Lucifer's Descendant System-Chapter 56: Contrac

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Chapter 56: Contrac

56 56 - Contrac

Just a fraction of a second later, before the first explosion of flames disappeared, a second explosion occurred near the same spot, with Noah appearing between the flames holding a simple metal cage.

Maggy momentarily forgot what she was going to say to Noah because of what she saw inside the cage. Inside, looking around with a frightened expression was a small white mouse with eyes that strangely glowed green.

This little mouse might have been strange for many people, but not for her. Since she spent her days in the hospital room with nothing but her cellphone for entertainment, Maggy had nothing better to do than watch MyTube videos in her excessive free time, which of course contained several videos about people who bought pet monsters and showed what it was like to take care of a little monster like this.

What most caught Maggy's attention in these little monsters was the strange way of taking care of them, since they didn't even need a bed or anything like that. When signing a contract with a monster, the owner of that monster could send it to another dimension and just summon it back from there when they felt like it.

Seeing Noah, who always had a worried expression on his face despite the smiles he continued to give his sister, this time Maggy could see through his features that other than worry, he also showed expectation.

It had been a long time since she had seen her brother acting like this, and she couldn't help from feeling more relaxed when she saw that her brother still had feelings in him other than worry.

'I always blamed myself a lot for making him feel worried about me all the time. It's so good to know that he can still feel happy, excited, and everything else behind the neutral mask he puts on for other people,' Maggy thought with a warm heart.

Looking again at the mouse that was turning its head from side to side inside the cage, wondering where it suddenly was, Maggy asked, "What is that little mouse with the bright eyes for?"

Noah, hearing her question, smiled even bigger, and unbeknownst to him, the anticipation he had of seeing her happiness was even more apparent through his face. "This is the surprise I prepared for you."

Maggy, despite being very young, had already guessed that was the reason, but when he confirmed it to her with his response, she felt excited and then soon even more excited about what was happening.

The hospital itself did not ban pet monsters, but there was only one condition: they only accepted monsters that were already pets. Monsters without contracts were barred from entering the hospital because of the potential danger they could cause to other patients, so Noah had to find another way to get the mouse into Maggy's room.

After the contract was signed, the doctors could no longer complain and would only be able to accept Maggy with her monster; as contracted monsters became more docile, they no longer caused danger to other patients.

As he watched Maggy interact with the mouse, Noah mentally thought, 'Can I make a contract for someone else?'

At that, a familiar black window appeared floating in front of him.

[Contracts are only limited by the user's imagination. However, as the user has not yet received the ability to make contracts, the user only has one contract for himself and a single contract for third parties as a free sample. In order to be able to make other contracts after this, the user will have to use his own skill set when making contracts.]

That answer made Noah's eyes widen. 'So you mean that I can actually make unlimited contracts in the future? Are these contracts limited only by my imagination? If I want to make a contract to make someone else my slave, can I? Imagine having a Blessed Rank A as a servant because of a contract... If before, I believed that my skills were OP, it is because I still didn't know about contracts. In the future I may not even have to lift a finger to do something, as I may have an army of servants because of the contracts...'

For a few minutes Noah was imagining his own future, thinking about the possibilities of what they could do with this powerful skill. Meanwhile Maggy with the aura of kindness and cuteness that she gave off, managed to win over the mouse with ease. The little monster that was frightened and afraid of the unknown place was now lying down, hugged by Maggy's hand while he went back to sleep, producing a small snoring noise which Maggy thought was the cutest thing in the world.

Seeing the little monster she had until now only seen on her cell phone screen lying there and holding her little hand made her very happy. For a moment, she felt bad about making her brother spend money on such an expensive gift for her, but she knew Noah very well. When her brother made up his mind about something, he became so stubborn that she had already given up trying to convince him otherwise.

Stopping Maggy's daydreaming, Noah approached her, and following the instructions of the system, two blood red pentagrams apparently made of mysterious energy floated out of his hand and hovered in front of Maggy's eyes and those of the little mouse.

Noah didn't need to say a word to explain what that pentagram meant, since when it appeared floating in front of Maggy, she strangely already knew instinctively what it meant. Basically, the pentagram was asking her if she accepted that little white mouse as her pet companion, where the two would swear never to intentionally hurt each other and always seek mutual good.

If it had appeared in another situation, Maggy would have been somewhat curious, since she did not know from where that pentagram might have come. But she clearly saw that this strange pentagram came from Noah's hand, so she just imagined it was a monster contract that he had bought with the mouse and accepted it. It was a different contract than what she had seen in the videos, but MyTubers who talked about pet monsters had already explained that in front of a contract, the person would instinctively know what to do, and that was exactly what happened to her.

Receiving a confirming look from Noah, she thought about accepting the contract and the pentagram symbol floated to the back of her hand and was printed there like a tattoo and then quickly faded away. The little mouse that had been well taken care of by Maggy had accepted the contract a few seconds ago without thinking twice.

After the two confirmed the contract, Maggy felt a slight connection between herself and the little monster that had gone back to sleep in her hand. It was as if after signing the contract she felt closer to him, as if the two had been friends for a long time.

Wanting to test how it worked, Maggy thought about sending the mouse to another dimension. A portal made of flames appeared above the mouse and in a fraction of a second it enveloped the mouse before disappearing, leaving only a faint smell of sulfur which Maggy knew was natural from her videos.

Nothing strange had happened to her, but Noah was surprised. He tested the option of making a contract using the system and it was exactly as the message said: he just needed to imagine what the contract structure would be like, that he wished it to be done in a way that the two of them could not intentionally injure themselves, which he did thinking about Maggy's safety.

He might well have made the contract in a way that only the mouse couldn't hurt Maggy, but he knew his sister; she wouldn't do anything cruel like that, and putting that clause in the contract would make it easier for the mouse to accept.

After defining everything he wanted for the contract, Noah had felt two materials made of energy leave his hand and fly in front of the two in the hospital bed.

What most surprised Noah about all this was when Maggy sent the mouse to the other dimension. Noah thought the mouse would only go into a void dimension, but no, when the portal was opened in a fraction of a second, Noah saw it and it felt very familiar.

Seeing the portal made of flames and the faint smell of sulfur that remained in the room after the portal was closed, Noah felt familiar... as if he had already been to that place.

Noah was thinking about the possible relationship he had with that portal when Maggy suddenly asked a question that took him by surprise.

"Noah, do you happen to play Valorwatch?" she asked, with narrowed eyes and a suspicious expression on her face.

Noah, seeing her adorable expression, almost wanted to go to her and squeeze his sister's cheeks, but he controlled himself well and answered her question.