Lucifer's Descendant System-Chapter 67: Signing a Contrac

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Chapter 67: Signing a Contrac

67 67 - Signing a Contrac

The Blessed Ones had never been happier looking at a blue sky in their lives.

"For a moment, I thought my grave would be under a red sky," the thunder magician in the group said while using his cell phone that he just took out of his belongings locker and photographed the sky to use as a cell phone wallpaper.

Noah shared their sentiments. He also thought for a few seconds that he was going to die inside that Fortress. Even though he was strong compared to a Blessed Rank E, that monster was several levels above them all. Noah didn't even know if he had enough strength to make his dagger penetrate the monster's skin or if his flame had already purified sins enough to cause any real damage to the Boss. After all, his flame was not so powerful against the Goblin Boss or the Boss Boar. Who was to say how strong it was against a monster as powerful as that bird.

After giving his testimony to the government agent, Noah was notified that he had moved up from Rank F to Rank E because of the great performance he had displayed in the two Fortresses he participated in which were Rank E.

Blessed could try to deceive the government in their testimony to raise someone's rank, but as the testimonies were given individually, if the information did not match, the Blessed who gave false information would receive a very severe punishment, usually causing people to give up trying to deceive the government with false statements.

Of course, there were still people who tried to do that and failed miserably, but it was not something that Noah cared about. What Noah was really caring about was how much he could earn from those eggs he had put away in his backpack.

Noah said he had gotten some bird eggs to the government agent, but said he did not know what bird they were from, just thinking they were from Angry Birds. The government already knew how to deal with the Blessed who brought out eggs and as it was becoming very common today, Noah just received a receipt from the government and took the eggs away. The other members of the group didn't even know about it.

He only told the official because he knew he needed a receipt from where these eggs were taken to sell, since the most respected stores did not buy monster eggs without a receipt for fear of receiving a monster they were not prepared to deal with.

After the Fortress, Noah was formally invited to join the team, which he gladly accepted. Arriving home, Noah opened his backpack and began to carefully remove the eggs. Upon entering the living room of the house, where the temperature was warmer and more comfortable, Lilith woke up and slid up Noah's arm to reach his shoulder, looking at what Noah was doing with curiosity.

Seeing that she was better, Noah felt less worried and responded to her as he continued to carefully unpack the eggs. "They are monster eggs. I believe they are eggs of that monster you scared off. Hey, what happened back then? How did you scare off such a powerful monster?" Noah finally asked what had made him very curious.

Hearing the question, Lilith sighed and answered in a low voice. "I... remembered more things."

Hearing this, Noah raised his eyebrows in amazement. He was anxious to know what she had to tell him.

"In addition to my name, I felt a great pride, great to the point of it becoming arrogance. I don't quite remember the reason, but I know I did something to be very proud of, and when you were in danger from that monster, I felt he had no right to do that. I was also scared by the noises he was making, but for some reason, I felt more indignant than scared. So, on instinct, I threatened him because he caused you trouble." Lilith apologized after explaining herself, as she was not awake after the threat she made to the monster and had passed out due to tiredness.

Noah was slightly surprised by her response. When she had hissed at the bird, he had three possible assumptions: he imagined that she had either recovered her own memories or she always had the memories or the complete opposite, a case where she didn't remember anything and just did it on instinct. He just didn't realize that what actually happened was a mixture of the three assumptions. She remembered almost nothing, but what she remembered was enough to activate her instincts and show that she had other memories too. It just didn't explain to him why she had these memories if she was born only a short time ago.

She said she had very old memories, yet the monster store attendant confirmed that she was born from an egg found in a Fortress and that she hatched from the egg while she was in the store.

Unfortunately, Noah knew that he would not get the answers to his doubts by asking her now. "I understand what you mean. Don't worry; you actually helped me a lot. That monster intended to kill me, even if the reason is still unknown to me. For now, our priority is to heal you and have you in a peak state before making you focus on your memories again. It will not be healthy for you, both physically and mentally, to continue to wear yourself out in that weakened state."

Hearing what Noah said, Lilith felt warm inside. She was just a snake; she only remembered living as a snake; but she knew it wasn't normal for her to have such a high perception of how humans feel and how they behave, even acting like them in almost every way. She managed to put herself in Noah's place and knew how strange what was happening to her truly was and how hard it was to believe her.

In her little head, the only possible thing that made him trust her so much was the same reason that made her see him differently: that strange connection they had since their eyes met in the store that inexplicably made her open up to him like she had never opened up to anyone. "I'm glad I helped with the bird, and I'm also very grateful for you letting me be with you. I've never felt so good physically as I do every time I wake up from a sleep wrapped around your wrist."

Noah also thought the same thing as her. This connection they had, he knew it was mutual. He could only attribute this to Lucifer, or rather, to the Lucifer Descendant System. Thinking about it, Noah remembered the window that was still open in the bottom corner of his view.

He knew it wasn't something anyone would easily be willing to accept. Signing a contract where your soul would practically connect with someone else's soul was too risky?for most; the monsters just accepted it because they didn't have the intelligence to understand what that meant in the long run. But with Lilith, even though she had an intelligence as high as that of a human, sometimes showing a maturity that was not even seen in people, Noah felt she would accept it. He felt it because he knew that if he were in her position, with his instincts telling him to be together with her, he would accept it.

And it was no different than he imagined. Lilith, after hearing Noah explain about the contract, did not have to think twice before accepting the terms.

When Noah asked her the reason, just to be sure, she simply gave him the answer he expected. "My intelligence cries out for me to refuse this contract immediately, because of how dangerous it is and how little I know about you, but on the other hand, my instincts scream for me to accept this contract even if I have to do anything to make that possible. And in the few memories I saw, where I was very proud, I also saw that I should trust my instincts, as they have already saved me from a lot apparently."

The answer she gave only made Noah even more sure of his choice, so without a second thought, a familiar energy came into his palm. A pair of pentagrams floated between them before flying toward them. The pentagrams didn't have to wait even a few seconds before they flew into the two. One etched itself into Lilith's forehead while the other settled on the back of Noah's hand.

As soon as the pentagram entered Noah's palm, he felt that the affinity between him and Lilith, which was already very powerful before that, had now become a few times stronger, as if they had known each other for years and had a deep friendship between themselves. Whenever Noah wished, he could make the mark disappear or appear there looking like a tattoo.

As soon as the pentagram's mark disappeared, a black window appeared floating in front of his eyes. It reminded Noah of something else. Aside from the message he had to read now about the contract he made with Lilith, he also had another message that he didn't have time to read before: the warning about his wings.


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