Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor-Chapter 3810 - : Delighted

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Chapter 3810: Delighted freewebn(o)

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

โ€œItโ€™s fine, no need to press.โ€ He said, sitting up with one hand propped on the bed, his legs were more or less inconvenient due to the lack of sensation, therefore, he moved to the side of the bed and then started to get dressed.

After Feng Jiu got off the bed, she put her clothes on and came over to help him put on his clothes again before saying, โ€œIโ€™m going to go wash up first, and Iโ€™ll fetch water for you later.โ€

Xuanyuan MO Ze pulled her hand and said, โ€œAh Jiu, just let the people below come, you are pregnant with a child, donโ€™t do everything yourself for these things. โ€

โ€œThese things arenโ€™t that big of a deal, besides, itโ€™s good to move around more.โ€ She pursed her lips and smiled, saying, โ€œToday is just coming back to sleep a little late, from tomorrow onwards, you are all going to accompany me to walk around the mansion more.โ€

Hearing this, Xuanyuan MO Ze said, โ€œGood, but let the people below do things like these water fetching and washing things, just donโ€™t get too tired yourself.โ€

Unable to argue with him, Feng Jiu finally compromised and said, โ€œAlright! Then Iโ€™ll go wash up and Iโ€™ll have Leng Shuang fetch water in.โ€ She said this before calling out towards the outside.

The people in the mansion had been waiting for the two of them to show up early in the morning, only that they didnโ€™t see anyone after waiting all morning, and it wasnโ€™t until noon that they heard the movement of them getting up.

At the garden of the mansion, Du Fan and Gray Wolf and the others were sitting in the pavilion drinking tea and chatting, after hearing that the two

Masters had already woken up, they then also became a bit unable to sit still.

โ€œLetโ€™s go over there now! Itโ€™s expected that both the Master and the Lady have already washed up.โ€ Gray Wolf said, not having seen his Patriarch for a long time, he really wanted to meet him.

Du Fan smiled and fanned the fan in his hand, saying, โ€œLetโ€™s go! Hellโ€™s Lord waking up is a great joy, we have to celebrate at night, turn around and Iโ€™ll book a table and call Qi Kang back to get together as well.โ€

Luo Yu laughed, โ€œI sent him a message early this morning, I reckon heโ€™ll come over after heโ€™s busy with the matter at hand.โ€

โ€œBy the way, the forces of that assassination organisation that ambushed you guys on the road last time have been dealt with, not a single one is left, however, the commotion was accidentally made too big, and now there is talk outside about who uprooted that organisation, and weโ€™ve released the news, so Hellโ€™s Palaceโ€™s name can be said to be loud and clear over here nowadays.โ€

A few people were talking and walking at the same time, when they came to the courtyard, they saw that the two Masters were already eating something in the courtyard. Before waiting for Du Fan and the others to speak, Gray Wolf had already swept forward and looked at Xuanyuan MO Ze with delight,

โ€œMaster, youโ€™ve finally woken up!โ€

Xuanyuan MO Ze nodded slightly and glanced at Gray Wolf.

โ€œMaster, Hellโ€™s Lord.โ€ Du Fan and the others all walked forward and saluted them.

โ€œYouโ€™re all here? Have you had breakfast yet?โ€ Feng Jiu asked.

โ€œAll have eaten Master.โ€ The crowd responded.

โ€œSince youโ€™ve all eaten, turn around and talk to MO Ze about the matters in your hands.โ€ Feng Jiu handed over, asking them to turn around and talk to Xuan Yuan MO Ze about all the forces and matters in charge of their respective hands, so that he could familiarise himself with all the forces they were controlling over here at the moment.

โ€œYes!โ€ The crowd answered in a deep voice.

On the other side, inside the East City Lordโ€™s Mansion, Qi Kang was currently staring at the old man in front of him with a dark and sullen face, โ€œIโ€™ve already said that I donโ€™t need the help of the people sent by the Immortal Sect, you came from wherever you came from, go straight back to wherever you came from!โ€

The old man lowered his eyes and said expressionlessly, โ€œIโ€™m afraid this is not proper, I am the Immortal Sectโ€™s steward sent over to assist the East City Lord, the equivalent of a butler-like existence, since Iโ€™ve come, how can I go back?โ€

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