Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 3514 Traitor

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Chapter 3514 Traitor


My spear pierced through the chest of Grimm, while it watched in the shock. Not only it, but others are also surprised to see how it died.

No one had thought it would happen, especially the Grimm, in whose heart, my spear is buried.

It was so confident, and it had a right to be; it was so powerful that I would have needed quite a long to kill.

Unfortunately, its fate was sealed the moment I sensed its bloodline. It can be a great blessing, but also the curse for the Grimms, when they came against the people like me.

I removed the spear, and the Grimm disappeared.

I didn't talk and instead went toward the three Grimms at the top. I was surprised they didn't run away and instead summoned their pull power to attack.

"Finish these two quickly; I will hold back this bastard!" said Yellow Tigerman and came at me, holding a sword and shield, which seemed to be carved out of the amber.

Burst 100%.

I didn't hold back either and activated the burst at full power.


My sword clashed against the amber sword, stopping it in its tracks, but instead of anger and surprise, a grin appeared on its face as it moved that gigantic shield at me.


I cursed and moved to dodge the attack, and now, even the sword is coming at me.


I defended against the heavy shield, stopping the attack, but needed to move quickly to avoid the sword, but the shield came at me again.

Such enemies are quite frustrating, but dealing with them is part of the job. I am doing that, but it felt like, I was dancing on the edge of the knife, where a single mistake and I wouldn't be cut into two.

More like a patty.

That shield is extremely dangerous, with a powerful vibrating force. If it hit my body directly, those dangerous vibrations would turn me into a fine paste.

So, I am either avoiding it or defending against it.

"You are not that special. That bastard Oge got too confident and too close. I am not going to make that mistake," said the Tigerman and attacked me again.

I defended against the sword and dodged the shield, before defending against it a moment later and dodging the sword.

I am using everything I have, and it is hard, but what other choice do I have? Yes, I have an option, but that will delay the fight longer and it is something I want, considering the natives below are at the breaking limit.

So, whether I want it to not, I have to do it.

A minute passed, and I felt like an hour, and I had to survive against it for another hour and it would be a challenge.

It would have helped if those two natives were able to help me a little, but the Grimms were keeping them busy; it would be a wishful thinking, to expect them to deal with those Grimms and come to help me.


I was thinking about that when my core buzzed. A moment later, powerful strengthening energies came flooding into me.

Seeing that, I felt relieved. This is going to help me a lot.


A few seconds passed when a native received a grave injury on the leg. Snakeman had nearly cut his whole leg and would have done it, if not for him dodging the attack.

It is not the first time he or others have received such injuries and if they didn't receive the help soon, one of those injuries is going to kill them.

"You can forget about saving them, native; they will die and so will you," said Tigerman, when another native received a grave injury, this time on the chest.

"It won't happen," I replied as I dodged that shield of it once again.

"And how will you stop that?" it asked, laughing as it attacked me again with its sword.

"Like this," I replied and attacked it, while its movement slowed down. A terror appeared in its eyes and it tried to retreat. 

It was fast, but my strings had slowed down its movements enough that I could appear by its chest, using my full speed.

If I had bound it fully, it wouldn't have been able to move so fast, but I couldn't afford to wait for that to happen. If I did, one of the natives would surely die and that is a risk, I am not willing to take.


My spear crushed through its defensive method, before piercing through its chest and delivering a dose of powerful energies before my core pulled it inside.

I took the Grimm inside my core and turned to the ones that were fighting, only to see all of them have stopped.

They stopped for a moment before they turned and began to run away.

It surprised me, and I threw my spear and a couple more spears appeared around me. I threw them all at the Grimms.

The two natives tried to stop the Grimms and chased them for a while, before returning disappointed.

I could have chased them, but given their speed. It would have been a struggle to catch them. 

Those two bastards are slow at all when they use their method combination.

In the end, aside from two High Earth-Sovereigns; no Grimms were able to escape. I also got two Grimms with bloodline and a normal one for a show, which I took into my core, before turning to the key floating in front of me.

When I had pulled the Tigerman into my core; it came with everything it had on it, except for this key, which had remained behind.

"Does anyone know anything about the key?" I asked as I took the key in my hand. They turned to me, and looking at the look in their eyes; it seemed like everyone knew what it does.

"It opened spaces; the numeric on it shows how many spaces it could open," informed the Beastman while applying the medicine to its wounds.

"Thank you for saving us; if you hadn't come time; we wouldn't have survived," said the half-elf. He has many injuries on his body, but they are healing fast.

"You would have done the same," I said with a smile and turned to the key in my hand.

"So, what does it open?" I asked.

The white key is similar to what I have. The only difference between them is the number they have on them; this one had a numeric one pasted on it, while mine had three.

"They opened spaces. There are many spaces here, that could only be opened by these keys, some of the spaces have quite a good thing," replied the half-elf and I nodded.


I was about to put a key in my pocket when the half-elf in front of me did something shocking.

A bloody grin appeared, on his face, and he swung his sword at me. The attack held so much power, that I couldn't defend or even dodge the attack, even if he hadn't taken me by surprise.

He had been hiding his power. He is no High-Earth Sovereign, but Peak Earth-Sovereign. 

As for why he did that, I will need to ask him that.

The attack swiftly reached me and soon his sword was barely inches away from me, when it began to slow down and when it was half an inch away from my neck, it had stopped.

He is shocked and so are others. While I am disappointed.

My clone informed me of his true level when I was fighting against the Tigerman and I had just took a precaution, which was wise, because it had the power to kill me easily.

"Why?" I asked, and I thought, it wouldn't answer, seeing it not opening his eye's mouth for several seconds.

"Because there is a huge bounty on you people of Tor and also because I wanted the keys you have, along with everything else," he answered with a mirthless grin.

"How do you know, I am from Tor?" I asked. 

"I have a list of all members of Yarv and you are not one of them," He replied. "I could be using a method to change my face," I said.

"You could be, but I would have still gotten the keys and everything you have in your storage," he replied with a shrug.

"Are you a bounty hunter or member of the cult?" I asked to which it smiled and a moment later, the shine of life disappeared from his eyes.

"Traitor!" said the Beastman in anger and spitted.

'So Decisive,' I thought, looking at him.

He knew that once caught, there would only be a painful death. That is what happens with traitors, so he decides to take his own life.

I had sent my string inside him. If I had a minute, I might have been able to stop him from committing suicide, but unfortunately, I was too slow.

I shook my head and sent the body to my core. I will give it to the organization to look at.

He too has a key, with two written on it as I picked it up. A surprising thing happened, the key from the Grimm merged with the key from half elf.

The number of it had also changed, and now, there is a three written on it.

I looked at it for a moment, before putting it into my pocket, where it had merged with the key I had and the number on it turned to six.

The keys seemed valuable that cultists like half elf were willing to reveal themselves. 

Though, it was not the only reason. He also wanted to loot me; I am sure, he has killed many people for loot and bounty.