Mated to the Warrior Beast-Chapter 53

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53 My Familiar

~ TARKYN ~ 𝗳𝘳𝒆𝘦𝑤𝐞𝚋𝗻𝚘𝘷𝘦𝙡.𝑐𝐨𝘮

Tarkyn snorted, but Sarayu quickly proved she hadn’t been joking. The healer turned to him, her hands gripping the strap of her bag and a guarded look of caution on her face. 𝘧𝔯e𝗲𝙬ℯ𝙗𝓷o𝘷e𝗹.𝐜𝑜𝒎

“I know this is all very wonderful, and I’m happy for you, my friend. But there are too many irons in this fire, and your position among us is too important for you to bury yourself in a new love without thought for the events around you.”

Tarkyn gaped. Did she really think him so flippant? But Sarayu only shook her head and didn’t break eye-contact. “You will need to be very, very careful the next few days, Tarkyn. You can’t afford to end up leaping into a challenge because your beast gets jealous when she’s around another male. The guards will be here within the hour to escort you both to the Queen, whose guard and mate will be with her.”

Tarkyn pressed his lips thin to keep the words back that he wanted to snap at her. He knew Sarayu was right... in general. It had been his blessing to grow under the mentorship of some of the most dominant and powerful males-and females-the Anima had ever seen. And as he’d grown and taken more responsibility himself, he’d then mentored others. He’d lost count of how many new mates he’d seen briefly unhinged by a new bond. It was usually a point of humor among soldiers to watch their brothers and sisters reduced to possessive snarling. Though there were moments when some Anima had hurt others, lashing out in panic or possession when their instincts screamed that their new mates were at risk.

But as the years had flown by, he’d also seen patterns in their weaknesses.

Most of them had been years younger than him, for starters. And not nearly as self-disciplined. If any male were able to keep his head in the heat of a new bond, Tarkyn felt confident it was him. Though he knew to speak the words would sound arrogant, so he kept his mouth shut. Still. It pricked his pride that his old friend didn’t believe him capable of controlling his urges-especially at such an uncertain time, and when his mate’s very life might hang in the balance. Did she think he hadn’t seen the dangers?

So he forced himself not to set Sarayu down, but to take the best from her intentions. “I understand,” he said carefully. “Thank you for caring. Don’t worry. I’ll be careful.”

But Sarayu only tilted her head and gave him that skeptical look. “I’m serious, Tark. Leash your beast or-”


“Sar, I get it,” he growled. “I’ve watched them all go through it. I know what I’m up against.”

Sarayu sighed, but obviously realized that he wasn’t going to listen to more. So instead, she turned to Harth. Tarkyn’s heart squeezed at her thoughtfulness.

“I brought some herbs that will help if there’s any bleeding,” she said quietly, digging into her bag. “And soreness is completely normal. Don’t be concerned unless the bleeding continues beyond a few hours, or the pain increases tomorrow with, er, further activities.”

Harth gave a low laugh, but she nodded, taking the small packet Sarayu handed her from the depths of the bag.

“Thank you.”

Even those simple words, just spoken in his mate’s mellow tones lit his heart. Tarkyn stared at Harth as she examined the packet Sarayu had given her. But before he could check in with her to see if she was in real pain, Sarayu returned her attention to him.

“I need you to sit down, because I need to examine you and make certain your reflexes have returned. The Queen is calling for you, but she wants assurance that you’re physically capable first-and that you’re mentally... balanced.”

Tarkyn stiffened, frowning. “You can’t be serious?” Elreth truly thought he’d been imbalanced by all this?

Sarayu shrugged. “I told her last night that I was hopeful, but I wasn’t prepared to make a final call until I saw you this morning and had a chance to-”

“Sar! Seriously?” Tarkyn snapped, his hands clenching to fists in frustration. “Why would you do that? This isn’t a game! Elreth’s at risk of fomenting war if she doesn’t get her fear under control-”

“And what she needs is absolute assurance that those around her are both capable-and accountable,” Sarayu ground out, folding her arms, but glaring him down. “So, sit down on the furs so I can examine you, and let’s make sure there’s no question in my mind, so I can make certain there’s no question in hers.”

Tarkyn shook his head, his jaw set. “But you’re the one who has created a question!”

“No, Tarkyn. I’ve reassured her that our familiarity hasn’t clouded my judgment. That I’m not glossing over any of this just to please you-or her. And that means that when I tell her that I’ve checked you again, and I’m certain you’re ready, she’ll believe it.”

He felt his mate tense and that just pissed him off further.

Tarkyn glared. Both Sarayu and Elreth should have believed that of him without an examination or assessment, but he bit back the retort and did as she asked, settling himself on the furs. Then he turned to Harth to call her close-only to find her staring at him strangely... and her scent, when he inhaled it, was laced with something sharp.

Reaching for her through the bond, he waited until she met his gaze. ‘What is it?’ he asked quietly as Sarayu unpacked several tools and bottles, and some packets of herbs as she prepared whatever she thought she needed to examine on Tarkyn so she could declare him “capable.”

Even the thought made him want to bite something, but he didn’t like that scent threading through Harth. He reached for her again, a gentle nudge in her head. ‘Harth? What’s wrong?’

Harth had been staring at Sarayu, but at the words she turned and met his eyes again and folded her arms. ‘You and Sarayu are... familiar?’ she sent back with a growl.

Tarkyn’s heart sank to his toes.


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