Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 3468 Red Fawn Valley

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Chapter 3468 Red Fawn Valley

I took the abode inside my core and began my journey once again.

It is dawn the next day and the realm energies are thinning, making people come out of their hiding spots.

Like the past two days, I traveled on the ground, avoiding any person or monster and focusing on the journey ahead of me.

A day passed, and then another, and then another. 

It had been five days since I had started my journey. In these five days, I have come across many people. I wanted to fight and have many opportunities; I wanted to visit but didn't take a single one of them.

Me getting out of this place is more important.

It is what I am repeating in my mind, as I pass by another opportunity, where many people seemed to be going.

I pushed my curiosity down, like I had done so many times, and continued with my journey. I planned to reach my destination by tomorrow morning and will have to continue through day and night.

It is a little regretful, but I have to think, about what is important.

I couldn't afford to be careless and be discovered. I will not only risk my life, in doing that but also the lives of nearly three hundred people at the compound.

A few more hours passed, and I came across another battle of the Earth Sovereigns.

They were Initial Sovereigns and fighting a quite intense battle. I got as much as closer that I could to them before sending my seals out.

A few minutes later, the seals came back with the data and sample of their energies. I took back the seals in my core and resumed my journey toward my destination.

Soon, it was a night, and I had become even more careful.

I reduced my speed to a fourth of what I had been moving in the morning and activated the stealth at its full power.

I am close to my destination, which is the most dangerous area of this realm, and areas close to it are more dangerous. Not only are more dangerous monsters roaming here, but the energy in the night is also denser.

Which is working in my favor, as I could hide in it better.

I have made some changes to the stealth method to work better in this environment. They are so good that if the night bull had been here right now, it wouldn't have been able to discover me.

Hours passed, and I moved through the night, avoiding monsters.

There are some powerful ones that had sensed me, but when they came at me. They didn't find me.

My stealth is powerful when I move, but it is on a completely different level when I stay still and seal all my strength.

It became very hard for me to discover me.

Hours passed as I traveled through the night, and soon, it was morning. 

I smiled seeing the rising sun. I had done it; I had crossed the night without fighting a single battle. 

As the light began to cover the sky, I increased my speed again. I am very close to my destination, and I want to reach there as soon as possible.

Two and a half hours passed, and I stopped at the top of the hill. Looking ahead at the red fawn hills with a somber face.

'It will be very risky,' I thought.

I am near the edge of this realm; here the space is not stable and is filled with small and huge rifts. Many of these rifts are pouring out dense energies; some of those energies could vaporize an Earth-Sovereign in an instant.

I took out the slate and only saw the needles of it moving wildly before stabilizing a few seconds later.

My goal is simple; find a stable rift that connects to the other side. It would be great if I found one, that is big enough to take out, but if it is small, I will expand it artificially.

It will be dangerous.

This area is extremely dangerous. Many people have lost their lives here.

Due to the spatial rift, a unique environment had formed here, and that attracted a lot of people over the years and also killed a lot of them.

With the slate in my hand and stealth formation, I walked toward the area covered in rifts.

With every step I took toward it; the energy got denser and denser. Till it becomes dense enough that only Earth Sovereigns would be able to survive in it.

It took me another seventeen minutes before I reached the first rift.

A tiny one that is as small as the tip of the needle.

I didn't lead anywhere even if it could. I wouldn't have been able to expand it; I would need the rift to be much bigger and more stable before I could even think to expand it.

I didn't stop and moved further, where the energy began to get denser.

Most of the surrounding energies are invisible. So, it didn't affect the visual senses, but when one looks around through sense; they would see it is heavily suppressed here.


A few minutes passed when I suddenly stopped and turned to a small the rift on my right.

It is spewing out invisible energies, and these energies are poisonous in nature. So much that the Initial Sovereign would suffer within seconds of them entering their body.

I collected it, before moving ahead, looking at the compass on the slate and at the same time, scanning everything in my soul sense.

There are monsters here, but since this place is big due to being expanded by sense spatial energies, they are far away from me, but I have no doubt they would come at me.

I don't want that.

It is why I had given my clone control of my invisible strings. 

Monsters might not sense me, but they could discover the strings harvesting the resources. The clone is making the whole operation sneaky.

Seventeen minutes later, I stopped in front of a human-size rift; one of the rifts sensed by the slate in my hand. 

Seeing the rift, a smile couldn't help but appear on my face. It had a clear connection to the place on the other side; I could see it with my eyes.

I couldn't help but feel excited, and it took me a few seconds to calm it down before I brought out the red crystal.

It was bright red and large as my hand, with dense formations carved on it.


I activated the crystal, and it lit up before flying toward the rift.

It had reached the rift and began to scan it with dense red light. It did that for more than a minute before coming back to my hand.

I picked it, before seeping my soul sense inside.

A couple of seconds later, my expression turned bad.

The rift had a connection to the other side, as I am seeing, but it is far from stable. If I tried to expand, it would destabilize the rift.

I couldn't use it. I will need to find a different one to leave this realm.

I knew it was not going to be easy, but still, the disappointment stung, especially when I saw green prairie on the other side.