MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer-Chapter 43: The (Demon) King Is Here!

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All across Infinite, players were joyfully killing chickens, either completing the Onslaught event or just grinding XP. Well, almost all players…

In New Leaf Village, it was the complete opposite. Tons of players were respawning, their faces livid, their teeth chattering, and their eyes twitching. Many were touching themselves all over, not even noticing the system message they had received:

[Butchered! Temporary Stat Penalty!]

[New Title Acquired: Cattle!]

"Arrgg! What was that?!

"D-do I still have my skin?"

"W-what the hell happened there?!"

"H-he used his sharp knife and— and— h-he—"

Many were still confused and stuttering as they remembered the earlier event. That devil had opened them up!

"You, I saw you get torn to pieces!"

"It's a game. It wasn't real. Just a game. Just—"

"This is bad. How can he even do something like that?!"

"My skin is itching. It won't stop! It's fucking burning!"

Truthfully the game had shut down the pain associated with the experience itself. What they had felt was simply the typical damage feedback. But, the graphic image was stuck in their brains: POV skinning was rough!

They were so confused as they wrongly believed that they had felt it all. Simply put, they had a major case of group hypochondria. But some were already regaining their clarity.

"It actually didn't hurt that much, but still."

"Holy shit, no kidding! This was intense AF!

"This is the gore option at max? I'm lowering it right now!"

Then there was the last group that began to roughly breathe as they stared at the forest in longing:

"Now that's what I call true horror, so nuts!"

"Did you see that guy's intensity? I'm so wet right now!"

"Bro, you're a guy! But yeah, this was…something else."

"Oh my god. Who said Infinite is boring? It's goddamn crazy!"

"Just wait till I post this on my wall! People won't believe it!"

Many were already sharing the experience. They had attacked the forest and had met their match: a man who was evil incarnate.

Many turned toward the forest in nervous anticipation. He would soon come out, right? That's when a player expressed what all of them were thinking:

"Who the actual fuck is that guy?!"


Said evil incarnate was relaxedly making his way through the forest.

Not long ago, the duo of man and wolf had gotten rid of the last players. Even then, they continued their journey alongside the wolves. This had been a butchering paradise: wolves, foxes, and players.

The little one hung its head low in disappointment as they had run out of humans to butcher. But they weren't done just yet.

There were still plenty of amazing plants. Usually, Jack would only get a few at a time, but he now had access to the whole forest! Brachyschome, Poppy, Begonia, Chicory, Darkovia, all of them!

This was a unique opportunity. After all, the players probably wouldn't be dumb enough to cause another beast tide again. As for artificially creating one, it wasn't possible either. Infinite would usually patch such exploits by itself.

For instance, the wolf progenitor would likely instruct its brethren not to let anyone steal the forest's resources in the future.

But, for now, it was smooth sailing, the human and the wolf pup were happily conversing.

"Such a nice day for gathering, isn't it? The air is fresh, the forest is warm, and it is so peaceful."

"Woo." (Happy)

"See that black flower over there? That's a Last Bloom's Darkovia. Then, that blue one is a New Bloom's Chicory. Make sure you remember their appearances properly, alright?"

"Woo." (Nodding)

"In fact, you have to be very attentive at all times. Any resource that seems remotely valuable is worth gathering."

"Woo." (Serious)

"The first step of world domination can sometimes start with a simple flower. Wonderful, isn't it?"

"Woo." (Heroic)

"Well, yeah. You begin small, and then you slowly build an empire. It takes lots of time and effort for sure."

"Woo." (Resolute)

"Of course I'm counting on you! Here, want some meat? We have all kinds."

"Woo." (Hungry)

"Yeah, but you can only have a little. I'm planning to trade it for cool stuff. It's gonna be huge!"

"Woo." (Dreaming)

"Gear? It will likely prove troublesome since New Leaf is a small village. Then again, I'm sure we can find you something.."

"Woo!" (Hopeful)

"You want intimidating equipment? I'm sure that can be arranged at some point."

As they happily talked, the little one remained highly attentive. It would happily skip forward whenever it spotted a flower. Then it would circle it and howl in triumph. Jack even pretended not to notice a few to give it a chance.

The wolves seeing this scene were utterly confused. Why was the human so interested in flowers? There were flowers everywhere in the forest!

But, the little one didn't share their skepticism. After all, it had tasted the Lunar Blossoms and knew that some flowers were the absolute best. Its master definitely had a great reason to desire them.

That's how the little wolf gained life experience, and Jack gained life-skill experience points. Both worked together in harmony, all until they finally reached the edge of the forest.

The Mighty Dragons were waiting in ambush, one that failed monumentally. The wolves charged straight into their midst and began a killing spree. As for Jack, he naturally went to work, diligently gathering all the "resources".

The trembling players witnessed him stab his victims once before performing his ungodly butchering process. Some stared with morbid curiosity while others adverted their eyes in profound repulsion.

"This is insane."

"Why is he stabbing all of them once?"

"It's probably a promise to the suffering to come."

"That's bullshit. That's his way to get revenge, I'm sure."

They sure were imaginative. He was using his gathering tool on them to slow the disappearance of their bodies. Revenge and suffering? Did he look like a bad guy or something?

"Oh god, he's looking this way."

"No matter what, don't make eye contact!"

"Just mind your own business and apologize!"

"Don't rub this guy the wrong way. He's a demon."

Jack couldn't help but sigh. Demon? What?! No eye contact? Was he supposed to be Medusa or something? He definitely had better things to do than hunt players looking at him funny. After all, his time was more precious than their existence.

Jack gently fed a piece of meat to his companion, absentmindedly. As they saw the tiny puppy devour the human flesh, they recoiled in fear.

"Did he just feed the leader of the Mighty Dragons to a dog?!"

"I'm pretty sure that's a wolf…but also yes."

"Holy fucking shit."

They stared at him with bulging eyes. That's when he finally left the forest, stepping onto the chicken territory. He was out of the PVP area, not a single hair missing on his body.

The players couldn't help but remember how some had taunted him. He was the one that had been peacefully playing in the clearing. Interrupting him had been a monumental mistake.

Jack strove forward, and the world turned silent.

All he did was walk, but this moment would be remembered for ages. There were hundreds of players assembled on the plain. Yet, the sea of players parted for him.

He had a small smile, was relaxedly strolling with a pup on his head, looked so very friendly, and yet none dared to stand in his way. This was a safe zone? So fucking what!

All they knew was that they wouldn't fuck with that guy. He was a complete monster! Even a true god couldn't convince them to make a move against the man.

Jack nonchalantly entered the now empty village. The players knew that the Mighty Wolves were in there too. But, if he wanted to have the village, it was his! They wouldn't pry on whatever was happening inside.

As he disappeared into New Leaf village, it was as if a spell was suddenly broken. The players looked at each other, giving awkward smiles then breaking into laughter. They had felt fear, but so had all the others. They weren't alone!

"I thought I was gonna die when he looked my way."

"This guy literally bested all of us at the same time!"

"Cunning like a fox, savage like a wolf and— who am I kidding. The man's a complete demon!"

They all nodded in agreement. There was something oddly scary about a man able to process humans while smiling the whole time. But, someone soon changed the topic.

"Did you all see the wolf on his head? It was so cute!"

"How did he manage to tame it? I wanna know so badly!

"It wasn't just that one, the other wolves too. Gosh, perhaps even the wolf king."

They remembered vividly how the wolf boss had just ignored him. What if he had tamed the boss too?! They all thought about it, but none dared to utter it. Such a thing was impossible, right? Somehow they could believe it if it was him.

"So, what are we going to do now?"

"All I know is what I won't do. I won't try to take him down."

"Hell, it would be easier to catch Santa Claus than that monster."

"Yep, screw the bounty from the Mighty Dragons. Fifty of them versus him. The choice is easy."

How would the Mighty Dragons react upon learning of this? Who knew. But frankly, they had bigger problems anyway. The players soon returned to talking about their interests.

"I just hope he won't seek revenge."

"Man, what are you worried about? We can always create new accounts."

"Not to worry? Do you think it's logical to all remake our characters cause we pissed off one dude?!"

"If it's that dude....totally, yes! What if one day you're just farming XP, and he attacks you with a monster army? It's not worth the risk."

"You're right. So, how do we apologize? We seriously screwed up on that one."

That is how a few hundred players began seriously brainstorming how to appease a lone player, all so that he wouldn't murder them all.

As for Jack, he had completely forgotten about them. After all, he was finally about to get some new gear...


[A/N] Achievement unlocked: scaring an entire beginner village into submission. Also, little wolf = best dialogues.

Creator's Thought

Honestly, it is such a clash to witness the players of this timeline versus the competitive ones I knew. They were all watching me stroll...what the fuck?! Didn't they have anything better to do? Apparently not... Hell, even after I entered the village, they kept happily talking. What a waste of time!