Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 3566 Not Leaving

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Chapter 3566 Not Leaving


It had been over ten minutes since we had been fighting, and its attacks had become powerful; more important than that, they had become scary skillful at targeting my weaknesses.

They are coming from all the four directions and above.

There isn't any angle that I haven't attacked yet or part of my body, that hasn't been targeted, but I am still surviving.

Though its sword had come close to my comfort too many times. For nine times, it had touched my armor; a little deeper, it would have broken my skin.

ƈοm Rip!

I had just thought that when I heard a ripping sound and saw its blade cutting through the armor and then my skin.

It gave me a long cut, and it reached near the bone. If I hadn't retreated in time, it would have cut my shoulder off.

The massive amount of bronze energies assaulted the wound and tried to spread destructively, but a fraction of a second later. A net of formation has appeared, and it contained them.

If others were to look at the net, they would be surprised to see it has the bronze energy that it is trying to contain.

The wound made me serious, and I wanted to bring out the thing, which I didn't want to use in this battle and nearly did, before stopping myself.

I am not using my clones, and I will not use them. It is extremely idiotic to keep such handicaps, especially against a soulless construct that will kill me with hesitation.

It is why, I am fighting with handicaps.

I use them without hesitation against sentient enemies, even those who are weaker than me. Their sentient deserves it; here I am fighting against a construct of energy that is being run by the formation.

I will be dammed if I use them against the enemy like this one.

I will defeat it with my sword and my mind and nothing else. If I die, then it would be my fault for not being capable enough.


The blade of the construct cut through the skin of my thigh, and I bore it.

The next minute, many such injuries appeared on my body and continued appearing, but I kept fighting like I was not even feeling them.

Of course, I am feeling them, and this bronze energy, makes it exceptionally hard to forget them seeing the pain they cause; it is inhuman.

If someone survives against it without any injury for a few minutes and gets this injury, it might kill them the moment of distraction this pain would create.

I really hope; they are used to experiencing a very bad pain, to that level that it barely affects them.

Soon, it was twelve minutes since we had started fighting and there were injuries all over my body, including my head.

'It's time to start my offense,' I thought.

I had been ready for ten minutes, but I kept fighting. It was fun, but now, I want to finish the fight as soon as possible.

It attacks came again, but this time, my whole body language had changed; I moved differently and there were changes the moment I swung my sword.

These are very tiny changes, but they would bring huge effects.

You see, I have been fighting with the bronze construct for twelve minutes, but I have been fighting with a combat style that is not mine.

It is mine. I had invented it, but it is not my primary style.


My sword struck its armguard, bringing out powerful sparks and shockwaves.

If it hadn't been a construct of energy and instead a real being; it would have been shocked. Though, I am more than satisfied seeing its bar going down.

This is the primary combat style; the one I had developed through the thousands of life and death battles and let me use my strength at maximum lethality.


I attacked again, but this time, it was able to stop it, but I didn't mind as my next attack had struck its thigh.

You see, it might seem like it didn't have a pattern, but it does. It is extremely complex, but those with eyes could see it if they survived it for nine minutes at least.

That is a challenge in itself.

This pattern, once seen, is rather easy to untangle. Far easier than the combat style of the sentient.


My attack started to hit it; it would defend every two, but the third one always hit it.

I had feared it would change its fighting style, but it seemed like, the titan didn't want to make the challenge too difficult, that barely anyone would survive it.


Finally, I had emptied its life to 10%, when it shone and brightly.

Immediately, it became faster and stronger than before, and seeing it, a grin couldn't help but appear on my face.

"You are not going to make it easy either," I said, harnessing everything I had and moving toward it.


We began to clash hard; it had once again begun its sword too close to me, while I would hit it. Though only a twelfth to fifteenth of my attack would hit its body, while the rest would be defended.

Thankfully, life is emptying just as earlier.


I hit it the eleventh time, and the construct froze in its place.


The voice congratulated me, while the construct turned into a stream of energy and entered inside me. Healing all the injuries and dissolving the bronze energy that I had sealed in the net.

Within seconds, I was as good as new.

The invisible dome covering the ring vanished, and I was able to walk out and I did just that.


I appeared in front of the box, which is the size of a hand, but it is not the only thing in there.

There was also a scroll behind it, which I hadn't seen before.

The scroll had 'Information' written on it in the bold letter. Seeing it was not part of the prize, I had taken the scroll in my hand and opened it.

There was information, and it surprised me.

There are going to be seven challenges, which is a kind of surprising. As I thought, there would be twelve. 

Seeing the twelve ways, I have been seeing everywhere.

There is also an exit at every three challenges. 

This means the next exit at the sixth challenge. It is also mentioned here that challenges would become considerably dangerous, and the first sixth was just the basic.

The real things are ahead.

It didn't use the language I am using, but the meaning is the same. 

The name of this challenge was strength, and the next one is courage. I couldn't help but feel excited about it.

The scroll had a warning, but I am not leaving. I hope, the prizes will be worth it.


I put the scroll down and turned to the box before opening it.

The moment I saw the thing inside, my face lit up like a sun. It is a thing; I needed and would be tremendously useful to me.

"I am definitely not leaving," I said, seeing it.