Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 2964: Gather

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Absolute horror filled the eyes of the humans Grand Lords as their projections appeared in the central command while their real bodies joined the battlefield.

Lord Whitmore assigned them their position on the battlefield while they gathered the central command.

It did not take even three seconds for all the Grand Lords to gather, including the hidden ones.

The ones who did not enter the thing, instead, went to the dangerous runes as those places were more suitable for them.

Some of them had succeeded and returned and now are sitting here.

There is only Lord Zaar appeared, but he was trying to kill himself with the method which killed every person who had tried it, except for one, his predecessor.

Nobody stopped him from using that method; currently, this is the only choice he has in removing the corruption inside him.

Though he had made up for his absence, he had sent his cute little monster; looking at its extremely cute appearance; it did not look like it could even kill a rat. The same could also be said with that little bird of Lord Zaar, but it had killed three Grand Lords till now.

Second to only Lord Zaar.

"The final battle prevails upon us, and we have to succeed, or at least hold the Grimms back, or we will be wiped away," said Grand Commander to all the Grand Lords.

Including Lord Carmichael, who had not joined any battle other than the first when he came out the thing.

"There is no stalling; either they will be wiped out or us," said Patriarch Bradford, and every old Grand Lord nodded.

"To the victory, then," said Supreme Commander with a smile on her face. "TO THE VICTORY!" shouted every Grand Lord with their loudest voice; that whole central command shook before they began to disappear.

Including Lord Hern.

"Lord Nero, you will be going to the Malachi fields," said Lord Whitmore, and Nero cutely bobbed his head as formation appeared beneath his feet, and he disappeared.

"Humans, today is your doom; we will slaughter your protectors and burn them till not even ashes of them have remained," said Rhaek as his voice rang through every part of the world.

The Grand Lord has power, but not enough to project their voice through the whole world. It is using the artifacts, without a doubt.

Nobody stopped it, let it waste any time while we made our preparations; while the few seconds may not seem much, they are a lot.

The fire had returned to the goblet, while the hardened paste to my core; there was no need for that anymore. I will be using a different method, an extremely dangerous one; that has over an 80% chance of dying, but if I succeed, I will have all the substance out and will have other great benefits.

At my core, the preparation has already begun.

This is the most expensive method I have ever used; the resources I am using for it are more than I have used for my breakthrough, more than I have used in the method I have been practicing for more than a month.

I have used three world level resources; one was on me, and the other, I got from the Supremes.

Aside from that, I have used thirty-essence roses, nearly all seeds of astral sunflower, purest blood crystals and soul crystals, sacred stones of the highest grades, and many other things.

"Today, I will deliver your fates to you, that you humans are nothing more than our food, which is the greatest honor your filthy race could have," It said, and the first battle began; the one who attacked first was no other than the professor.

She had moved like an illusionary ribbon against her two enemies, wanting to cut them apart, but the enemies she was facing were not simple.

They stopped her before attacking with her own.

A fraction of seconds after, another battle began over the sea; Lady Atkins summoned the hug tides and sent toward two Grimms.

By the time the second had passed, more than ten battles had already begun; the most prominent among all was Lady Angela; she was facing the two Grimm, one was Chanf, and the other was Blood Vidette, which attacked first and sent her flying with blood coming out of her mouth.

The same thing had happened to Patriarch Bradford when he was attacked by a moment later.

I watched for a couple of seconds before turning off all the screens; it is bad but watching it will not save them.

I am nearly finished with the preparations, there is only last ingredient to add before I can start with the method, and for it, I went inside the core.

As I appeared in my core, my clone handed me back the small bottle; inside it was blood and the center of it was a purple-violet drop.

It is the blood of Elina, and the center of it is her bloodline essence; she had sent it with Leonard. It is Grand Lord grade, but even with that, it would have seriously hurt draw out her essence.

She had sent it with words saying I will need it very soon, and now it seemed like I am really needing.

I opened the bottle and dropped it all in the pool of multicolor solution; as I did, it began to thicken rapidly till it got the creamy consistency.

"It is ready," I said and got out, and a moment later, a thick, seven-colored round sheet appeared in front of me, every part of it covered in the runes.

I took the goblet of abyssal fire in my hand and activated the formation; as I did, the runes lit up and disappeared, and in its place appeared the branch-like patterns spread across the whole sheet, which now slowly began to come down.

I got up and held the goblet of fire in both of my hands while the sheet came down slowly.

Finally, it touched my head and began evoking it as it came down; soon, it covered my whole head before covering my neck and came down to my chest, and began to spread to my hands and my waist before moving toward the legs.

Finally, my whole body is covered in it, and I begin to look like a statue, which is covered in beautiful wine like statues.

It lasted for a few seconds before the branches began to turn black as the abyssal fire spread through them till all the branches turned back like fire.


The buzzing sound rang out, and everything burst into the fire; thick abyssal fire burst out of branches and covered it while I felt like thousands of needles piercing through me, and they, with it, sent hold like substance that began to cover my organs.

It is not painful, just slightly uncomfortable, but the pain will come soon, and it will be like nothing I had felt.

The abyssal fire burning around me is proof of that.

I hope I will bear it without falling unconscious, which is a death sentence in this method.

A quarter of people who practice this method died because they fell unconscious, and then the method consumed them.