Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 2892: Methods

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"I will be making you all unconscious now," I said and activated the formation, and soon, the Grand Lords fell into unconsciousness one after another.

My seeds did not have the power to forcefully make them unconscious, but it could do it with no resistance. It did not face any resistance, not even from the Silas Bishop; if I had wanted to harm him, I would not have helped him during the breakthrough.

Gasp Gasp Gasp

A second after Grand Lords slept, multiple gaps rang out; even Grandmistress Charline, who is aware of my abilities better than most, couldn't help but become surprised when I pulled out a detailed structure of the curse.

Though unlike most, she did not gasp in shock.

"This is the most comprehensive curse stricture I have seen; even our best artifact could not produce such clarity," said Grandmaster Yodel.

"Thank you, Grandmaster Yodel; I hope you won't hesitate to give your opinions; it will not matter, even if you think them outlandish," I said to two men before turning to the most important person; aside from that bastard Carmichael and me, Grandmistress Charline possesses great knowledge of the curse and other special energies.

"What do you think, Grandmistress?" I asked, 'The curse is complex; that bastard old snake spent quite a time designing it,' she said, through energy so everybody could hear; the projections could do that.

It already took a year to design the cure, or even more; this is not a thing that could be designed in a month or two.

"The linking of hexecontahedrons, who's each side possessing a different type of curse vector, created a very strong structure,"

"The bastard had used the blood of primary-II as a shell of hexecontahedron before adding different curse vectors; it is extremely strong that it cannot be destroyed or even be extracted." She said and turned to me from the projection of curse.

"I don't know how you are able to stop the curse, but given its power, the measure should be temporary," she added, and I nodded.

As I said, she is very intelligent.

"We have about an hour before the curse begins to spread again, so tell me if you have any answers or suggestions," I said to them.

My clones are working on a different method, but it is not the best; I hope they can give me the answers or at least something that will give me an idea.

"The best way to deal with the curse would be breaking its structure and making it collapse on its own, but we are far away from doing that. What we need to do is find a containment method that will let Grand Lords use all their power," said Grandmistress Charline, to which I nodded again.

We begin to work, and the healers begin to provide their suggestions, but each one is shot down by me with the answers on how it will not work.

I have already thought of them, and with the calculations my clone had performed, they were not feasible, but still, I did not lose hope.


Suddenly, I looked up and turned toward the projection of Lord Whitmore and who had just opened his mouth to curse.

"Don't worry, Ashlyn will handle it," I said to him, which again surprised him, but he nodded gratefully. A group of Grimms has come out, and among them, there is a Grand Lord, someone I did not know about it, but seeing who it is, did surprise me.

Till now, most of the Grimm Grand Lords were from the old guard, but this one is different; this one is new and young.

We are not the only ones who have young blood; the Grimms have them too, and in much larger numbers, and they have begun coming out.

It already had considerable power when it was a High-Grandmaster, and now, it had become Grandmaster. Ashlyn had already confirmed that it was more powerful than Rofta.

After killing the Frogman, she had been going against the Foxwomen, one of the most powerful Grand Lords, attacking her sneakily; even Ashlyn is not powerful enough to deal with it, and there is a very high chance she will be able to tear through my defenses, with the power she had shown till now.

Unlike the old snake against whose curses I have considerable immunity, I possess no such thing when it comes to these general Grimms.

I will have to be very careful against these powerful ones, at least till I gain the strength to deal with them.

'Be careful,' I said to Ashlyn as she intensified her harassment of Foxwomen; the foxwomen is a very dangerous Grandmaster, that even a single attack of it could finish Ashlyn up, but for that to happen; the attack needed to land on Ashlyn.

Trusting Ashlyn, I have focused on the curse; I have handed different things Grandmaster Charline and others went inside my core.

I still asked them to bring out suggestions or ideas; I will be able to hear them inside my core.

I, with my two clones and three healers, begin to work, and I have to say, sometimes it is good to have people, especially talented, intelligent people like them, who have earned the Grandmaster name through merit and not through the level.

Half an hour passed, and my clone and I had made quite progress in the method we are working on; while it is not perfect, it will extend the seal on the curse for a few more houses and will be able to unseal around 10% power.

It may not seem much, but it is the best I could do.

"We could do something if we somehow could connect the zepir algorithm with the nelis equation," said Grandmaster Razik.

"No, it would not work, even if we are able to connect two; became zepir is not stable enough to stop the violent reaction created by nelis equation,"

"It blasts the Grand Lord into pieces," I replied without even opening my eyes.

Lord Whitmore was horrified when he heard the suggestion; some of them were really dangerous, could vaporize the Grand Lord and with them us.

I answered and moved back to the thing when I was working on when suddenly, I stopped. "Zepir equation is not enough, but we added Ramasat formula; the violent reason would be controlled."

"Though it will make the curse flare, it could be stopped by sanec and erwyn algorithm," I muttered; it is what I am using in the current temporary measure.

"It could really work, but connecting those equations is not possible," said Grandmaster Charline, with her last words being barely a whisper; she knows me enough to use not that word in front of me.

From the next second, I threw out everything I had been working on and started working on the new idea with my clones and three healers; with all of us, I began to make steady progress, in more than an hour later, I had a solution ready.

It took me a while to convert into the formation, but with the help of my two clones, I was able to do it in a time that shocked all three healers.