiger growing wings or a fish taking to water.

After the Chaos Scripture advanced to the Divine Rank Lower Grade Practice, it brought Han Li a significant increase in power. His True Yuan now possessed various attributes, its strength tens to hundreds of times greater than before.

Especially his True Yuan reserves, which originally were only equivalent to the ninth layer of the True Martial Realm, were now comparable to a Martial Emperor of the first layer of the Divine Yuan Realm. The increase was immensely substantial.

Many of his beloved wives and concubines also practiced the Yin and Yang Five Elements Scripture, a Heaven Rank Lower Grade Practice, but they had not, like Han Li, integrated all their cultivation techniques into it, as this would require an inordinate amount of time, and they needed to manage their cultivation as well.

Jiang Baiye, Yun Miaoyi, Bai Keqing, and other women chose cultivation techniques that suited them and then integrated them into the Yin and Yang Five Elements Scripture, creating unique practices tailored to themselves, each giving new names to their techniques.

Their personal cultivation technique ranks were Heaven Rank Top Grade and Heaven Rank Supreme Grade, providing a considerable boost to their strengths.

Gathering his thoughts, Han Li’s Dao heart returned once again to a state as still as an ancient well. Afterward, he began his journey of breakthrough.

In an instant, his accumulated cultivation began to surge wildly, with each moment equating to a century of training, rapidly diminishing.

At the same time, Han Li’s aura also grew furiously strong, becoming stronger and more vigorous, as if to break through the Nine Heavens and reign supreme over all ages.

At this moment, Han Li once again entered the Enlightenment State. This time, the state lasted longer than any before; he spent five hundred years in this state.

In these five hundred years, Han Li expended endless energy and innumerable efforts to comprehend the natural laws of heaven and earth, to understand the Great Dao, constantly perfecting his all-encompassing martial way.

When the Enlightenment State ended, all insights gained within those five hundred years flooded into Han Li’s mind, absorbed and digested by his overwhelming Divine Spirit.

In this process, his Divine Spirit grew stronger, his Spiritual Sense became increasingly potent, his physical body was tempered by True Yuan and became fortified, his five senses once again enhanced, becoming sharper, and his Martial Fake Pill also became more homogenously mixed, exuding even more formidable power…

The nascent form of his all-encompassing martial intent saw its completion progress skyrocket at this moment, 80%… 90%… 99%… 100%!

Finally, the true intent of his all-encompassing martial way was completely perfected!

In an instance, Han Li entered a new state, akin to when he first comprehended the all-encompassing martial way and again saw the myriad stars evolved from the infinite martial paths.

Among these Ancient Stars, in the deepest reaches of that ancient starry sky, a colossal, boundless… supreme, most powerful star revealed itself.

With just one glance, Han Li felt it was the greatest celestial body across all worlds, all ages, and an infinite number of epochs – the ultimate manifestation of the martial path.

In a blink, this greatest star emitted a beam of starlight, piercing through the eons of time and space, crossing myriad worlds, descending into Han Li’s mind, merging into his Divine Spirit.

Then, the greatest star once again concealed itself, causing ages past and present to tremble once more, awakening countless ancient powerhouses, each one standing at the pinnacle of myriad worlds, looking down upon all ages as the most powerful beings.

Han Li was unaware of these events. He withdrew from this special state and inwardly examined his Divine Spirit, searching for that beam of starlight, but found nothing, as if everything before had been an illusion.

“The second time,” Han Li muttered softly.

It was his second encounter with this greatest, most supreme Ancient Star, and the second time a starlight had descended into his Divine Spirit. He did not feel anything unusual, as if it were merely an ordinary beam of light.

Han Li speculated that the effects of this descending starlight might only manifest later, perhaps due to his current lower realm.

Shaking his head and discarding these stray thoughts, Han Li focused wholeheartedly on continuing his breakthrough. As the true intent of his all-encompassing martial way was completely perfected, his realm began to break through continuously.

True Martial Realm Seventh Heaven!

True Martial Realm Eighth Heaven!

True Martial Realm Ninth Heaven!

Eventually, Han Li’s cultivation stabilized at the pinnacle of the True Martial Realm. He felt a mighty power coursing through his body, capable of shattering stars with a mere gesture.

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He knew it was not an illusion but the actual power he now possessed.

His combat ability was already extremely high before his breakthrough, but after breaking through, it rose to new heights, stepping into a new realm where he could rival the Martial Emperors of even higher realms.

Yet Han Li was still not satisfied. He cast his gaze towards the Martial Emperors of the Divine Yuan Realm, not accustomed to hoarding his cultivation; he preferred using it all.

Originally, it would have taken Han Li a thousand years of cultivation to break through from the sixth heaven of the True Martial Realm to its peak, but Han Li had not broken through. Six years passed, and over a thousand descendants with talents were born, among them not lacking in Fourth Grade and Third Grade prodigies.

This caused Han Li’s own talent to surge tremendously as well, continuously rising. Two years ago, Han Li’s talent had already advanced to the Second Grade.

Now, his talent had increased even more compared to two years ago, reaching 52% of the Second Grade, progressing very rapidly.

This was all thanks to Han Li’s six years of devoted cultivation, waiting until he transformed all his accumulated cultivation into strength, believing he would be invincible upon emerging, capable of effortlessly overpowering all in all directions.

In the entire Qianyuan Divine Province, perhaps only the great powers of the Tongxuan Realm within the Sacred Lands could pose a threat to him.

Because he was a Second Grade talent, the cultivation consumed by his continuous breakthroughs was halved, costing him merely five hundred years of cultivation, leaving him with a grand total of 4159 years!