Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 3535 Deceptive Garden

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Chapter 3535  Deceptive Garden


The door clicked open, and I walked out, seeing everything was clear. There might be some Sky Sovereigns hiding, but there is nothing I could do about them.

The door closed behind me, and I moved ahead; thankfully, no attack came.

It had made me a little relieved, but I didn't let my guard go and moved deeper into the region cautiously. In just a few minutes, I came across another native; this one was Sky Sovereign.

She had flown over me, while I hid.

I don't know whether she had discovered me or not, but I would like it if she had not. After coming across two traitors since entering the realm; my trust tolerance against native is fairly low.

I have more trust in Grimms right now than my fellow natives.

Grimms are an old enemy. I know them; the natives are who I should trust, but any one of them could turn into a traitor.

A few minutes passed and a smile lit up; the Rhinoman had really good stuff in its storage. I shouldn't be surprised. The bastard was powerful, and the real reason; it got killed because of its overconfidence.

My clone had sorted everything and merged information gotten from it into the one I have.

It did have information, more than other Grimms, I had encountered here. Some had piqued my interest, but I didn't focus on them. Currently, I would only focus on the information about this place.

There is a lot of information about this place; the smile on my face became bigger when I got even more information about the place I wanted to go including the safe routes.

Some of the places I want to go to are really dangerous.

While using the Grimms' safe routes will be risky, seeing the other Grimms would also be following it; it is the risk I will have to take if I want to reach there, quickly and safely.

A little over two hours passed, and I didn't find any Grimm; at least one I could kill, which was slightly disappointing, but I didn't let that get over me.

I am sure I will find some Grimms to kill soon.


Suddenly, I stopped and focused on my left, and soon a smile appeared on my face. There is a garden in the ruin of a dilapidated building; it is a small garden, but nearly all plants in it are extremely rare.

If I get some of them; it will help me tremendously.

I looked in it and around. I sensed no danger, so I moved toward it cautiously.


Little over fifteen minutes later, I had reached close to it, when I had suddenly stopped and shook in fear.

'Fuck!' I cursed and begin to take back the steps rapidly.

No wonder no one had mentioned about this place. Nobody likely came out alive from there; there is a freaking Sky Sovereign monster plant in there.

If that was not dangerous enough; it had spread its saplings over that garden and created a natural formation with their help.

Inside that formation is the mist, I don't know what it does, as I have not even been able to collect the sample, but I am sure it is nothing good.

I am so glad that I had sensed the abnormality, and it is because of it, I could say there is a Sky Sovereign monster is there. I still hadn't sensed it and nor, did I need to.

The proof around it is enough for me to tell, that there is a monster and the type of it.


A few minutes passed, and I was about to stop sending the waves toward the garden when suddenly, I sensed the Grimm. It is coming from the other direction of the garden and flying toward it.

A Sky Sovereign and it is a lot more cautious than I had been.

It had stopped further distance than I had and now looking at it.

I thought it would turn away, but it had done the opposite. A minute later, it had activated its defensive method and a huge sword appeared in it and it moved toward the garden.

Within seconds, it had reached the mist and crossed it cautiously before entering the garden.

There, it was carefully, but quickly, before harvesting the resources, and for a minute, everything was fine. When suddenly, he stopped mid-harvesting and got up, before walking toward the center of the garden slowly, like it was in a trance.

It likely is.

I would have loved to insert my seed inside it and how the mist made it to what I am doing.

Unfortunately, it is Sky Sovereign.

Forget inserting seed in it; I am using extremely faint soul waves that provide a grainy picture, but it is also hard to detect that even Sky Sovereign wasn't able to discover it.

Suddenly, a massive mouth appeared in the mist and Grimm entered inside it before the mouth closed and disappeared.

A moment later, I couldn't sense the Grimm or the mouth. There is not even the slightest fluctuation of energy from there.

Usually, the monsters do not eat Grimms, but there are always exceptions like this plant monster. They could eat anything, even Grimms, which they wouldn't eat, but transform into crystals of their choice, and consume that crystal.

'I wonder what the plant does with storage?' I thought. It was a legitimate question.

The plants could open the storage, even if they could master the energy. Each storage is locked, and it is impossible to open it, without breaking the powerful formation protecting it.

Destroying it is also difficult. The storage of Sky Sovereigns is strong enough to bear the attack of Sky Sovereigns.

If I had been a Sky Sovereign, I would have tried for it, despite seeing what happened to the Grimm. Unlike the Grimm, I wouldn't have entered inside and would have used my strings from a distance.

I think I might have managed to kill it, but it is a question of if and I didn't much dwell on it, before resuming my journey.