Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty-Chapter 241 - Was He A Friend?

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Ye Jie's thoughts took a complete 180 degree turn when he noticed that Xu Mey was brooding all by herself after the call disconnected. He didn't like that look of sadness on her face.

Seeing her feeling sad, Ye Jie got angry.

He immediately walked up to his study and dialed a number without any hesitation. Before anyone could speak up from the other end, Ye Jie roared, "What the hell were you thinking?"

"Well, hello to you too, Mr. Ye Jie!" Ru's calm voice came from the other side making him more furious.

"Cut the cr*p! Why did you say all that to Xu Mey? Her revenge is not wrong. SHE IS NOT WRONG!" Ye Jie exclaimed as he wasn't gonna beat around the bush.

There was a silence for a moment before Ye Jie heard Ru's voice again. "Did I say her revenge is wrong? I certainly didn't. The only thing I reminded her of is that she's letting her hate rule her. Yes, I believe I should sugar-coat my words but my apologies for that since I wasn't taught how to say things nicely."

Ye Jie raked his fingers through his still damp hair in exasperation. "Ru'er, you didn't need to say anything to her. You are the last person who should judge someone like this."

"Judge? I never judged her. As you just said, I have no right to do so. After all, only humans have the right to judge. Demons like me don't have that kind of luxury. I just wanted to remind her that at least now of all times, she should set her priorities straight." Her voice was still calm as if talking about the weather. Ye Jie hated her calmness.

Ye Jie scoffed. "Why is that your pain is a pain but others are not? Why is it that always you are right and no-one else is? Your revenge is justified but others are not? Yes, I know you helped her and me. But so what? As a friend that was your responsibility."

"My pain? But I never even said anything about my pain. I can't remember coming to you to cry about my pain. As for revenge, I'm certainly not living for that either even when that's the only reason I have. As for helping you or her, I didn't ask for anything in return. I knew I had no right to." She took a pause before Ye Jie heard her voice again. "Anyways, I still think I was wrong. I'm really sorry. I'll apologize to your wife as well." With that, she hung up before giving any chance to Ye Jie.

He was coming out of the study when his eyes caught sight of Xu Mey sitting in the living room and suddenly the tranquility of the living room was broken by her cell phone's ringtone. Xu Mey picked up the call and heard, "This lord is remorseful for saying such harsh words to you. I apologize for letting my personal prejudice spoil your mood like this. This lord was in a bad mood and he took it out on you. It won't happen again. I've done what you asked for. You can see the live news tomorrow for the good news. And again, this lord is extremely apologetic for the earlier behavior."

Xu Mey was dumbfoundedly listening and she didn't even realize that the call had been disconnected. 'Did sensei just apologized? To me? What happened to him?' Xu Mey was thinking to herself when Ye Jie received a text message.

It read:

"I have apologized to your wife. She'll certainly be in a good mood now. Anyways, I have a question for you Mr. Ye Jie. Five years ago, when I punished a man for a gang r-a-p-e case, you stood before me to remind me that that's not how the law works. Today, you said your wife is not wrong at all. I wonder how the rules are so different when it comes to her and me?"

Ye Jie's eyes widened as the memory of that certain case came to his mind. Ru's been working with the law enforcement department at that time and the case was of a girl who was in a coma after she survived from a gang r-a-p-e. At that time, he remembered how Ru chose to strip one of the men naked and hung him outside with the pole in harsh cold weather. He was almost frozen to death when she let anyone take him to the hospital and Ye Jie had an argument with her that she was wrong in doing so.

He never thought at that time that one day, he would call Xu Mey's way of dealing with stuff as right. In other words, Ru was right. For him, Xu Mey killing someone can be justified but if the same thing will be done by Ru then he would end up saying that it's her nature.

With this kind of prejudice, was he even allowed to call himself as Ru's best friend?