Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 2926: Rain

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"You all are good; I don't think there are any problems," I said as I finished looking through their meta-scans. "Thank you, Lord Zaar," replied Supreme Commander before disappearing with the rest.

I did not remain in the infirmary for long before going back home.

My sister will be coming from school in a few minutes, and I will spend at least half an hour with her and my father.

She also picked up a bad habit; she had started taking Nero to school, and while the monsters aren't allowed, they made exceptions for Nero.

Not because he is cute but also because he is my monster, and it also helps that Nero is extremely good with children; it helps a lot to keep their minds off the horrific war that is being fought outside.

I am also relieved, with Nero, no matter what Grimms tried, they will not be able to do anything to her.

Soon, it was evening, as usual, I was working when my body shook suddenly for no reason, and all the hair on my stood up. Seeing that, my expression turned serious, and I began to scan my body rigorously, but even after a few minutes and looking through every inch, I did not find anything.

I looked around, checked on the people I love, and found everything and even looked at my mother's soul-lamp; it is too burning vigorously.

I did not find anything amiss in the battles, even though I stared at them for more than ten minutes.

Seeing there was nothing amiss, I calmed my jittery feelings and focused back on the work; it took me a little while to focus back, but as I did, I got completely lost in it.

I have made huge progress on the curse; if it continues as this, it won't be long before I find the way to extract this cure.

I might be even able to do it before the month is even over; that would be a great thing. As useful or not, I want to focus back on my work as soon as possible.

Soon, it was night.

I had dinner with Marina and a quicky before we went back to work; I was in Marina's lab with my eyes closed while she practiced on the faux body.

She had made great progress in a matter of days; earlier, she told me if she continued to progress at such speed, then in a week to ten days, she would be ready to work on an actual patient.

This is great news, as I had thought she would need at least a month before she has confidence in that.

It seemed like I shouldn't underestimate my girlfriend.


It was around mid-night when my halowatch buzzed before the projection of the Supreme Commander appeared in front of me.

"Lord Zaar, we have sensed the presence of the old snake and Anrd," said Supreme Commander. "I will be there immediately," I said, and the formation appeared beneath my feet.

"Be careful; both of them had not appeared on the battlefield since they fought you last time; old snake might have come prepared," said Marina worriedly as she appeared in front of me.

"That I have no doubt," I said and kissed her lips; the kiss only lasted for a second before I pulled back unwillingly, and formation buzzed, taking me to the central command.

"Where has it appeared?" I asked as I appeared in the central command. "Above the homer forest," she replied. "I will be going them," I said.

"You should be careful, Lord Zaar; old snake and Anrd have taken a break of more than a week to appear; it is clear that they had prepared something for you," she cautioned.

It is clear from her expressions that she did not want to send me to fight the old snake and its pet, but there was no choice, as I could neutralize the attacks from the old snake. The others could not deal with, especially against that horrifying curse red devil, which even I could extract in a day or two.

"I will be careful," I assured, and the formation under my feat took me out of the Pyramid.

A moment later, I appeared above the homer forest amidst torrential rain; it crashed on my armor without doing anything. I looked around for a second before flying straight.

I have already sensed the Grimms; they are not far, and I would only need a few seconds to reach them. Three and half seconds later, I stopped, where the rain was even more furious.

"Old snake," I said, and for a second, nothing had happened. "Zaar," greeted the old snake as it became visible, and beside it, its pet Anrd, the Bronze Tusk Elephantman.

There seemed to be something different about it, something very threatening; the last time when I was against it, I did not get such a powerful feeling of threat.

"You have been out for more than a week; I miss you," I said with a smile, surprising them a little before they were able to control their emotions.

"We missed you too, Zaar, which is why we have spent working on working on something, that will keep you with us forever," said the old snake, flashing a similar smile on my face, but it looked dangerous, not sweet.

"I am glad to hear that; I hope it is something good; the last three times had been disappointing," I said to it; hearing that, its eyes couldn't help but flash in anger for a fraction of a second before it turned to normal.

"Oh, don't worry, Zaar; this time, not even body will leave this place," said Old snake, grinningly, "Now, that's the spirit," I said as I grinned back.

"Force of Bronze!" shouted Anrd, and the horrifying level of aura burst out of its body; it released all its aura with no intention of holding anything.

As it released its aura, a huge bloodline phantom formed behind it before it merged back into its body, consolidating its aura further.

"This time, you will not be able to run away, Zaar!" said Anrd; I barely glanced at it, as all my focus was on the old snake, and it released its powerful aura. If this had been a fighting aura instead of a curse, I would have tucked my tail between my legs and run away.

"Fire of Ghal!" said the old snake slowly, and blackish blue fire appeared in its hand, and it placed that fore into the back of Anrd.

As the fire touched its body, it spread over it and mixed with its bronze aura, becoming even more powerful that I was barely able to hold back a shudder seeing now.

"Bring out shields, Zaar, because even they will not be able to save you," roared Anrd and came at me with each of its steps, cracking the air and creating ripples of space.

Even the torrential rain did not dare to touch it, always staying hundreds of meters away from it.

I did not do anything, and even now, I have only glanced at it while most of my focus is on the old snake.

It is the real enemy, while Anrd is just a pet.