Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 2924: Any Price

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"It killed three Grand Lords, three," "In the centuries, no Grand Lord died, and now in less than a week, it had killed three," said Old Werewolf and looked across the table, especially at the three empty seats of the Grand Lord, that died.

"I want it dead; I don't care about the price, as long as it is dead; I will pay it," he said, and by the time the last word came out, his voice was barely louder than a whisper.

"It had killed our people, but I still do not think it is much of the treat," said Shael, the Foxmwomen, the head of intelligence. "Several of us have the power to kill it; the only reason we are not because we have been held back by those human bastards," she added.

"I am asking for an answer, Shael, not stating the obvious," barked Old Werewolf, and the Foxwomen shuddered. "Apologies, my lord; I am just saying he is not a big threat; we just need to wait for a little till the exalted finishes making the potion; after that, we will have no need to fear it or any other human,"

"We might even be able to finish them before that; our elites inside that thing and outside are making good progress; it won't be long before they join us, and with them, we might not even need the aid of exalted to finish off the humans," said Foxwomen, but instead of being satisfied by her answer, anger grew in old werewolves eyes.

"You think humans won't have their elites?" It asked back, making the Foxwomen shudder even more. "I want something concrete to kill Zaar and the rest of the humans; I will be very happy if we are able to do it without the aid of the exalted," he said and looked around before its eyes stopped on the projection of an old snake.

"Old snake, tell me you have something?" asked the old Werewolf; "I am making good progress; once I am done, Zaar will not be a problem, and then, killing the rest of humans with my red-devil wouldn't be a problem," replied old snake.

Finally, the expressions of the old snake had calmed down a little.

"I hope you have in mind that Zaar has immunity against your curses," reminded the Old Werewolf; hearing that blazing greed couldn't help flash in the old snake's eyes for a fraction of a second before disappearing, but even through the projection Rhaek had noticed it.

Its own eyes flashed coldly seeing that, but that flash was invisible; he only needed these people till the defeat and death of humans powerhouses; once they died, he would kill every one of these bastards who had remained, including the old snake, who is most dangerous among them all.

The only Grand Lords he needs will be from Golden Fire Tribe; the exalted had the same opinion.

"Against this one Zaar will not have any immunity against," said Old Snake, and the Rhaek nodded. "Kill it; I will reward you with the thing that you desire," he said, and the eyes of the old snake shone with a visible yearning.

"You will not be disappointed," said the old snake and bowed.

"With Kraf dead, the pressure on us had reduced a lot," said Lady Angela sitting across from me. "I wish we had the abilities like the young Michael; winning this war wouldn't have been a problem," joked Patriarch Bradford, which lighted up the mood on the table.

"Killing Kraf was just dumb luck; it had made a mistake which I seized," I replied. "It is not dumb luck, but the battle; no difficult victory comes without a little help from luck," said Matron Mavis, to that I could only smile.

Most of the battles have ended; currently, only Lady Vivian, Lord Singh, and Silas Bishop are fighting.

"This is the third Grimms you have killed Michael; the Grimms wanted you dead before and were willing to pay a high price, but now that you are killing Kraf, they will not even hesitate to sacrifice one of them to kill you," said Elder Lord, and other Grand Lords nodded at that.

It is a no-brainer; till now all the Grand Lords I have killed were new, but now I have killed an old Grand Lord, who was quite powerful, the Grimms wouldn't take it lying down.

They will now try harder than before, and Elder Lord said, won't hesitate to sacrifice their own if it meant killing me. It wouldn't have been possible before, but now that Rhaek hold on the power had strengthened, it could even force a Grand Lord to do such a thing.

Though I do not regret what I have done, it is war and I have to kill the enemy, if I did not do anything fearing the consequences, I would let myself down and my race.

Three days passed since I killed Kraf, and now, I am standing by the door with Grandmaster Salvador, Grandmistress Charline and Marina.

We are staring at the huge circular formation and centre of which is small pool of black, enough for one person to dip into.

"I have not thought I will be able to succeed," he said softly, "But you did," I replied, looking at the pool. It is the thing I designed after reading about it in book, but it was beyond me to create it.

It needed alchemy skill, which I don't have, and truly, I had not thought, Grandmaster Salvador would accomplish that too given the difficulty.

This is something only the greatest alchemist we have should be able to accomplish, but she in that thing. So, I had to depend on Grandmaster Salvador.

It is good thing he succeeded because cost of the failure would have too high; that small black pond made of Grand Lord class resources, which include metal essence fruit, a couple of stainless lotuses and other extremely precious Grand Lord class resources.

"You should all leave, we don't know when she will come; it might take hours or even days," I said, they nodded and disappeared, my projection too left the hall, leaving Grandmaster Salvador alone, with his greatest creation.


It was fifteen hours before I received a message I was hoping to get and immediately, a teleportation formation appeared beneath my feet and I disappeared.

A second later, I appeared the huge alchemical hall. She had appeared with her real body and talking with Grandmaster Salvador.

"We should begin, Matron, we do not have much time," I said and the old woman nodded and walked toward the pond; while she was walking, Grandmistress Charline and Marina walked through the teleportation formation, with their real bodies.

Marina still had herself covered in mist, but unlike before, she now had her eyes visible.

As I have said, we all are dealing the threat of Grimms in our own way; the biggest threat is Rhaek and only Matron is contend against it and for that, she needs to be strong, especially now when it was getting stronger; compare to it, Matron is barely making any progress.

So, I have used what little time I have on this method, which I have first created for jill and made changes to suit Matron Mavis.

She reached the black pool and all the clothes on her body vanished as she stepped inside the pool, before completely submerging inside it, that we could not see her in the pool of black tar.

"Matron, charge the formation," I said to her and stepped back; despite creating enough distance between me and the formation and with me, others did the same.

A moment later, a horrifying aura spread into the alchemical hall as the abyssal fire of matron mavis came out and began filling the runes.

I knew the difference between our power, but despite that, I couldn't help but shudder head to toe, sensing the might of abyssal fire, which could turn me into ashes within a few seconds.

I enveloped three of them in a mini-domain; the aura was too powerful, especially for Grandmaster Salvador and Charline; Marina fared better despite being at a lower level, due to her unique body.

The abyssal fire spread across all the runes, and the moment it did, the black tar pool lit up gently like a moon, casting a gentle black light across the hall.

"Grandmistress remember, you have to circulate the energy according to the route that appeared inside you," I said to her; I had my seed inside her.

I had asked her, as it was the only way I could better develop the formation; thankfully, she did decline. In front of the threat of Grimm, no secret matters as long it gives them strength; these old Grand Lords, are willing to reveal every secret they have.

I waved my hand and immediately, her meta-scan of matron appeared in front of me; I have already asked for her permission for it, and she did not decline.

Everyone in this room had the complete trust of the Grand Lords, including Marina.