Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 3510 Abode

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Chapter 3510 Abode

I looked at the dead monster that had nearly killed me; I thought it would be Grimms, that would take me to such a desperate stage, but it was the monster who did it.

I sent the body to my core before I began to search for the place to set up my abode.

Monsters are watching me and while all of them are weaker than the one I had fought. They will attack me when they have built enough courage, and I am not in a position to deal with the monsters.

While I may be able to deal with them. 

What will I do when the stronger monster gets attracted by the battle? If something Bull monster attacked me. Worse, if the Grimms came, I would suffer a fate worse than death in their hands.

A minute and a half later, I found a spot. It is not much hidden, but I don't have the luxury of time to find a better place.

"Well, I hope you will be worth all the resources I spent on you," I said to the blue pearl that appeared in my hand before releasing it.

It fell on the ground and disappeared, while I took a step forward and disappeared too.

Monster watching saw little. They didn't see the pearl glowing the moment it fell from my hand or changing its shape to a small rock, like the surrounding ones.

Or the elaborate blue gate appearing in front of me, through which I passed through and took a step, and disappeared.

I entered the other side and found myself over the water; the whole space was filled with clear blue water and in the center of the water was a lake house; inspired by my lake house at the academy.


I flew toward the lake house, before appearing on a spacious patio, and my clothes disappeared.

At the same time, a tub with an herbal solution appeared. It is not a normal tub, but a song of sar, in which I dipped.

I closed my eyes and within seconds fell into sleep.

It is very dangerous to sleep, seeing there are monsters appearing where I had been a few seconds ago. Trying to sniff the ground for my smell or energy signature.

The nose of one monster had touched an ordinary rock, and its breath pushed it away.

My priority is healing and sleeping will aid me a lot.

I slept like a baby, waking up on my own six hours later, with all my injuries healed. 

Now, I am feeling famished, but before I can eat, I have to take a shower.

I got out of the tub, and it disappeared while I touched the control panel. A second later, the shower head came out of the beam and cold clear water began to fall on my body.

It feels amazing, and since it is my abode, and I am alone, I could do anything. Including showering on the porch.

It wiped away all the dirt and blood and everything else, making me feel clean.

I stopped the shower and disappeared, while the wooden floor became dry, before I even finished drying myself.

I wore a fresh set of clothes and sat on the chair, on the other end of the patio a moment later. A sumptuous dinner appeared in front of me; many of the dishes were made from the bull itself.

I would have liked to cook it myself, but I knew, I would be famished when I woke up.

So, I asked my clone to prepare the dinner for me.

I ate the delicious food and drank some wine, which made me feel a little buzz. It cost me a lot, but it is worth it.

Though, I should think about brewing my wine. I have tons of amazing recipes and good experience in doing that; I think I will be able to craft the wine and it is time, I do so.

I even have a fresh ingredient, growing in my garden.

I will do it after, I return to the academy. Till then, I will decide what kind of I want to craft, and if I don't have ingredients., I could plant them.

I am sure I will find enough Grimms to take the plants to maturity.

I finished the dinner, and I washed the plates in my core, before coming out and reclining the seat. 

I looked small lake and a fake, but beautiful moon, which lit up the whole sky, along with fake stars. It feels quite serene like I had imagined it to be.

I enjoyed the night for a minute, before tapping on the control panel, and soon projection appeared in front of me. It is a projection outside. 

In six hours, all the monsters disappeared. Despite six of them, not a single one was able to sense my abode. 

Two and even touched it, but sense any extraordinary about it.

Thinking it was an ordinary rock.

It is not showing me what is happening outside, but also sensing the energies. It could sense them as keenly as me and could distinguish the energies of monsters, Grimms, and people, with the faintest sample.

The abode is really amazing, doing everything I had created it for. Making all the resources I had spent on it worth it.

I stayed on the porch for about half an hour, before going inside.

I had restored the connection with my clone after it finished working on the abode, but I had sealed memories of what it was inside.

I wanted to look at the changes with my own eyes.

"Amazing," I said as I looked at the large hall, with wood and glass. The moonlight is entering inside, brightening the whole hall.

The interior has a cozy feel with comfortable couches and fireplaces. There is an open kitchen, with all the appliances I would need for my cooking.

There are five rooms. Two beside the hall and three above. More could be added in a short time if the need rose.

I climbed the wooden stairs and reached the first room. It is my room, and like all the rooms, it has a bathroom and a practice room attached to it.

The clone kept the interior minimalistic with a personal touch. There are photos of the marina, my family and friends. Usually, I do not keep photos, as I miss them too much and sometimes, it gets overwhelming.

I will keep them till the memories overwhelm me.

I stared at the photos, and tears couldn't help but streak down my eyes. 

I stayed in the room for a few minutes before getting out. However, when I did, there was a smile on my face.

The memories are not always painful. Sometimes, one needs to look at them to find the purpose for which one lives.

I checked the other rooms and rooms below, before coming back to the patio with a smile on my face. My clone had done a wonderful job, of making this abode feel like home.

It will be my home, a space that will be with me for years. 

The constant will help me.