Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 2914: The Pet II

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Boom Boom Boom

The Elephantman is coming toward me, with each step shaking the space and making deafening sounds; they sound like the drums of destruction, telling me how close I am to my end.

It is not coming alone; around it had a tide of shimmering blue, covering its whole body; I am sure, seeing the scene, many Grand Lords would be shuddering right now because that mist is no prop to make it look even more threatening, but a dangerous curse attack, that people will fear, more than meteor-like Elephantman.

First Burst + Second Burst + Third Burst

I am the opposite; the curse may be dangerous, but I could deal with it. It is the attack of Elephantman I am scared of because, with the power, it is coming at me, it will be hard to defend; not to mention, I still feel like there is more to the attack than I am seeing, and I should be more careful, even after activating all three boosts.

"There is no one who can save you now, Zaar!" It said as it appeared in front of me and raised its silver warhammer, and the tide-like shimmering mist around it began to gather toward that sharp pointy edge.

By the time it reached the top, all the shimmering mist had gathered into the hammer; at a small point, sticking top of its sharp edge.

If the attack had been shield-cracking worthy before, but now seeing what happened and the aura I am sending, it is going to blast my shields apart.

"Die Zaar!"

It roared and brought down; it happened while I looked at it with horror. This attack is really my bane; it is not the magical power of the curse I am fearing but the sheer physical might of Elephantman that is powering it.

Seeing the power, I did not think about it further and activated my option, which I really don't like to use, as it went long before I recovered from using it, and now, I am using it again.


The hammer crashed into something invisible before it could strike me, and my shields materialized, glowing like the sun as they absorbed the magical and crushed the physical might.

Though, not all, as I am shaking, barely stopping myself from vomiting the blood that comes to my throat.


I gulped down the blood and looked at the shocked eyes of Grimm before staring at the shockwaves spreading in all directions, rippling through the space. It didn't take it long to reach the ground, and a moment later, a large part of the forest simply vaporized. Vaporized, under the power, that only a few in the world could defend.

"You survived? no new Grand Lord could survive the attack!" It asked with a voice full of shock. "Are you blind? Yes, I have survived," I said back, snappily, before turning to the old snake.

"Old snake, has your experiments eaten its brain too?" I asked, and immediately eyes of Elephant Manan blazed in a bronze light as the rage bubbled in its heart.


"Bastard, I will kill you!" It roared and brought down its hammer and began to hit my shields hard without stopping. Blazing them like a sun when they just started to dim.

There was an aggressive smile on my face, but in my heart, I was shocked by the bastard's power. It is huge that my shields wouldn't have been able to bear it if not for burning my essence.

I have activated the fourth burst; I wouldn't have survived without it.

Last time, it was the final attack of the old snake that forced me to burn my essence, but here, the Elephantmans first attack had done that. I could handle the energy, even if it is divine energy, but the physical might be my bane.

It is not like I am weak against physical attacks; I am not; I could bear far more physical power than my peers like Lady Atkins and others, but not as great as I could bear the energy.

It would have been wonderful if I could do that.

I have been working hard to achieve that for a long while, but I couldn't; the runes or the core take the magical energy, but they could not the sheer might. I will need to think about a different way to find the answer; there is a high chance I might never be able to do that.

"Old snake, it seemed like your pet here did not fear getting disappeared?" I asked the old snake, but the expression of Elephantman changed; it immediately stopped attacking like crazy and retreated like there was a fire in its ass before stopping near an old snake, who glared at me before touching it with thin hands.

"Don't be scared; this bastard could not make us disappear; only those who have similar offensive power as it could disappear," said the old snake, as it looked at me shit an eating smile, proud of itself figuring out the secrete of disappearing.

It is sort of right, but not completely.

"I may not make you disappear, but you could also not do anything against me," I said back, with a similar smile as Grimm's face, but one could easily tell it was forced.

"You do not need to worry about that; we will soon crack your shields," said the old snake with a smile, and its aura peaked again.

"Frozen Heart!" said the old snake, and icy dark energy appeared in its head; it looked like smoke, like the one coming out of burning wet wood, but it was burning no wood, and instead of being hot, it gave me very cold feeling juts looking at; I felt like my heart being frozen over, just staring at it.

"This is one of the things I have created in this decade. It is an incomplete project; I am planning on letting it consume your leader; her lunar frost body will make it the strongest curse in my arsenal, even stronger than the red devil," he said with greed and madness in his eyes, that even made Elephantman beside it shudder in fear.

As I had said, this bastard is the strongest Grimm after the old werewolf. It is strong enough to kill the Elephantman beside it, just not me.

It stared at me a second longer before its emotions became suddenly calm and threw that icy-black curse at the Warhammer of Elephantman, which nearly let it go before getting control over itself, but still got the intense glare for the old snake.

"Might of Vrnndr!"

It roared, and the bloodline phantom appeared again before merging back into its body; its thick bronze bubbled out of its body and soon formed a thick second armor around its body, which is elaborate but made it look even bigger.

Boom Boom Booom

As the armor appeared on its body, it came at me; again shaking the space like an earthquake, creating ripples in the space wherever it stepped on before appearing in front of me.

"Die, you wretched human!" It shouted as it raised its curse-covered hammer before bringing it down hard, with much greater power than before.